Option To Have Crossplay for Just Consoles
Before pc players say "just deal with it" or whatever, heres why console and pc together are unfair and a disadvantage.
Pc get alot better fps, there controls are 200x times better on computer, killer in general is easier to play, the game on pc is smoother, pc can lower there graphics and see the red stain threw walls and just in general thr game is easier to play on pc.
until we get an option to just play with just other consoles and no pc, crossplay stays off.
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I can’t agree more with you.
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Okay, bye.
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I’m just trying to have fun with it until enough is enough.
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Funny. People have been saying that this was to happen if crossplay came but noone cared. Lots of people where begging the devs for crossplay to be integrated.
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Console survivors far better than pc survivors and also survivor is definitely same for every platform. Even that playing survivor with pad better than mouse keyboard
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For me crossplay it's the best thing that has happened to DBD in a long time.
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Ikr, yet we have these morons that can easily turn off cross play if they don't like it with a click of a button
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It's the devs' fault that the game is not running with 60 fps on console. We don't even have constant 25 fps.
Other games with way more demanding graphics & gameplay show what the console hardware is capable of.
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the problem is now it takes 72x longer to find a match on your on console because everyone turns crossplay on
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Yeah it gets interesting just playing on crossplay mode. I love the variety of players which is cool.
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Well I'm sorry you're frustrated, disabling can help ease that emotion if your experience is that bad. However, it would result in longer queue times because I imagine most console players are happy cross play is a thing and they're able to play with their friends. Remember the most appealing thing about cross play is the ability to play with your friends across all platforms, that alone is enough to deal with PC killers. I imagine most players disabling cross play don't have friends that don't play dbd so it is understandable.
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Uh nope
I disabled CP on my PS4 and i find games pretty quickly
We are a lot, more than you can imagine. Theres plenty people that dont want PC players with them thats simple :)
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Lol ok 😄
The only thing easier with gamepad is doing 360, everything else is slower...
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welp i've been playing against console players for most of my killer games yesterday and i can tell you they were better than the one on PC, the 360° were pretty unfair as i don't have the same control of my character... So as killer i'll definitly disable the option ahah
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Can someone explain to me why these complainers don't just.... Turn the cross play off? It's literally a button. Why not just... Push it instead of writing up a useless post on a forum?
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The only reason us "morons" dont turn it off is because we dont want 30 minute wait queues to play the damn game
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Yes and us morons also wanted to play Xbox and PS4 together. Not a PC that has a million advantages over us.
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Be hold the every moment console players retract all their $hit talking saying PC sucks now beg the gods (BVHR) to only allow console crossplay lmaooooo
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I don't think its fair to exclude PC players because of input type and lower FPS. If you want to exclude yourself, you should do so on your own platform.
I was playing killer on PC at red ranks last night and got absolutely devastated by a couple of red rank swf console groups so I don't think balance is a problem.
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Rb6 siege runs smooth as butter on PS4...... has absolutely nothing to do with how terrible the optimization is from dbd on console.
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Or add function play only with console lol
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lol funny, there are threads that also state
"PC players aren't that good."
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maybe they not good but have a lot more advantage. Especially killers
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lol good bait
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Yeah, since everyone on PC can afford a groundbreakingly powerful machine.
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Input type doesn't matter. Console has been just fine with aiming using controllers. Console Huntress never had a problem with landing hatchets since the thing is like a brick anyways.
Framerate is a different matter though. It affects synchronization. That's what everyone should be worried about.
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so just opt out of crossplay or buy a pc, its optional for a reason
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Didn't they patch the Red Stain Low Graphics thing?
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Had 2 games where PC huntresses have 5 gen win, i managed to get last man exit gate, but we've been destroyed twice by level 20's 😅
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Yea they did.
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Then just opt out.
Jesus Christ, I've been having a blast and I've been playing WITH my console friends as a PC survivor.
Don't like it, opt out. It's lessen queue times as well.
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*Laughs in 9fps for 2 years*
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I turned off crossplay on my ps4 and I'm only waiting a minute or two for survivor or killer. I also have yet to play with/against same people and my lobbies aren't rainbow ranks so there's obviously a decent number with it turned off.
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Jesus Christ. Look, some arguments are valid (MMR). Your crossplay argument is not. If you don’t want to play with PC players, turn it off. It’s not rocket science
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I would say they need to buff the Console System Collaboration; it's so ######### on Console, it's not the PC players' fault that it's far more optimized for PC
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Consoles have auto aim correction bots to compensate
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Just when we trought we got free with the plentyful "MMR related" threads, now we have Crossplay ones. jeez.
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Every new topic is better than the last.
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I would just like to point out, if you turn cross play off you don't play with people only on your platform, you play with people only from your platform who have ALSO turned off cross play, so you have a much much smaller pool of players to play with, just keep that in mind.
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Console hardware is literally out of date before it even releases.
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It's not even close to optimized on PC. I run a 2080ti and I get framedrops. The only reason I don't dip below 60 is because the card literally bruteforces it.
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Cross-platform was a great idea for when you wanna play with your friends but its so annoying to run into a pc player on console. They have the biggest advantages in the world I can't even keep rank 1 because everytime i get there I get a pc player as my next killer and get completely demolished. I hate it. I'm all for crossplay but pc shouldn't get to have cross-platform. They have all the advantages against console gamers. Cross-platform should only be for Xbox, playstation and switch. Until that happens me and my friends are done playing dbd.
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Killers being stronger with M/KB is irrelevant to your skill as survivor, since this is an asymmetrical game. You have near the same potential as your fellow PC survivors to loop and do generators, but you have to actually learn how to be efficient now instead of getting free 360s.
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Another person being overly dramatic. As a Console players my games have been just fine. lol
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This. Rotating your stick isn't going to work on all killers anymore.
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Consolerswould give a kidney for 60. Try 30 to less than 10 frames depending...
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I've got 1500 (just over, actually) hours on PS4. 30FPS isn't that hard to deal with when you use a controller.
Even more, the 2080ti is about 30x more powerful than what is in the console you're playing on; and very little of that is exaggeration.
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I would like an option to cross play with consoles only, 60 FPS vs 30 is dumb.
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The more I see this, the more I see an excuse for "Oh man, PC killers can't be 360'd as much as controller killers! unfair!"
Adapt. As someone with over 1500 hours on PS4 and 3500 on PC, I think you're just making an excuse for your losses.