OMG it is sad that killer might be nerf in a near future because of those Console players

i don't want to say that but.
Console players .........not doing very well as a survivor.
And we can't really blame them.
they used to against to Console killer which nearly unplayable.
Now they need to face the PC killer .
it is like those who used to play very easy mode now playing the normal mode.
Most Console players now act like a new player in game.
but the problem is.
in the history if survivors play badly
DEV would nerf killer to make badly survivors can win.
So it is sad to said that killer might be nerf in the near future.
The last hope for killer is the 20 MIN long que time to survivor.
Let's make sleeping bing bong boy be great again!!
They'll adapt.
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Console player bad. PC player good. /s
Can we just accept that both PC and Console survivors are the same, but killer isn't due to frames and controls.
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^ what this guy said. Im literally feeling no different playing as survivor then before. Besides nurse/huntress etc. But who cares thats how they were supposed to play anyways.
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they would indeed but can they adapt before dev nerf killer?
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console players can be bad but u pc players can too. i watch a lot of pc streamers and lets say i saw a lot of potatoes in there matches before the mmr and crossplay was even here and that consists of only pc. also good console survs are just as good as a good pc player
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Im doing fine as survivor, i can still loop and 360 pc killers, but as killer im getting gen rushed everygame even if I play billy or spirit
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The capabilities of killers affect the experience of survivors. The capabilities of killers haven't changed but now survivors will be exposed to the killers with higher capabilities. Surely you acknowledge this will have an impact?
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Don't psyche yourself out. Analyze your choices and performance, improve from there. Easiest way to avoid feeling hopeless.
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We maybe have a little more rotation when we turn with the mouse, from there to say that they are bad just for using a different platform does not make any sense
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
It could have an impact now that I think about it, but the only killer I could really see this effecting is nurse and maybe huntress. But from the survivors ive seen they seem to do pretty similar to PC against both of them. So IDK.
Plus that's not to say the survivors can't become just as good as PC players against nurse with enough time against them.
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well the issue with console players they log out after they get caught
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Exactly my thoughts.
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Funny how you say that because I feel like the pc players are so bad lol. I was escaping every single game on ps4 but now when im getting pc survivors there is no chance of escaping. They dont do gens. I have the game on pc as well and I hated playing on pc because the survivors were so bad.
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To me it seems the major difference between PC and console survivors is that the latter try more often to 360 (probably because it works better against console killers)
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That could be because console killers are playing at with limited controls and 10 fps while the maps are low res and dark af.
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You acting like PC Killer's were god's lol
PC Survivor can be bad too.Look at Tru3's Stream's where he play's Solo lmao
This Topic is actually bs and not very helpful for the Commiunity.
Also not all of us Console Survivor are bad,have a Gen allergy or Urban around the map
So stop discriminate against us.
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PS4 player here and I've not had any extra difficulty facing PC killers except for the one legacy Nurse I got, and I was expecting to be steam rolled by that.
As killer the PC survivors are no better or worse either.
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The only difference I've seen since cross play is a lot more tunneling and camping console killers - which I understand due to it being difficult with frame rates, etc but its getting old fast
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This is the real issue. : /
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Why are you people even using the crossplay? It has no point to it at all, just play with your own kind.
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It does have a point to it!
I am pretty sure nobody on gods green earth wants to buy a pc that could probably run DBD just to play with their friends on that platform when they play Xbox or PS4
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This. I'm a console player and whoever someone's downed they dc. So stupid.
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Just saying. Tru3 is also bad at killer. He's just bad at the game.
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I was hoping that it would be like that, but it is clearly not. And the reason console players are on average a lot worse then pc players ( i know how this sounds) is now pretty obvious too. Playing Killer on console is a total nightmare with the controls and also FPS is a big problem, which make them simply a lot worse then pc killer. Same with survivor - when you face easy killer most of the time, you dont have to adapt.
Console survivors hopefully will now learn a lot and console killer will get fixed (would be unfair otherwise) but till then, it is what it is.
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I think alot of people here in the thread are missing the point of the original poster.
OP is afraid that since console survivors on average are worse than PC-survivors (because framerate severely hinders console-killers), the killlrates for PC killers will raise. Raising killrates could alert the developers, and they might decide to nerf killers then.
I can see why OP is worried about that, because the developers have a long track record of giving in to bad survivors players that refuse to adapt. Some prominent examples are Billy and Hex:Ruin.
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It only applies on mainly nurse, and under extremely rare cases, huntress. Just because we don't have that many good wraith players, doesn't mean we don't know how to play against wraith 100% efficiently. We know how to play against wraith as the counter to him is extremely easy and understandable.
It's kinda like saying "Console players are better against spirit than PC players, because barely anybody plays nurse and the would of been nurse players have moved onto spirit, causing a higher density of spirits." This isn't true, as how well you do against spirit is entirely dependant on you knowing the counters, and playing well. It is not tied to the platform you are on. When a spirit phases, the fact you're on 10 FPS isn't going to matter.
