Recommended changes to Decisive strike and an idea for a new survivor perk.

rednightmare Member Posts: 19
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I propose a significant change to decisive strike. If this perk was designed to to prevent people from getting tunneled then it needs to be so broken that it actually prevents killers from tunneling people. I propose that Decisive strike should always be available for at least 60 seconds regardless of what level, however the stun time is what changes. 5 seconds is no where near enough time. 6 seconds at level one, 7 seconds at level 2, 8 seconds at level three. In addition instead of a one time use, every time you are freed from the hook it activates.

Now a proposal for a new perk if you have any plans for introducing new survivors. Weightlifter. a perk that increases stun times by X%. I say 50% at level three. If someone were the use both recommended perks at level three that could equal 12 seconds of stun time. One that gives the survivor time to actually create space, and two it severally punishes killers who cant seem to out grow tunneling people. When you get faced with a possible 2 12 second stuns, just the threat of it will prevent most killers from tunneling people.


    FGC_HELP Member Posts: 114

    Yeah this doesn't seem very killer friendly, it's actually saying survivors should be dramatically buffed beyond belief which I can't imagine why because survivors are already overpowered in their own respect.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    The idea was so atrocious, it brought me back to reply to the forum when I took a break from it due to so much toxicity. This had me laughing. I hope it's a joke post lol.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Sounds like an entitled survivor main. Maybe you should get friends to play with so they can rotate and body block for you. If you do have friends then they need to learn to play. Your change will only effect new killers. Experienced ones will still just slug you and move on. Only way I could see this being acceptable is if you have 30 seconds instead of 60 and your skill check is the size of a gens great skill check.

  • rednightmare
    rednightmare Member Posts: 19

    This is not a joke post. but this is born out of frustration as I am seeing even red ranks do tunnel more frequently than some people realize. I'm slightly okay with being slugged after an unhook. At least I'm somewhat givin a chance to crawl away and get picked up by a teammate. In addition I am using two perk slots. If someone doesn't tunnel you well then I just wasted a perk on D strike I think it is a little more fair than you realize. Also I want to stress, this is to prevent a style of play that many in the community (from what I can tell) don't like playing against. As I said in my post if you are going to create or use perks to punish a style of unwanted play, then it needs to actually deter people from playing that way. I am even ok with D strike being inactive during the end game collapse.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    What the hell boi

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    Ah yes, let's let killers get 12-second stunned by a 59-second DS after hooking two other people. So because the killer played well, you'd punish them even more.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    If someone doesn't tunnel you well then I just wasted a perk on D strike I think it is a little more fair than you realize.

    You don't know how many times (after hooking someone else) i still got dsed. Because i "tunnelled them"

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    If ds is An anti tunnel perk then it should deactivate when touching a gen.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    5 seconds is a long time. If you were to just run in a straight line you would gain 20 meters on the Killer. Most Killers move at 115% or 4,6 Meters, meaning they gain 0,6 Meters per second on you. So to make up for the 20 meters of distance you gained the Killer would have to chase you for an additional 33 seconds.

    While he does that, 3x33(99) seconds of the required 400 seconds of gen time are getting completed if no other speed enhancing gen mechanics are involved. See how strong 5 seconds of stun are? I don´t think new stun mechanics or buffing them is a good idea given the current pace of matches.

  • rednightmare
    rednightmare Member Posts: 19

    Your math must be way off as today I performed a D strike on a killer immediately vaulted a window with lithe and the killer still caught up to me well within your mathematical 33 seconds and that was with me running in about as straight of a line as I could. solely to create distance. Again perks are used as a deterent to prevent tunnelers which most can agree is a bad type of killer, then it needs to be something killers truly fear to play against. Also this build uses two perk slots.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    No, unless you ran really poorly or the killer had some movement enhancing ability. My point holds true, check the stats to verify if you like.

  • rednightmare
    rednightmare Member Posts: 19

    I ran in a straight line or about as straight as I could purely to create distance. still got ran down. Again I firmly believe the threat of a 12 second stun time that requires me to use two perk slots will put an end to tunneling.

