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Feedback and Suggestions

Option To Have Crossplay for Just Consoles



  • Member Posts: 128

    Pc op and no one want adapt for these. First of all Devs needed optimaze console and then unleash crossplay. Which point in unfair matches?

  • Member Posts: 2

    I agree.... I turned it off when Im survior because no way to survive PC too much of an advantage.

    Same thing happen with Fortnite and thats why population dropping.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I've been seeing posts on ps4 dbd groups saying that pc got nothing on them.

    I agree that consoles need a big optimization fix, if console could at least run 30 STEADY fps it could be a good experience but the massive drops is the reason why I changed to pc.

  • Member Posts: 337

    People are making me spit out perfectly good tea lately! LMAO

    Oh the sarcasm of this is real. LOL Love it.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Personally I see it as a way to assert myself as dominant over pc players. I personally don't have many frame rate drops, my problem is grabs not registering. Still, if pc players think they got a thing on me, I'm down to swindle them out of their socks.

  • Member Posts: 1

    First of all I don't have hate against one platform or another.

    I find there should be 2 checkboxes for crossplay. One box to be matched with pc. And one to be matched with consoles.

    PC - 1 pc only. 2 console.

    Console - 1 console only. 2 pc

    If none of the 2 are checked one can only play against the same platform

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2020

    Yeah well the console community has been neglected for a solid 2 years now so I don't think you have much to worry about.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2020

    The problem is that, like usual, the majority of the console community suffers regardless of the choice they make. You disable CP because PC players have a clear advantage over you? Well too bad now you have long queues. You play against them, the odds are going to be stacked against you nearly every game you play.

    Until something is changed and both platforms are on even footing , there should be some sort of middle ground for console players.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    What's your point? I'd rather they be included and get the updates they need, this is different, PC players have no choice in whether console players get the updates they need, but these posts are solely trying to exclude PC players by choice, big difference.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Yes, because the console community sure have gotten the updates they need to make the experience even somewhat smooth.

    Until both parties have a somewhat similar gameplay experience that doesn't put one at a distinct disadvantage, there should be some sort of middle ground. There would still be people that used regular CP, so PC would still have some form of increased playerbase and at the same time console would benefit from fair matches until changes were made to even the playing field.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    never understand this i play this game on ps4 and steam guess what on both i use controller even with killer on pc i do fine,never been big on M&KB anyways.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Is anybody else finding that Crossplay can't be disable on PS4?

  • Member Posts: 174

    I play killer 90% of the time, don't you think that a killer with 20fps playing against survivors with 60 (or even more) fps is unfair? I'm disabling crossplay sadly, I just don't think it's fair at all

  • Member Posts: 9

    I play on PS4 and i have some concerns about PC players, ultimately i must play against them for myself to draw my own conclusion but i am curious about all this, now i know that the way the world works doesn't 😑 so I'm gonna humbly ask for something extremely heretical here, evidence. My concern is that i see all the things console players are complaining about (ex. cheating, keyboard & mouse, fps, optimization, etc) now some PC players have addressed the cheating aspect but for the most part when a console player complains about the other issues, PC players respond with something like 'stop complaining' or 'just opt out.' That is hardly making a good case. I personally would like to understand what PC players are saying exactly. Can any PC player please be kind enough to explain why console players are wrong here? i'm asking definitively and unbiasedly, is your PC optimized in any way (like the examples listed earlier) to give you an advantage in dbd? I am interested in hearing about all this as i am not a PC player and at the same time you'd be proving you're point definitively. Anyway, happy hunting

  • Member Posts: 400

    In the 1000 hours I have played on pc I have had 2 games that I know were cheats. There just arent that many dude. "mods" on pc? You cant modify the game to get a huge advantage thats also bannable.

    As people say turn it off if you dont like crossplay. Making "exclusive" crossplay an option is only gonna make you feel better, because I bet it will "bug" out and give you a ton of pc games still without you knowing it. In other words its most likely only gonna be asthetic and you will never know if it works as it should.

    30 fps vs 60 fps. One feels a lot better but it doesnt play better. The "advantage" at best is very small.

