What's wrong with High rank killers ?

maderr Member Posts: 251
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since the rank reset, all my games have been against killer hooking the 1st surv they catch, camping the hook, tunneling him and repeat till the end...

Thus they obstruct totally the altruist mechanic of the game. If we go for the save, gens are not done and we loose the game, or we gen rush...

Another solution is to have borro time + DS but hey, why create 50 perks if only 6 are usefull ?

Well devs, you should really play your games to see how toxic it has become. All other games i play are not as toxic as DbD.

Not here to cry, i pipe up or stay at 0 pipe and i earn points but playing like this is not fun. If the teamplay mechanics don't work anymore, what is the point ?


  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Large streamers like Otz and Tru3 pretty much said the killer cant play "fair" in high ranks or it will be impossible to win in high ranks against any team with more then 2 brain cells. You either have to camp, slug or tunnel in order to win the game besides survivors have all the perks in the world to counter this. DS, unbreakable, deliverance, borrow time etc. Its just how it is in red rank no one cares about either side fun and those who do are the one who will often lose their games this is also a reason why a lot of killers decides to depip back to green rank just so they can have more casual and fun matches

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251

    Ye, it's sad that developpers don't care about balancing the game...

    High ranks should be the funniest place to play, with skilled killers/survivors that enjoy the mind game etc...

    ATM, it's really frustrating, for one side or the other but at the end, it's really rare to have a fun game for both side.

  • ScaredyCat
    ScaredyCat Member Posts: 6

    "hooking first survivor they hatch" ######### do u want killers to do, slug? oh no u dont like that either