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What's the actual, raw skill counter-play for Michael Myers' Evil Within 3? (Michael Myers OP af)



  • Member Posts: 832

    Run your ass off for 60 seconds. Also, Just because Myers has a good 1v1 doesn’t mean he needs a nerf

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Just pray you find a strong loop. If he has bamboozle then you're probably screwed. I've run into a lot of Myers lately running that.

  • Member Posts: 640

    No matter tier he is in he's still an m1 killer. The only difference in tier 3 is that he vaults faster and that you are exposed. His movement speed is still 115%, looping and pallets are still effective against him.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I don't think that Myers can be labeled OP when his stalking is basically useless in both indoor and corn maps. Yes, he has strong add-ons but I don't think that any set-up killer can truly be OP.

    Myers, like other set-up killers, is high-risk high-reward. If you take the time to execute your build, you should be able to get that time back by getting people downed in quick succession, at least that's what a balanced game would do.

    Unfortunately these days, solo queue is a 1v1v3 game more often than it's not, regardless of the killer.

  • Member Posts: 444

    Tbf... Tombstone makes you slow as #########.. Rember that aplies to t1 speed as well... (enjoy being nurse speed) til you get out t1... And then your stalk requirement if you are too effectively use it with tuft is like 3 ppl

    Honestly if myers run that 99% of the time they probably depipping its a gaurennteed depip.

    That or achievement.

  • Member Posts: 629

    Totally fair & balanced, especially with 2 add ons that can delete healthy survivors from the game.

    ”Don’t feed him” It’s not possible. You can only delay it. If he runs PWYF with Judith’s Tombstone it’s pretty much GG unless you manage to genrush him.

    Tombstone piece & Judiths Tombstone might be ######### add ons, but it doesn’t defend them from being the broken add ons that they are.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    And yet, despite all the wailing and complaining, Myers has not run away with the game. Does he have some cool stuff? Sure. Are there people out there that run him well? I would think so, but I rarely run against him as a Survivor too. Why? He is hard as hell to get proficient with. Why don't you try playing him for awhile before you pass judgement. Myers is the only killer I've really been playing now for two cycles and I've YET to get under Rank 11. The best advice I can give to any Chicken Little, and that means you types claiming the sky is always falling, is to play the Killers you moan about yourselves. Prove us wrong. Run away with the game and demonstrate to the DEV how broken they are in fact. If you manage to do that it will have far more effect that the winging and whining. What I think you will find out is that old Mikey isn't OP at all. You get a very different perspective when you have test-driven all the cars.

  • Member Posts: 932

    I agree. I think Judith's + Tuft is a tad underpowered if anything. IMHO the only real "Problem" addon is Tombstone Piece because the smaller stalk requirement and lack of a movement speed penalty make it way better than Judith's.

    I was just bringing it up because it seems weird for people to complain about Myers EW3 base-line. Usually almost all of the Myers complaints I see are people upset they got tombstoned even though IMHO Tombstone Myers are very rare.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    True. I never use the worthless full Tombstone. They made it impossible. However, I do use the Tombstone Piece and I think the Myers flavor is tied to the fact that he MIGHT have it and MIGHT be able to Mori you without an offering. It is important that he have that Add-On potential because he is always a slow build up. With the current Gen-Rush Meta, it is the only way he can push people off the generators, i.e. the fear he might just snuff them. I don't think the Tombstone Piece needs to be removed, but I do think the Myers add-on set needs a tweak. I think the following should happen.

    1. Tombstone Piece acts as a Memento Mori, i.e. you can Mori anyone you have hooked once as long as you are currently in Tier-3. There is no need for it to blast you out of Tier-3 anymore. Basically, this maintains the fact that you can get surprised by Myers as his Offering gives nothing away. He MIGHT have the ability.
    2. The full Tombstone needs to NOT slow Myers down near as much, nor have quite so heavy a Stalk load. It should be substantial but not so much that nobody uses it. Have it work the same otherwise.

