Queue times are insane for high rank

somerandomguy Member Posts: 7
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Been sitting here in this lobby as a Killer for 20+ minutes and I still haven't gotten into a game and it's also in the evening, peak hours. It feels like there aren't enough survivors at red ranks anymore after the emblem update. Can something be done about this? Perhaps lower the amount of ranks there are?


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    They have reduced the required scores to rank up on the PTB.
    We'll probably get way more high ranks survivors next season.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Runiver said:

    They have reduced the required scores to rank up on the PTB.
    We'll probably get way more high ranks survivors next season.

    I hope so. I am tired of every rank being equivalent to rank 1. I settle around ranks 10-15 most seasons, depending on how much I play. When I see the Survivors’ loadouts, they’re like it’s rank 1, not rank 11 or 12. Even at rank 20, I’ve encountered Survivors who are supposed to be rank 1 (It was not immediately after rank reset). If you’re a rank 1 player, then stay there and face those Killers. I want to face players that are at my skill level. 
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    I hope so. I am tired of every rank being equivalent to rank 1. I settle around ranks 10-15 most seasons, depending on how much I play. When I see the Survivors’ loadouts, they’re like it’s rank 1, not rank 11 or 12. Even at rank 20, I’ve encountered Survivors who are supposed to be rank 1 (It was not immediately after rank reset). If you’re a rank 1 player, then stay there and face those Killers. I want to face players that are at my skill level. 

    Well, as long as the reset rate is that high, you'll very likely play against rank 1 players on their way to rank up, or just playing casually the game tho.

    That reset need to be spaced. I know it gives an addictive factor to give people some will to play every months, but still..