    Mind you I am both a red rank killer and survivor. I may not have 2000+ hours in the game but i have enough to know ow to play it somewhat decently.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Now this is funny! You act like that stops a tunneling killer. Some Killers for whatever reason are Relentless in their tunneling. They will stop at nothing until they've successfully tunnel someone off the hook.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I´m sorry if I offended you. But there is no denying stats and numbers.If u still got ran down, well, that´s the game.

  • rednightmare
    rednightmare Member Posts: 19

    You didn't offend me man, there is nothing in your comments that are offensive. My thing is that tunneling is an issue even at the red ranks (albeit not as extreme as say the white ranks). So if killers wish to play that way then getting hit with a hard stun should deter that. Is my example extreme? Sure I wont argue that. But good killers who don't tunnel won't have to worry about such an extreme hit, and I have just wasted possibly two perks which makes up half of my perk slots as a survivor.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Yeah I get it, it sucks being on the recieving end of a tunneler. Under certain circumstances I think it can be justified though. To give an example, if I play Killer and have only 2 gens left but all 4 Survivors are still alive I have to take someone out asap to have a chance of a decent endgame situation.

  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 277
    edited August 2020


    I Get what your trying to say, but 12 seconds!? Are you mad?! DS already sabotages matches sometimes and if it lasts for longer it will give survivors A MASSIVE amount of free time, also, why does the perk have to be BROKEN why not just good? That’s like saying you should buff already good/strong perks, also, this is would not be fun for new players. JUST GET AN SWF AND HAVE THEM ALL USE BORROWED TIME, GG EZ! Now I’m not a tunneler, but I do tunnel late game if I got No/1 kills, why would I let my prey escape?

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Nothing will stop a killer from tunneling if they really want to. Not even these suggested ds changes. What I suggested, if done well enough, makes the attempted tunnel just not worth the time wasted. These ds changes won't do anything agaisnt a killer who knows to slug after they hook. This will only effect greedy tunneling below average players but will still be used in an attempt to bully killers in general. It will make the less experienced killer base just leave the game entirely. Especially with how mmr is right now. Can you imagine a baby killer running into 3 or 4 ds with this kind of power against rank 1 and 2 swf groups? They would just bully the killer all match long. There are plenty of perks and team work strats to help dissuade tunneling. Y'all should learn them instead of wanting a mega buff on ds.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    And the DS threads are back.


  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I think Scott Jund almost nailed it. His idea was DS last for 30 seconds after being unhooked. If you are in a chase then the timer does not go down, it could last all game as long as you are always in a chase. If you touch a gen, get in a locker, touch a totem, heal a teammate or any action like that at all, DS deactivates. However, since this would make DS an anti tunneling perk only, I think a longer stun time or even better, a speed boost for the survivor during that stun time, would make DS better. This way the perk can't be used offensively. It only works if that survivor is being genuinely tunneled otherwise it will have deactivated, and it gives the survivor the time and/or speed to get away. Mix this with quick and quiet or dance with me or a similar perk and the survivor is saved from the tunnel with no way for the perk to be abused. If anyone can find a flaw in this, let me know cus I would like to see it. This seems like the perfect way for DS to work.

  • my_hat_stinks
    my_hat_stinks Member Posts: 24

    Almost as if it's a blatantly obvious issue to a large portion of the player base.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    lmao no wow no

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Yeah, except all the killer has to do is look DOWN and it'll cut the chase or moonwalk to the survivor for 30 seconds down the survivor and you get your free tunnel.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    You can have a 1 min stun on it for all I care and with infinite timer. As long as they fix the abusable nature of ds first.

    Just got unhooked? Time to jump in a locker, killer has 0 counter play to that.

    Just got unhooked? Go to unhook someone else, very little counterplay there.

    Just got unhooked? Well time to do gens in the killers face.

    Just got unhooked and the gates are open? Free escape.

    Just got unhooked? Who the hell cares about the killer im gonna do what I want for 1 min.

    When you get unhooked you shouldnt feel magically immortal for 60 seconds. If you decide to participate in normal gameplay after getting unhooked then congratulations, you are not getting tunneled.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I don´t have that much of an issue with DS with the exception of late-game use. When the gates are powered and a survivor who has DS manages to get unhooked it´s an almost guaranteed escape just because they have DC equipped. It´s infuriation hving t watch them crawl out, knowing there is nothing the Killer can do.

    It seems many people have issues with DS in general though but I´d only support changes that adress this super abusable guaranteed escape.