    Keyboard and mouse v controls. This one I get. But only for killers. Survivors is usually played as well if not better on a controller.

    Spatial + stretched advantages. This can give an advantage but I would again argue its really small (at least with spatial, I dont get much if anything out of it). Stretched I have no idea how many people do this. I would argue few but have no idea.

    As for optimization im assuming frame drops, lagging and the like. Yeah that one is a bummer and while it happens on pc its clearly not to the extent some people are claiming its happening on consoles (no one is making threads for pc). I would hope the graphical update includes optimization. But considering the devs dont tell us anything besides "we are aware and working on it" then I wouldnt hold my breath.

  • Member Posts: 67

    The handy dandy report button that does practically nothing?

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Exactly this! If there are people that also want to be match made with and against PC, they should be able to opt into that. I do agree with console only cross-play.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Yeah. My swf opted out and it took twice as long to find a lobby and we were getting dodged way more than usual. Takes longer soloing but more tolerable. Just switching crossplay off really isnt the answer. As soon as we went back to crossplay we started getting baby console players and utterly destroying them. Is that what yall console players want?

    Remove crossplay between console and pc. It's awful and clearly wasnt meant to be. Most pc killers will surely choose crossplay for the sheer fact they can play baby console survivors which means even more dodging.

  • Member Posts: 321

    I also have 5k hours. Rarely EVER see cheaters anymore.

  • Member Posts: 253

    FPS issues on consoles are my biggest gripe to be honest. Killer feels horrendous since patch 4.10 - the devs have acknowledge this after a 9 page post.

    Enjoying the crossplay survivor experience so far.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I played about 10 crossplay matches today on PS4 today and the amount of lag was outrageous. After 3 matches on killer it became evident that the game was dropping too many frames for me to continue playing as killer so I swapped over to survivor. The frame drops and lag wasn't too bad as a survivor but I definitely noticed that I couldn't hide as p3 claudette against PC players (I'm guessing its cause their brightness is higher or because they're closer to their screens so they can see better). In my 7 games as survivor, my group averaged 2-3 gens before total team wipe when usually 2-3 of us escape each game. Though that not have anything to do with crossplay, I do think it's still a notable difference in play.

  • Member Posts: 2

    They aren't saying we shouldn't have crossplay with PC at all, they would just like the ability to toggle playing with PC players in addition to toggling crossplay. It's understandable that some people have friends on PC that they would like to play with, but forcing everyone to play against the vastly superior optimization available to PC players feels kind of s***ty. I personally have a couple friends I want to play with on PC, but unless I'm actively grouping with them I'd like to be able to stick with other consoles so that the playing field is more even.

  • Member Posts: 348

    It's because PC killers are picking up the slack for your lack of console players lol.

  • Member Posts: 170

    I have 4k hours in this game and I have never seen a cheater. You console players need to quit this fantasy that there are cheaters everywhere. It's just not true at all. Please stop spreading false information.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Cross-play has been very detrimental to the game thus far. I've had disconnects/afk's in every single game I've played since having it added. Most of the time it happens to people after getting hooked once or they'll just be in the game AFK from the start.

  • Member Posts: 400

    Yeah thats fair I saw that ######### and hoping that the devs do something. But I honestly wouldn't expect anything before the graphical update. And then hoping that optimization comes with the new graphical update. But we will see.

  • Member Posts: 63

    I play on PS4 switch and PC and I can hold myself well. I don't have nothing to add other than just adapt.

  • Member Posts: 33

    What? I have seen practically no console players complaining about cross play against PC players. I play on Xbox and cross play is a God send. I do wish they'd optimize the game better for consoles tbh, but that another issue entirely

  • Member Posts: 51

    If it's that simple why are there so many threads complaining about not wanting to play with pc players? xD I think our concept of simplicity are different. I just don't get the amount of complaints for a feature that can literally be turned off. And if your argument of finding games when opting out is true, doesn't it make complaining kind of redundant?

  • Member Posts: 68

    Just let us chat with the PC players. A chat box would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    The only side that has a disadvantage are killers limited by their controls survivor plays the same on pc and console

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