Quality of Life Changes (& more)

The1Switchblade Member Posts: 3
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

All the things I list below are things that I feel would improve the general game, especially as it centres around dealing against Camping/Tunnelling Strats which are annoying and unfun to play against. Now while I'd love to actually see these things in game or at least something of similarity, I know that this is merely wishful typing. But hey, Behaviour, if you like what you read feel free to take it and implement it.

New In-Game Mechanics:

The ATM (Anti-Tunnel Mechanic): When unhooked, ATM will activate and stay active until the Killer hooks another survivor or if you do the following actions - Search Chest, Cleanse Totem, Begin Healing Yourself or Another, Unhook another Survivor, Work on a Generator, Hide in Locker for 60 seconds or more. ATM will stay active if you are slugged and the Killer does not go and hook someone else. It will deactivate if you are picked up from the Dying State by another Survivor or Yourself outside the Killers Terror Radius. If the Killer picks you up while ATM is active you will be given a skill check. Hitting the Skill Check causes the Killer to be stunned for 30 seconds unable to move and forced to stare down at the ground, giving you a chance to escape line of sight & possibly even get healed and punishing the tunnelling behaviour of the Killer via the time wasted. Missing the Skill Check still activates ATM but the stun time is 15 seconds instead. ATM will activate once after each unhook (so twice in total at max) regardless of it being used once already or not. This is to hopefully deter Killers from Tunnelling and have them play normally. (Decisive Strike will be changed, explored later in this post)

Built-in Kindred: Works exactly like the Perk. This is to prevent dying on first hook or wasting time by having everyone come to get you because Solo Survivors etc. don't know whether to get you or not. This will also make Solos as strong as SWF in a sense because they can tell who is doing what, meaning balancing Killer & Survivor will become easier because of it. (Kindred will be changed, explored later in this post)

The ACS (Anti-Camping System): If the Killer remains within ?? radius of a hooked survivor for more than 15-20 seconds, the Survivor will be teleported to another hook, far from the Killer and the phase they are in will restart. A Hooked Survivor will not be teleported if another Survivor is within the hooked survivors radius, which will be shown to that Survivor via an aura to tell them they are possibly endangering the survivor. This is to prevent the Camping Strategy that is unfun and boring to play against, and despite a good team will know to martyr the hooked survivor to do gens and escape, there's still a majority of people who don't know what they're doing and get themselves killed. And at the end of the day it is still unfun.

New UI/HUD Systems:

Chase Markers: Everyone's Icon in the bottom left has the Obsession Marker (the Entity Legs Symbol). If there is an Obsession, their marker will be Red or Black. This is mostly for Solo Ques, so that people know who is being chased, making Survivors in Solo Ques like SWF as they will know the Killer is busy etc.

Totem Counter: In the bottom right corner, beneath the Perk Symbols would be a Tiny Totem Symbol with x5/x4/x3/x2/x1/x0 depending on number of Totems left on the map. This will help against NOED and also give Inner Strength users better intel.

SWF Lobby Markers: Survivors that are in teams will have a Red Marker above their heads to show Killer they are together. If they are on their own, a Survivor will have no Marker above their head. If there is two teams of 2, then one team will have the Red Markers and the other will have Black or White Markers. This will give the Killer a mental preparation and allow them to start adapting immediately, rather than finding out when its too late.

Some Perk Changes:

Decisive Strike: When left slugged for 110/100/90 seconds, DS will activate. Once picked up by the Killer, the Killer can be stunned for 12 seconds. Can only be used once. This is to prevent over slugging survivors, but at the same time doesn't prevent too much slugging as slugging should be strategic not because the killer is loosing and needs to sweat.

Kindred: Unhooking Survivors, Giving a Survivor an Item, Healing a Survivor, or Taking a Protection Hit for a Survivor grants tokens. Each token will give you 50% bonus bloodpoints in all categories. This is for those juicy Double Bloodpoint Moments.

Hex - No-one Escapes Death: If a Dull Totem is still standing at the end of the match, it will become NOED. This Hex will stay active for 70/80/90 seconds before cleansing itself. If a Survivor begins cleansing the Hex, you will get one notification only. This is to turn it into an endgame pressure perk rather than an easy win crutch perk.

Cruel Limits: When a Generator is completed all Window Vaults on the map will be blocked for 5/10/15 seconds.

Keys & Mori Changes:

Broken Key: Removed!