    Basically, anyone facing Myers should always be worried about the Mori, even if he doesn't have it. That helps him push people off generators and helps offset his really SLOW build up. Currently I always take Mori (even if I rarely use it) simply to get that effect.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Myers hasn't run away with the game, because Spirit already has and Spirit, with all her dumb add-ons overshadows Michael by a mile.

  • Member Posts: 417
    edited August 2020

    Slow buildup? Guy can get his Evil from 3 different survivors, chase the fourth one and if he runs out just spam all the survivors doing the gens. Infinite Evil Within 3 all the way, with a weird speed-boost thing (people tell me he doesn't speed up when he pops Evil Within 3, but he does. Oh he does.

    Myers should be NERFED, not buffed. Killers should take skill to stand around and look at people, however that skill is tested. Skill checks I feel like would be cool for Myers' thing, and that in a close chase he simply cannot build Evil.

    Ridiculous character!

    Update: EVERY single Myers runs the stupid Play With your Food, and at least a good 75% run Judith's Tombstone as well. Ridiculous. Tokens run out when you miss with PWYF but HOW will you miss ever!!?!?

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Spoken by someone who doesn't have the faintest idea what he is talking about. But that is par for the course here eh?

    1. Getting to Tier-3 isn't automatic. While anyone competent will get there before the end of the game, it doesn't mean you will get there in time to make it matter during the game. The only time Michael Myers has Tier-3 before mid to late game is when he faces incompetent Survivors. Those that know what they are doing simply don't stand there or squat there letting him cop a feel.
    2. The add-on(s) increase the amount of time and evil required. The few that actually speed up the evil he can take in will also use up slots that are normally reserved for spicier things.
    3. Tier-3 is wonderful but it is a double-edged sword. Those who play Myers get used to that Stalk ability as a useful way to spot Survivors that might otherwise blend. Stalk shuts down in Tier-3. Since you spend more time NOT in Tier-3 it can be jarring. Infinite Tier-3 has actually cost me games when I was unable to find the Survivors in particularly bad terrain.

    NERF! Ah, the eternal cry of the downtrodden and entitled Survivor player. It is never, "I need to improve." That would be admitting to some personal failing or weakness. It is always Myers (or whomever) is OP. My challenge to you, should you choose to accept it, is start playing Myers. See if you can get him to Purple Rank. So far, Green is good as I've been able to manage and I am entirely focused on him. Demonstrate he is broken and easy to play. Clearly you know better than the Dev themselves, who label him as "hard." Show us you know better and put this old fella to shame by smashing into Purple. Surely you can do it before the end of this cycle. It just started.

  • Member Posts: 417
  • Member Posts: 317

    "Objectively one of the worst" is a bit dramatic. He's the epitome of average.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    Actually, I did not. I've never said to Nerf any individual Survivor. I think they are fine individually. The only thing I've commented on is the out of game, 5th Perk known as (Comms). It is better known as SWF. That is an issue outside the normal game and I think it needs to be addressed by Ranking those playing with Comms different than those who don't.

    In so far as Myers, do I think he needs a Buff? Not so much a Buff as a tweak. He is extremely good in certain environments, i.e. small maps where he is using the Cracked Mirror or the Vanity Mirror. Interestingly enough, both of these prevent getting to Tier-3. The Cracked Mirror doesn't even let him out of Tier-1. He is very limited and ineffective overall in large maps with tall terrain and extended loops. There are variations of the McMillan Estate and the Auto-Wreckers that make him just want to sit down and put his head in his hands. Too many loops and it is a breeze to prevent him from getting Stalk. I would prefer Myers be tweaked so that he is more well-rounded, i.e. lose some of his efficacy in one arena and gain a bit in the other.

