Can anything be done about all the toxic tunneling/camping?

Lavos99z Member Posts: 117
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Yeah, I get that you guys are likely gonna suggest playing around it...but even as a fairly savvy ain't happening. I can run the killer, pallet stun them, and still get tunneled if they choose to play that way. It is very tiresome. Why isn't there a penalty for this type of play? There really should be. I refuse to do it intentionally as killer, I see no reason to. Toxicity is a real problem. It's more than just what people say in post game, it's also HOW people play, and I'm getting fairly sick of it. I enjoy this game, but I hate the people for this reason. There's just nothing I can do. BHVR needs to step in and penalize these scummy folk.



  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This is a PVP game. There is nothing toxic one can do INSIDE the game as long as you aren't hacking. You play hard and to win. The Killers seek to kill as many as they can. The survivors seek to get out alive. That's it. The so-called "toxic" comes from whiners, wingers, bad sports, people who strut arrogantly when they win, and the profane. What is toxic is people like you complaining about every single thing. I've been accused of camping when I was merely on the same side of the map as the hook. I've been accused of tunneling when I hooked a different person every time. The truth is I take WHOMEVER is in front of me. That's it. The sad truth is the same sad sack I hooked the first time is usually lower quality and likely to end up in front of me again. Ideally, I prefer to grab people as they pull you off the hook. Then I can't tunnel you because you die on it with your buddies all around you. Man up. Play the game, or go back to Mine Craft.

  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162

    Theres toxic people on both sides. Nothing will be done about it. They havent done ######### about it for 4 years i doubt they will start now lol

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Its not a big deal, if you're a good runner then tunnelling just lets you easily distract the killer away from the gen team. You know the counter to it? Coordinate (assuming SWF).

    If you're not the strong runner of the team have them come and distract the killer. Or someone can fast pallet jump repeatedly to get his attention. If he keeps tunneling at least it messes with his ability to hear. Lose the killer with stealth when you break line of sight.

    If you're playing random then use a LFG site to get a group together. Otherwise, play sneakier and dont get found in the first place. Lead the killer to other team mates if you just want to get the killer off of you, you're a random, why do you care about them anyways?

    With SWF you can get around camping too, but I agree camping is toxic and i only do it when someone teabags mid chase. But quit heckin whining about tunnelling, take advantage of it, and get good.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Can you please explain how tunneling might be the cause of someone getting very little points? It keeps chases short, causing quicker hook kills. Every time a hook rescue is required it pulls another survivor off a generator. Every time a survivor gets hooked BBQ activates.

    Tunneling is annoying but to suggest it doesn't offer multiple advantages at a rather small cost is silly.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Is anything going to be done about second chance perks? I know, it seems I'm doing some whattaboutism, but most of those perks are bandaid fixes to camping and tunelling.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    You come off as very pompous and holier-than-thou with the way you word this. I'm gonna disregard everything you just said. It's wrong anyway. The game has toxic people, and that's how it is. Yes. But there needs to be something done about that toxicity. There are steps taken in other games to prevent that behavior. I want a solution. I play the game fine a vast majority of the time. Killer I could be better with I think but overall I'm solid. The problem is the way some people like to play. Get out of your own head for a second and take into consideration what I'm saying. "Man up" doesn't work here. You're just being insulting for no real reason. If you think being another human being who has concerns about the direction of a game is a problem, you are part of the overall problem that I am addressing.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Because you aren't getting any deviousness, hunter, or brutality points because you are hooking so soon. You will only get decent sacrifice points.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    I can coordinate and do whatever I can with the SWF, they're competent people and we can do well when we don't have a killer that plays like a scumlord. You get sick of repeatedly getting stuck with the bottom of the barrel killers who can't win legitimately. That's the problem here, it has nothing to do with us. I hope how soon the matchmaking is sorted out with the MMR or whatever they're gonna pull next, because switching back to the old way is clearly garbage.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited August 2020

    The game is a team game. If you run the killer enough and get off decisive and a bt save and your team actually does generators. You may have died but the team won and the killer lost.