Nurse is the only one we don't fully understand, as we've learned her based on the 0.000001% of people who play her and we've learned her knowing she has bad frames. Knowing she has bad frames would make us go for more risky, efficient plays.
I can't even think of any cases for huntress, she is a pretty frame-friendly killer and I know a lot of huntress mains, so it's not like she's the 0.1% of killers.
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I think
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There're people on PC who play and controller who do just fine. Console survivors will have to get used to better killers who use Huntress, Nurse, etc.
And also less success on 360's.
Other than that, I don't see an issue.
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Why would BHVR not just make their games easier to control on console or on pc with a controller?
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Has you actually READ my Post? I wasn't talking him as a Killer.I mean him if he play Solo Survivor.
He got Team mates where was TERRIBLE that was BEFOR Crossplay was enabled between Pc and Console.
Also as a Killer he isn't terrible but also not perfect.
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Frame rates don’t severely hinder the killer except for on the Switch. I’ve played on Xbox and PS4 and runs fine.
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Cross play is great - I'm getting rounds in seconds instead of minutes and haven't noticed any increased difficulty when playing survivor, and actually am doing better playing as killer because I now get matches at my own level, instead of the other end of the ranks.
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Not everything is from console players, at least they know how to repair. I've run into PC players that only walked, run when the heartbeat was minimum or just look at the environment.
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Well, I'd say everyone is adapting. I mean, survivors are getting chased for all eternity, yet they still play the game and allow you to do so too. And I don't only mean SWF, I mean solo survivors too. Taking for granted that console players are bad, or even that all PC killers are good and all Console survivors are bad, is just plain stupid. Anyway, if killers keep tunneling, camping and playing cheesily with noed, Iridiscent Head, Ebony Moris after first hook, abusing easy killers like Spirit and all that stuff, it is pretty normal that almost nobody is going to survive.
Trust me, I've had a match just yesterday, against an Huntress with NoeD, Iridescent Head, Ebony Mori, camping and tunneling. Every survivor was moried after first hook. If killers keep being trash, survivors will do the same. And if survivors keep being trash, killers will do the same. It's an endless cycle, and it is not only trash players' fault, it is because devs gave both factions the tools for being that trash. Until that does not get changed, the game will remain in it's current state.
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As Xbox Surv, i play solo only. And i noticed, that my "wins" (aka getting at least a pip) isn't so consistent as it was before versing PC killers. Which is a good thing for me and the only way to improve and get even better. As some people already said, good console surv will be able to adept in time. Meanwhile console killers won't, as they're limited by fps and controls, no matter how "good they are". Just by the fact they're playing in first person.
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I agree. We have feelings too you know. So stop being mean to us who play console. Let's just get along already.
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Cute little mod removed my comment about having to turn off cross play because console players are bad. I said it before and I'll say it again, I had to turn my cross play off because console players even at Rank 1 play like potatos.
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That whole PC vs console stuff that's currently spammed on the forums sounds a lot like what Tru3talent said at 3:01:37 (before he lost to said console survivors despite playing Huntress with a strong build and strong addons).
"not used to that kind of movement, are ya?!"
Then at 3:11:34 (after losing to said console players)
- "because they held forward" (excuse 1)
followed by
- "map offering" (excuse 2).
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I mean, I've been doing alright against pc killers.
But I havent seen a pc nurse yet.
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are you seriously trying to predict a nerf solely based on console survivors? lmao, its not just console survivors that are bad, the majority of survivors on all platforms are terrible and dont know the best possible plays they could make. Ive seen supposedly good survivors on pc make stupid plays too. Just because console players never see a good nurse, doesnt mean that they cant adapt. Doubt theyll nerf killer, but if they do, im glad i stopped playing this game
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Uhh no, because believe it or not, being on 10 frames doesn't automatically make killers trash. You're acting as though because we have bad frames, we are completely unable to be good at the game. Which isn't true.
A god like Billy on Console is going to be basically the same as a god like Billy on PC. Same goes for 90% of the killer cast. It's only Nurse and maybe huntress this effects.
I will suck at basketball cause i'm fat, but ive been swiping PC teams with slinger all night despite me being on controller, so I don't think i'm doing bad.
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Guy was baiting hard and you all took it. Oof. The power of hubris.
Can't wait for all the PC killer elites to run into the sweaty console survivor death squads after they move out of yellow ranks. Then they'll be scrambling to bring up the cheat menu and command prompt themselves a hollow victory over the console plebs.
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Hopefully if the MMR gets will sort this all out. A player who is unskilled will find themselves against similarly unskilled players rather than feeling the need to apply nerfs because a Claudette thats use to hiding in a bush cant get away with it anymore.
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I read it. I was just saying tru3 was a bad example since he's bad at survivor, and a bit better at killer, but not much. He's really entitled, and blames losing on 4 man swf. That's why he's bad at killer. He doesn't think he can make mistakes and always blames losing on something else. He's overconfident, and that leads to losing.