    I think his unique ability to Mori without an Offering (Add-on instead) should remain because it is his signature, although I would change it up a bit. The Tombstone Piece should simply function the same as a Green Mori, and have no affect on dropping his Tier-3 when he snuffs someone. The Tombstone itself should function as the big red Mori. It doesn't need to decrease or increase anything having to do with speed or Stalk. Simply not knowing (because you don't see a hidden offering) if Michael can Mori you or not is enough flavor. I think the instant Mori on the run ability of the Tombstone Piece currently is too niche.

    The difference between you and I, is that I spend some time to think these things through and believe in test driving something a long time before I open my mouth to make a fool of myself.

  • Member Posts: 417
    edited August 2020

    Except you did. M1 killer with instadown for his M1 and speed boost? Sounds crazy. Also, Michael Myers. Off-topic. See yuh

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    And you are trying, poorly, to change the subject. Are you taking up the challenge to play Michael Myers and prove me (and others) wrong. You will play him and get him into the Purple Rank. Since you claim he is so easy and OP it should be simple right?

  • Member Posts: 417

    I am pretty sure you lied, then changed the subject as if nothing happened. But OK, sorry!

  • Member Posts: 375

    funny dude lul

    Here's a pro tip that requires no skill at all: Repair gens & loop him

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Everyone here is probably giving you the correct and very easy way to beat Myers. So I'll give you a different approach.

    Go into your bathroom at night, find a mirror, turn off all the lights and say Biggy Smalls 3 times in the mirror. If it works then he'll spawn in every single trial with you and help you escape.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    And again, you are avoiding answering the question. Are you taking up the challenge and playing Michael to DEMONSTRATE and PROVE how OP he is to the rest of us? I'm afraid you cornered yourself, walked right into that bear trap, and now must face the hook or gnaw your own leg off to escape. Are you taking up the challenge to prove us wrong? The onus is on YOU to prove YOUR statements and arguments. YOU are the one making the wild claim, and using hyperbole rather than evidence and fact to back it up. I have given you a fact-based way to make me eat crow. Are you taking up the challenge, yes or no? 😏

  • Member Posts: 417
    edited August 2020

    And to your surprise, this is what you sound like:

    NERF! Ah, the eternal cry of the downtrodden and entitled Killer main. It is never, "I need to improve." That would be admitting to some personal failing or weakness. It is always Claudette (or flashlight, DS, or whatever) is OP. My challenge to you, should you choose to accept it, is start playing Claudette with a flashlight, Dead Hard and Decisive Strike. See if you can get her to Purple Rank. So far, Green is good as I've gotten with her. Demonstrate that is broken and easy to play. Clearly you know better than the Dev themselves, who label him as "hard." Show us you know better and put this old fella to shame by smashing into Purple. Surely you can do it before the end of this cycle.

    The literal entire rhetoric you espouse is so general it can be applied to both sides, but to say it only applies to one side is hypocritical. Again, I am talking as a survivor who doesn't use dumb perks and hexes. While you might be the angry, classic killer who smashes his head against the nearest gens he sees in a straight Mario Kart lap and expects for survivors to line up in his way, and uses perks and hexes that are stupid to gain the upper hand.

    Again, you are clearly a Killer main. And I'm sure Michael has a unique playstyle, that would be unharmed by proper balancing, but if you're saying this as a Killer that runs the dumb perks (I am not talking out of my butt: I refuse out of principle to run DS and stuff like that. Dead Hard ruins the point of the game. Etc.) and hexes. Run a clean, vanilla Myers and tell me he is average? Granted, accepted. That's the way he should be run. Still kinda funny as a Killer you are getting rewarded for no clever feat of... Looking at people. And you still think getting an insta-down M1 is highly unfair, sure.

    THEN run add-ons and perks and hexes and STILL tell me he sucks? Man? Serious.

    This sucks. Also, if that's a SAW reference, mad respect. And also... I play Nurse because it's slightly more challenging to 4K, but sure I'll randomly do an easier killer than Nurse... For some reason?

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Except that I didn't say any of that. :) Whining and winging like a petulant child is your thing, not mine. I fully aware that playing Survivors is hard (I play them too, just as much time in them as Killers). You can read every post I've ever made and you will not find a single mention of any official Survivor Perk in a negative light. So are you taking up the simple challenge to make me eat crow or not?