    The problem with this game is that they want all survivors to feel good and give you a dopamine hit (pip) even if you and your entire team die. Just because you did a gen saved someone and got chased you get rewarded. The game mentally becomes a 1v1 because of this

    Identity V does things right where the TEAM matters and you only get rewarded if 2+ survivors escape, even if you die or hatch out.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    With cross-play, the chance of voice comms with another platform is super low.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Sadly nothing can be done for tunneling and camping. Toxic entitled killer mains will cry "Tunneling is strategic! Camping is strategic! It takes skill! You have to know when to do it! I do it all the time! GG ez get good toxic entitled swf survivors!"

    They'll also be the same ones crying "NERF DS AND UNBREAKABLE! SUPER UNFAIR! I NEED TO CAMP, TUNNEL AND SLUG FOR MY GG EZ 4KS AND THESE PERKS DON'T LET ME DO THAT!" Even though that's the point of the perks, to help survivors... survive.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Yeah that's kind of the point. Survivors need some way to counter those types of play styles. People run DS because they get tunneled. It's supposed to help survivors in that situation.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    No chance you are getting 32k if you are camping or tunneling

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    I get what youre saying, but i disagree. DC just because someone got hooked is toxic, or just going afk and leaving your team with a survivor not doing anything is also toxic. Or even the rare times that a survivor teams up with a killer to screw over their team is toxic(which is actually bannable)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Agreed and those things get reported. And the DEV can see it when they check. But there is no point complaining about it here or after game. I report ever D/C that happens, period. I don't like my games messed up, even as the Killer, as it takes away my earning them proper. But all this Toxic nonsense has to stop. D/C and stuff like that you just report.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The simple fact is you don't measure up in certain situations. Other people handle it fine. Do I like it when I get camped, tunneled, or mori'd? Of course not, but a good sport chokes that anger down and is polite in defeat. Learn from your losses. Are you honestly saying you can't manage to learn what literally thousands of other Players have learned to deal with over the years? Do you really want to admit that?

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Hmmmm... Naw, the problem does have to do with you. Complain about camping all you want, that stuff sucks. But get over the tunneling, you're being a baby.

    "How dare you focus on your prey, how dare you use bloodhound and sloppy butcher to track a single target". I suppose you like it when a killer just throws the match by constantly doing whatever the survivors want? You want killers to just be nice and give you free wins? If they're not camping then just get over it.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And yet it has been well documented to both be completly inadequate and extremely abusable, given that an actually tunelling killer will just keep on chasing you, and a killer that wasn't tunelling gets stunned because someone equipped a perk.

    Bandaids fixes don't help. The second-chance meta coupled with continual camp/tunnel complaints proves that. Adding more ways of "fighting back" without addressing the already existing problematic bandaids will just make survivor ques even longer.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Their is no "playing fair" in this game. Killers will kill and survivors will escape, by any means. That is the game.

    "Camping/tunneling" is only a normal thing in low ranks. On Xbox at least this more or less never happens to me as survivor. But when MMR came suddenly I met low rank killers and these strategies was used constantly. But it is what it is, thats the game.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    disable cross play. mostly console killers doing it...

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    I would love to get tunneled but killers are cowards they only go after the weak link

  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191

    This is a problem that affects the core of the game. Without changing any major gameplay component I think the most reasonable thing the devs can do to fight this is make perk that counter it. And they've tried (Babysitter, camaraderie, Off the record....) problem is those are not very good. Lets hope they keep trying to make peks like that because at the moment the only ones that do and are fairly strong are Borrowed Time and DS.

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    No, devs have said its a valid strategy. Also, maybe don't do stuff that warrants the killer to tunnel the crap out of you like bringing Object of Obession, tbagging, flashlight clicking and jumping into lockers with DS. This lowers the chance of you getting on killers hitlist and maybe, just maybe not getting face camped in the basement.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I think that is true. I believe a lot of killers do it because they are outplayed otherwise. But thats not the killers fault, they shouldn´t be playing against a team that outclasses them in the first place. Its not like there aren´t enough potato survivors for mediocre killers.

    Its the fact that there are too few good killers to take on the good teams, and the mediocre killers have to play the good times to keep their queue times down.

    Queue time over balance leads to camping and tunneling. At least it does when i play killer.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530
    edited August 2020

    LMAO adrenaline is countered by noed, not every survivor play's in swf. Ds just don't tunnel, bt don't tunnel too. And bodyblocking is as fair as slugging. Lmfao, stop with the whataboutisim, and read the post again

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Flashlight clicking = Permission to Camp.

