So excited about new update's bugs!

I can't wait to see how much of new bugs our super-intelligent devs prepared for us!
I got an idea. How about creating a place near to a hill that players can stuck and not give a ######### of it?
How about people are gettin pissed because devs are acting like amateurs?
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At least billy got his addons buffed, we can't have it all.
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CRIIIIINGE. I don't get why people think insulting the devs like this is an acceptable thing to do.
You can usually wiggle out of the hill glitch. Are you screwed by the killer most of the time before you can get out if you got stuck in a chase? Yes, but 3 out of 3 times that my friends got caught in the hill, they were able to wiggle out before the killer even came over and they were fine. And once you get stuck in the hill, you know what spot to avoid for every single game afterwards. I haven't gotten stuck in it because I've seen my friends get stuck and it's not difficult to avoid in the meantime.
The glitch is ANNOYING AS HELL but they're obviously working on a fix for it so there is no point being rude and spreading negativity like this :/
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I think that BHVR released this game as a relatively small studio and have had a lot of success with it and have been growing since.
A wise man once said "We've done a pretty good job, so far." and I think I would agree considering how big of a project making video games is.
Frankly, though, bugs are inevitable - especially since they've migrated to Unreal Engine which is coded with C++ and requires manual memory management which isn't easy. Basically, lots of opportunities for optimizations, but also bugs.
Lots ofInterpreted languages like python have memory management built in, so it's easier to code in, but provides you with far less options to optimize with. Although, no matter what you're coding in, you're going to have bugs.2 -
Also I think that DBD was coded in a completely different language than C++ which means transferring it to Unreal broke a lot of things lol, and I remember a developer once stating that the original game was mostly comprised of blocks of code, linked by if statements, whilst more recent developments have needed much more complex coding that the base game wasn't prepared for.
For what they've done, I'm pretty impressed, no matter how much ######### I give the dev team.
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lol, blocks of code linked by if statements sounds messy, but ambitious. "make it work!" amirite? But then again, to be fair, all code is just a bunch of if else statements :D But yeah, I'll take whatever they got, because there really aren't any other games I enjoy playing lately but this.
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I think you are correct xo. Not surprised by that correctness either.
They are using, by the looks of things, multi-script languages. Unity C (C#, C-sharp) is a large part of it and that's object-oriented scripting languages. Which makes sense. At least that's my impression based on how things react, the bugs, and the other tell-tale signs. I could be wrong - but it does appear that way. (A lot of games are coded this way too.) Python is being used too - I assume.
If what I think is true - then it is kind of impressive. It also means that they needs a serious code breaker in house to go through it and make some proper adjustments as it's functioning like it was patched together with elmer's glue.
Post edited by MaybeShesCrazy on0 -
There's a game in this bug?
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the game is call bug by daylight ofc there will be bug its in the title
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i think its fine to insult the devs cause tbh they do such a ######### job at this point im surprised the whole dev team or most of them havent been fired
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All depends on the structure of the company and if there is a board / shareholders etc etc.
If they are completely independent without anyone overseeing it by way of outside operations - no one's getting fired.
Hmm looking into the structure of the company might help s to understand the madness. Hmm.
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i just think they do a awful job and should be fired for it
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i'm a bit worried that the introduction of entirely new graphics gonna bring a whooole of different kinds of bugs too. fingers crossed
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Hm, so maybe I'm not being so paranoid for suspecting a Survivor deliberately getting me stuck into the corner of the hill (albeit momentarily) after they bodyblocked me into that corner and I had to hit them away.