(Purple) Key: Renamed to Silver Key, allows the bearer to lock themselves in a locker for 20 seconds. Can be used 3 times, more with add-ons or longer with add-ons. Maybe add an add-on where being still too long doesn't attract crows. NOTE: I made this as a Dwight Themed Meme, but I truly think this would have some interesting (and funny) gameplay.

Skeleton Key: Opens Hatch. Hatch takes 10 seconds to open, less seconds with add-ons, and now has an animation for unlocking it. Once opened, the Survivor must interact with it again to actively jump into it.

Moris: All 3 are removed. Now, when a Survivor is on Death Hook the Killer can choose to hook that Survivor and let the Entity take them for extra Bloodpoints, or to Kill them with their In-Game Mori but gain less points. This is to make the Killer feel less bored, and actually feel like they're playing Killer, not just Hook Simulator. Plus the lore says the Entity feeds on Hope, not necessarily the actual survivors.

Perk Based Mori Difference: When killing a Survivor with Rancor or Hex-Devour Hope, the Killer will have a different Mori Animation to the In-game Mori. This is to not only add flavour but also make these perks a bit more fun to use, because they give a different kill animation.

Item Design Changes:

Make each item look different, more like their icons, have different colours etc. just to make items a bit more unique. Also have add-ons alter the item slightly to add some more design. It'll also be a nice heads up to the Killer if they see a large flashlight with a purple handle and large bulb because it tells them there's an insta-blind flashlight in the game.

Endgame Changes:

Doors should no longer spawn too far apart, nor right near one another. There should be a good distance between both that's fair for both Killer and Survivor. This will mean door spawns are now fixed to one spot and are no longer RNG.

Also, if there is only one survivor left, and Hatch has been shut by the Killer, one random door should be automatically 50% complete to give the Survivor another 50/50 chance.

Offering Changes:

Shroud Change: There will now only be 1 Shroud Offering which is for Survivor called Shroud of Separation. This is so Survivors can start all over the map, and do gens more strategically but at the risk of spawning closer to the killer.

Mori Offerings: Removed as spoken about in Mori Changes above.

Map Offerings: Both Killer and Survivor can no longer use Map Offerings as usually bringing a Map Offering means that the Offering User has an advantage. By removing this feature, we keep people on their toes and prevent SWF and strong Killers gaining unfair advantages.

Store/Customisation Changes:

In Store have the ability to Lock a Piece of Clothing so you can see what it looks like with other clothing. Also see your entire 'wardrobe' in store so you can swap and change the outfit you are wearing for better customisation.

In Customisation allow the Player to save their own Mix-Match Outfit and even name them so there's less fuss messing around in the clothes. These can be accessed via a new Icon which can be placed below the Outfits Icon which will be halved in size to fit the new icon.

Spawn Changes:

There are now three spawns only. Left Corner, Right Corner, or End of Map Centre. If Survivor spawns Left, Killer spawns right and vice versa. If Survivors spawns end of map centre, so will killer just on the opposite end. Survivors no longer spawn next to generators. Survivors will all spawn next to each other unless the Shroud Offering is used.

SWF Balancing:

This is a very debatable thing, and its merely an idea, but it might work. SWF are strong, and having 4 perks each makes them all the more unbearable, so I have a potential idea.

Solo/2 Man Team = 4 Perks each.

3 Man Team = 3 Perks each.

4 Man Team = 2 Perks each.

Killer Changes (Brief):

Doctor: Have his Illusions move toward the Player as if it were the Killer himself, but then vanish when close. That would make his illusions more realistic and scary and add some fun jumpscares.

Freddy: LUNGE! Need I say more.

Legion: Upon successfully hitting the 4th Survivor with Feral Frenzy the 4th Survivor is put into the Dying State. The Legion's new secondary ability: Every 90 seconds (or more if necessary) Legion can summon the other 3 Legion Members to appear near 1 survivor each. You will see their auras, or if close, actually see them, chase a moving survivor or stand staring at a stationary survivor for 10 seconds. These members cannot hurt the survivors, but serve as an in-game BBQ for Legion and allow the others to be a part of the game. These Members also have terror radius and red stains to throw off survivors on who is the real one.

Okay, I'm done. I could have probably split this up into several posts but I figured I'd just get it all out on 'paper' so to speak and have it all said.

What do you think. Please no aggro. These are simply ideas that I feel balance the game out a bit more and make the game a bit nicer in certain areas. If you don't like an idea, tell me why constructively.

And Behaviour, if anyone of you lovely developers actually read this, thank you and also feel free to tell me what you think.

Sincerely, the one (fog dwelling) Switchblade ;)

Post edited by Gcarrara on