    Ask any dead Meg Thomas.

  • Lumacity
    Lumacity Member Posts: 6

    that's why DS and exhaustion perks exist. or just find friends and play as a swf.

    also, there's a difference between toxic survivors (generally) and "toxic" killers.

    when killers tunnel you, they're trying to complete their objective. it's unfun, but it still ends the game quickly for you.

    when survivors are toxic, they mainly stall the game and ACTUALLY bully the killer. plus most "toxic" behaviour doesn't get the main objective done, which is doing gens.

    so if anything, killer toxicity is more justified than survivor toxicity.

    but also you might want to consider how unbalanced matchmaking is nowadays and if you're low rank (if) most killers would have been thrown against a full red rank / purple rank swf and bullied into oblivion. probably why they're taking out their anger on other survivor games (i.e. yours).

  • Ayraise
    Ayraise Member Posts: 17

    Yes but in fact if you had not the the perks like DS, Borrowed Time, suvivors can't do anything against.

    Ok its not bannable but its not fair, it make the game not enjoyable.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    If you want to punish Killer for Tunneling/Camping than Survivor should be punished for t-bagging in the exit gates or not respecting the Killer(run in front of the Killer without Bodyblock) when he chases somebody else too.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Killers don't get hit with DS if they don't tunnel so I don't wanna hear that bs argument. No one accidentally gets hit with DS. And if you do, boohoo, eat it and move on. 90% of the time a killer will still chase the guy that DSed him until he's down and dead so he'll still get tunneled. It just gives the survivor an extra chance to escape and earn more bloodpoints. Crying that survivors get "second chance meta bandaid" perks is so stupid in my opinion. If a vast amount of killers didn't play that way, these perks wouldn't be needed and they'd be useless.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    unfortunately there are things on both sides that can be done to limit the fun of the other side, the game isn't designed to be fair.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Or we could all just play the game and keep all this whining and winging to ourselves.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Unfortunately this is why BT exists & why DS was reworked to somewhat counter tunnelling.

    I hate running the same perks every game but I have to because I’d rather not be tunnelled out of the match in less than 2 mins.

    More and more killers seem to just proxy camp hooks nowadays, meaning if I want to get safe saves BT is a must.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Survivors don’t get camped if they don’t get caught. Learn to loop and waste as much of the Killers time as you can. If you get camped from the start of the match, that on you for getting caught so soon. In other words git gud.

    You are not entitled to escape, do gens, or dictate what other players do. If a Killer decides to camp, he is just finishing his objective as fast as possible, just as Survivors rush gens.

    You have plenty of counters, all it takes it to use them and learn the game better, but most players like you are in denial and want everything done to suit you.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited August 2020

    No? Because whatever negative penalty that affects killer will be abused by survivors not to mention survivors are 4x more toxic than killers because there are more of them also why do you get to dictate how people play

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    LMAO I'm entitled while you're the crybaby complaining about perks that make it harder for you to get kills. You arent entitled to get kills. Maybe you're the one who needs to get good mate.

    I play both killer and survivor. As someone who's been playing on PC for years and recently picked up console, I can say for a FACT that 75% of killers tunnel and camp wether you are man enough to admit it or not.

    DS is literally made as a anti tunneling perk and can only be used once per survivor. Most of the time, only 2 or 3 survivors per match would have it, and that's even saying they hit DS. Make it a goal as a killer to focus on all survivors equally. Then you'll be constantly applying pressure to the whole team, not just one person. And you'll get kills faster and more frequently.

    Drop the entitlement. You arent entitled to an easy kill so stop crying about having to play the game.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434
    edited August 2020

    Where did I say I want the game to suit me? Where did I say that I need nerfs or buffs? I do loop killers and waste their time. They usually give up on me. But when 0 gens are complete and a killer is facecamping a rank 20 giving him no chance to escape, people like that, people like YOU are the reason why this game is going down hill. Defending toxix skill less behavior that ruins the fun for old and new players cause you are too bad to play the game with actual strats and skill.

    You want to say survivors aren't entitled to survive. Well killers arent entitled to get kills 😂😂😂 yet y'all love to complain about it on forums how survivors need to be nerfed and how kills should basically be handed to them. You lot are the very thing you cry about.