  • Member Posts: 417

    Look dawg, Myers is basically a perfectly satisfactory M1 killer. You play him the way you do, run him the way you do, your fault. But to basically run a build that is the Legion with Leatherface's chainsaw, on your M1 weapon well... Can't respect that.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    So you are crying off the challenge? I expected as much. I will move on to another Killer when I feel competent with Myers; I rate competent as able to break into the Purple Rank with him. I might go to Clown or Hag next; I'm not certain. I will do the same thing with that Killer, i.e. play them until I feel competent. What I can't respect is someone being unwilling to admit when they are wrong. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    When I'm proven wrong, I admit it. I eat crow. That is what a mature adult does. A good sportsman doesn't blame personal failings on others or outrageous fortune. I'm gave you a simple way to make me eat crow; I threw down the gauntlet. You don't want to pick it up because you KNOW you are wrong, you just are too full of it to admit it. So, for the last time, put up or shut up.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Hey. I bought Michael Myers to prove you wrong:

    Evil Within 3 basically never runs out and you can get it in literally 15 seconds, because survivors ALWAYS think you're doing nothing. Even the cleverest survivors can't help but build your Evil Within 3, which takes no skill to get (point your camera SOMEWHAT in their direction) and you build it so quickly.

    Then, it never runs out and you can build it MID CHASE. The way I'd balance Myers to have some skill, is: make his M1 cooldown, ESPECIALLY with any tier of evil within have the LONGEST cooldown. Myers is known for being slow and methodical and appreciating a kill. Make his Evil Within 3 run out VERY fast if he's not stalking, and JUST as fast if he's mid chase. Make it impossible to get within a certain distance of a survivor AND build evil while you're at it. Another thing is, I'd have Evil require much more precise aim to build. Like a non-existent crosshair in the middle of your screen, basically a white dot, THAT'S where the Evil should build. With Survivor's hitboxes, looking at you, Huntress, it should still be quite easy but at least SLIGHTLY more challenging than... Looking in their general direction.

    The way it is, Evil (the actual name of the thing you build for your power) basically never runs out if you exist on the map, and with the basic perks he spawns with when you buy him and level him to 5, 10, 15.... He's ridiculously easy. I'd say, I've had a tougher time with the WRAITH and Trapper, than I've had with Myers. And Nurse is still effectively much, MUCH harder than him. I main Nurse as a Killer, and playing Myers felt like playing Trapper - fun candy, but effectively little to no challenge for huge rewards and 4Ks abound.

    I see Myers attaining red rank basically in half a day. Rank 1. It's so easy, they literally should've called him "Easy". Hard is a misnomer. Hard is Nurse or any other Killer for decent people, he's just a joke.

    And then you get this stupid Judith Tombstone item and you get FREE memento moris?? Are you kidding me???

  • Member Posts: 417
    edited August 2020

    I said I accepted it, and it is dead easy. Reread my post. :)

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I read it; thought it was amusing that you think you can hit Red Rank in a day with Myers. I'll be satisfied if/when you achieve the original challenge. I won't hold you to your idiotic boast.

  • Member Posts: 826
    edited August 2020

    Have you considered a pallet? He's a 115% with a spooky eyes instadown. Nothing but a bit of lunge makes him any harder to loop. Stop being the greed master and just slam his face with the pallet. Having tortured myers for multiple gens without him getting any stalk you can deny him it really hard. Do your part as bestt you can is all that's important in solo que. If you're teammates are potatoes you probably would have lost to any killer anyway.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Hes really not hard to loop in T3 if you actually know how to loop, and dont judge looping potato killers as an indicator of skill.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    If T3 is a speed boost over T2 then tell me EXACTLY how big of a speed boost it is.

    If you don't know off the top of your head then go in game and measure it.

    If he really does have a speed boost then you should be able to use a timer and some basic math figure out how big the speed boost is.

