Nurse, Nurse, Spirit, Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Spirit, Spirit, Nurse

Is this how it always is for pc players? Boring! The only downside for crossplay is ps4 killers had a lot more variety
Hi welcome to torture, this is why I main killer lol.
It only gets worse. I suggest never letting Iron Will leave your build again
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Im on xbox and same thing sweaty pc players and almost every time someone juat dies first hook.
Is that how pc players play? Get caught once and then new game unless you kobe?
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welcome to PC lol
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Seriously lol. I've had DCs or suicides in close to half my games.
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I'm surprised I don't see more Huntresses on that list.
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I have been playing on PC for years and I honestly rarely vs Spirit/Billy/Nurse. Tbh maybe it's just the server area you normally play on, because on the west coast (USA) I actually get a pretty large variety of killers.
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East coast here. Maybe that's it
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not a one so far!
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At high ranks, yes. There's a reason why they're considered the most viable.
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Well if you play Wraith, Clown, or Demogorgon you lose horribly and get bullied and insulted ::shrugs::
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For real its pretty bad.
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Huntress is an overrated loser.
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I haven't seen a Nurse in a month or two.
Are you really? Just curious, REALLY?
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Pc players facing more nurses is a wet dream basically, console players vs more nurses is just a nightmare because they aren't used to people being good with them
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Everyone is now opened up to at least 3 other platforms. But everyone you've come across is PC somehow. What? The game doesn't tell you which platform someone is on, just that they're on a different platform. Anyway, Nurses on PC are generally pretty rare. Nurse is best on PC but being extremely good with Nurse takes a lot of practice and dealing with all the frustrations of spending large amounts of each game staring at the floor.
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Those are Xbox or PS4 players... my 1st crossplay match as a PC player, all 3 survivors just tried to take hits for the 1st person found.. all 3 got downed, I ran the killer saved them all and then they all proceeded to hide the rest of the match whenever someone got found; letting them die on first hook.
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I'm PC. Pretty much every survivor tonight with a cross-platform icon next to their name tried to 360 me in the matches. I guess that works against console killers? Resulted in a lot of free hits for me.
Other than that, had fun matches. Won some and lost some.
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Nurse is kinda rare, even on PC.
Spirit is common tho.
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You should feel lucky if you face that many nurse.
I haven't seen a single nurse that's decent after her nerf... (Mostly new players, if I did encounter one)
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This will get much worse over time. What Killers do you think will be played the most in high MMR matches? Prepare to face those Killers 24/7.
It's a common problem with skill based matchmaking, in high skill you will face the same opponents playing the same characters and builds all the time. You're top 1% of the playerbase so now you're stuck with the same 50 players in your area for the rest of your playtime. Have fun!
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Lost every cross platform match and alot them were leatherface
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I know right?? Lol. When they see something they don’t like they instantly point fingers towards PC players. It’s pathetic.
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Crossplay is fun when survivors don't kill themselves on hook and dc. Had a game where 2 people d/c and me and this other player had a 2v1 with the killer. I don't mind it but getting it constantly is really annoying
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Are you playing at rank 1?
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It´s gotten bad. Many people consider 15+/20 Killers unequipped to deal with skilled survivors. Unfortunately, there´s some truth to that.
I used to be a billy main back in the day but that´s long over. I understand why people pick the stronger killers, though.
They might enjoy them, or at least enjoy their power level. I play mainly low tier Killers and it´s a hell of a lot more work for much less reward often.
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Spirits are frequent on higher ranks but Nurses and Billies? I rarely see them and instead see a ton of Huntresses and recently Bubbas.
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On ps4 the only variety that I used to see was spirit, billy and freddy, never the rest.
Consider yourself lucky if you are playing with nurses they are a rare sight now.
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Welcome to the consequences of survivors constantly asking for killer nerfs:
The killer variety disappears!
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Welcome to PC.
Also this. There's a lot of killers who're not worth using in the higher ranks on PC unless you're determined or a masochist, so variety disappears.