    Also it's toxic for survivors to gen rush but it's not toxic to camp? No where did I tell anyone that they need to play a certain way, learn to read. I am defending perks like DS that help survivors against these crappy and toxic play styles killers have.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Killers dont get easy kills, but baby survivors get free escapes all the time, DS, borrowed time, adrenaline, SO MANY free chances to walk away like nothing happened. Imagine if a killer had a perk that made it if you swing within 10 meters of a survivor during a chase, it would register as a hit even if you missed. Or a perk that if a survivor was rescued, would remove the second hook state so next time they get hooked they die?

    That is exactly what survivors get and at the end of the day it is babying players. Why should anyone have to learn to play the game if you can just slap on DS/Unbreakable and remove interaction and consequence

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Baby survivors don't have perks like that. If they have these set ups, they've been playing for awhile at least. So stop with the demeaning.

    Also a 5 second stun and an extra couple seconds to run away vs. dying after 2 hooks or lag hitting (as you suggested and also many killers have distance attacks) is not comparable at all. DS only buys you so much time and is easy to still get down if you're caught near no loops or all pallets are broken. Remember 3 other survivors are also on the map using them.

    Tunneling and camping do give killers easy kills, no matter the skill of the survivor. They're crappy toxic tactics to get easy kills. That's literally what they do.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
    edited August 2020

    You’re literally asking the devs to change the game in order to please you and make your time more enjoyable.

    The issue with rank 20 survivors isn’t an issue with campers, it’s an issue with matchmaking and experience. As they increase in rank they should learn the game more and know how to counter camping. The problem is with lazy players like you who want an easy win.

    I never said Killers are entitled to to a Kill, they aren’t. Same goes for Survivors and surviving. They’re not entitled to anything other than the chance at their objectives. I never said it was toxic to gen-rush, it’s just Survivors doing their objective as efficiently as possible. Same can be said for Killers who tunnel and camp.

    Quit hiding behind the excuse of rank 20s and just learn to play the game better. You don’t even need to know how to loop, stealth is an option.

    Camping and Tunneling are only considered toxic by bad Survivors who can’t play the game well. Are they boring strategies To go against? Yea, but they are just as legitimate as gen-rushing, pallet stunning, flashlight blinding and body blocking. Stop crying and git gud.

    As for Killers complaining about Survivors, I’ve only seen two main things that get complaints- SWF and DS, both very legitimate complaints. No one is asking for DS to get nerfed into the ground, it should just deactivate when the Survivor heals or heals someone else, unhooks someone else, cleanses a totem or works on a gen. I mean, if they have the time to do any of those objectives, then they’re obviously not being tunneled. But no, Devs are too scared to touch it because babies like you would melt down and set the forums on fire.

    Nothing needs to be said about SWF, any idiot with 2 brain cells understands how it breaks the game for most Killers.

    The ones who complain the most and the loudest are Survivors. How often do you see threads like this that complain about camping and tunneling? How often is there a thread complaining about “Killer OP nerf plz”?How often do you see threads that complain about NoEd which is a non-issue since it has so many counters? Yet, they’re on the forums daily.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    tunneling is NOT a killer chasing one person all the time, tunneling is when a killer chases a person that was just unhooked. if you think being chased the whole game is tunneling, then you need to get your ideas looked at I'm tired of the changing definitions of tunneling.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I have an idea for fixing them, but there are going to be a lot of upset people if I do suggest it........

    Plus there are a lot of people who just won't understand.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    You're literally making ######### up lol I never said that. I never said I want the game to be changed. You're literally just lying at this point to fit your narrative.

    You're also a huge hypocrite lmao saying I want things to change but then you want to change DS. Here's your own advice, get good kid. I play killer too, red rank, DS doesn't bother me. I don't tunnel. You're just trash. Get better :) also I'm not hiding behind anything, rank 20s experiences matter. Don't play scummy when the game doesn't ask for it. There's no reason to camp a newbie when there's no gens left and he's obviously new. That's just ######### and cruel and shows you have no skill as a killer. Point blank period. Now get out of here with your bs and learn to not suck.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Manners cost nothing, neither does good sportsmanship. I've never met a Red Rank Killer who behaves the way you do, but I'll have to take your word for it and assume there is a first time for everything. Cruel? I think you need a new hobby champ; you don't have the temperament for this game. To quote Dalton in Road House, "there's always Barber College."