    For reference T2 (and as you will find T3) is 115%

  • Member Posts: 417

    Google it I'm not your parent.

    Don't know what the term "potato killer" is, engaging fellow red rankers in any field is like engaging hydrochloric acid with your face: annoying, grating, and possibly deadly if you stay even slightly too long and consider "hm, maybe this acid will make me reflect a bit better on my opinions".

    God as soon as you people gain Global Elite or Red rank it's like you're senior experts on everything, when all you did was play the game like everyone else. Anyone can get red rank, source me. I'm a complete idiot.

    Yes, all you have to do to loop T3 Myers is simply sprint burst, dead hard, pray to Jesus and hope he forgot how to Lunge Attack. Pre-rework Nurse sure was balanced and not an elaborate stress-ball for blue-balled Killer mains isn't she. Spirit being a Wraith that turns completely invisible? Damn, we need more of that.

    Tell me more about how Survivors should rely on pure pure skill all the time and then go main your favorite killer, oh right. Spirit. Righttttttttttttttttttt.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Your claim contradicts Google. Thats why I'm asking you to prove it.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Well, how can I prove Google wrong? Not gonna happen. It's clearly PWYF, which I've stated many times is every Myers' headlining perk.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Simple. Go into KYF and measure how long it takes Myers to travel the length of a specific object (ex: Killer shack) in T2. Then go into T3 and time it again.

    Take the difference and from there the rest is just basic math to determine how much faster T3 is compared to T2 (hint: it will be 0%)

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    Tier-3 provides no speed boost whatsoever. You go to 115% when you hit Tier-2. The only way to go faster is the Perk: Play With Your Food, and or some other odd Perks like Noed (for example) might give an extra few %. In general, Tier-3 Myers is 115% same as a normal Killer. If he has taken Play With Your Food, he can get up to 130% but he drops 5% every time he swings. What is worse to get that high he must initiate and break off three chases with his Obsession. They aren't always handy for that sort of thing.

  • Member Posts: 700

    Can't tell you anything but to run for all the windows and pallets and hope to outlast EW3. One thing i can tell you not to do is to stand there and teabag him, the number of times i've left my charge to EW3 at less then a second only to see some idiot think he's clever by tea bagging and me getting EW3 and downing them instantly.

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    edited August 2020

    I wonder what the OP's take on Ghost Face is....


  • Member Posts: 417

    Ragging on a previous point to enhance your current, illegitimate one. One that is already proven. Good for you.

  • Member Posts: 393

    I have to agree, especially on the scratch mirror Meyers. I don't play survivor often, but when I get a scratched mirror game, my heart races and it is a lot of fun. I don't really care about the outcome, I just hope to get the crap scared out of me a few times.

  • Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2020

    Let's think logically, if Michael is op, provided that 1 of the players in the team is a moron, then he is not op, he is just a killer punishing mistakes that you can not make, especially since they told you how to counter him, so he is not op and yes, this perk is not even close to michael's meta

  • Member Posts: 417

    Nobody told anyone how to counter him, he has no counter with Evil Within 3 PWYF. Why are you lying and pretending someone did say it? So he's still OP.

    Let's think logically, if NONE of the players are stupid and do what they're supposed to do, Michael can still scoop up kills quite undeservedly.

  • Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2020

    yes, like any other killer have you nothing more to say?if the killer killed the survivor with an ability, then it is an honest kill, and yes, you were told how to counter him when he is on ew 3,and yes I didn’t lie about the perk .. I even threw off the site for you .. if someone is lying, then the creator of the site that I am not

  • Member Posts: 446

    In the past few years that I've gone against Myers in the higher red ranks, noone has really used PWYF. I personally don't use PWYF when I play him. There are better perks to use on him unless you're specifically trying to use Tombstone. I've also personally curbstomped 99% of the Myers I've come across so unless you're really new at the game, he really shouldn't be a problem. He has 0 antiloop potential.

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