Console Players and Self Care



  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Consoles are a more casual platform so the more casual perks are used there.

    You will rarely see a console player doing all sorts of calculations to figure out how to heal and save a few seconds. They just want to play the game not necessarily play the most optimally.

    There are a few exceptions, if you disagree with my analysis you're probably one yourself.

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    Console player here. There's only one situation when I'll resort to using self care: running out of med kits and playing several games in a row where team "mates" actually run away from you when you're injured.

    Had this happen today. I'd use empathy to find and heal them if they were hurt and they'd pay me back by leaving me there to bleed when I needed healing. Or they'd let me heal them and then start healing me only to fail several skill checks in a row and leave running when the killer came to check it out. So I ran a couple of selfish care games after that until I started getting med kits from the bloodweb again.

  • The1NightOwl
    The1NightOwl Member Posts: 1

    When I used to play on console it was because the games tended to be a lot slower on the killer side as well so when playing against killers on console there wasn't as much punishment for simply self caring, as well as there being a simple lack of precision with movements compared to pc, or at least a steeper learning curve for less experienced players due to it. Self care isn't a bad pick for console at all it's just a different meta due to different options available for different systems.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    Not sure why because most killers run Nurses. The SCers get found too damn easily

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    I revised your math for you:

    0 Seconds to not heal = 32 Seconds to complete generator

    You are a burden to your team by running Self-Care, and require your teammates to run the killer for longer loops in order for progress to be made on generators. Run Adrenaline instead, and learn to loop killers while injured. If you don't feel confident looping the killer, run Decisive Strike. If you have ethical qualms about using DS, run Poised. If you don't have DLC, run Spine Chill and Resilience (and maybe Unbreakable).

    Self-Care might as well be a killer perk that prevents survivors from healing eachother, because of how beneficial it is to slowing the game down for the killer. Assuming you have just been taken off the hook, consider the following...

    The survivor who unhooked you spent time running to the hook and must spend time running back to their gen to continue making progress on the survivor's objective. One survivor is either looping the killer or hiding from the killer. That leaves only one other survivor to be making progress on the objective--assuming they did not also run over for unhook, or are not hiding because their teammate ran the killer in their direction.

    By choosing to self-care, you are effectively halting the progress on survivor objectives. In the unfortunate, but likely, circumstance that another teammate falls sometime before or after you are unhooked, the vicious cycle repeats itself. Only this time, you have taken yourself out of the equation to Self-Care, and there is an even greater chance that no one will be working on generators for a short period of time.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Bad bait. I see self care on PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox equally. All at rank 1. Try harder next time

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I eant to know why they seem obsessed with urban evasion.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
    edited August 2020

    If you knew how many times I was 70-99% healed and needed 4 seconds of your time, only for you to hug your gen while I’m trying to get back to prevent the noob from getting tunneled to death...

    PS: you in this context is the global you with a similar mindset

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    It's like saying why most 
    killers carry bbq is that 
    they can't play without it

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2020

    i mean they are inferior players, however i never run self care when i play with friends because i know they are using our time properly and i feel confident enough to play injured unless spirit or nurse, but usually i always bring a brown medkit to have one back up without self care... but anyway but when i play with solos? damn you see so many potatoes in wich you cant never rely that i actually after a year started using it again (so at least i can have more time to be cahsed by the killer and have exxtra chances, dont get me wrong i know when not to heal and usually i do 2 to 3 gens per match, because as i said my teammates 16 out of 10 times are useless pepegas and i only heal when is necessary or i can), i mean i never play solo but when i do i really dont care about my useless teamamtes tbh, is a great perk for solo q IF u have a brown to yellow medkit (with a yellow medkit is awesome almost 2 heals at full speed). and amazing on end game you go to a corner to heal and then you run for free to the gate. but with friends? useless especially if the killer is good and every second counts, but as solo? damn the ineficiency of solo survivors is not gonna get solved never, and 1 self care is not gonna make the difference when you see such bad plays every time all the time, after actually 1 year of not using it in solo q because i realized is a terrible perk overall (even if i barely play solo, now i am because of simple selfish challenges that i dont like to do with friends and gift the killer matches), i started again using it (only when i play solo, because i realized im by my own when i play solo, after like 1 year because i also play with friends and it seems i confused solo q and my friends due playing both at the same time, the first ones always make bad plays and also are extremely uneficcient, the second ones are trustfull people who use every second properly) so i dont need to run self care, only a brown medkit to have one extra chance.

  • HolyLadyGaga
    HolyLadyGaga Member Posts: 51

    The only time I've ever hated self care is when sloppy butcher is involved. If you're aware the killer has sloppy, please just find someone else and get healed, do not waste those 40 seconds in the corner of the map healing yourself.

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    If you knew how many times I've been flattened by the killer because some random who can't to heal themselves (or won't use the med kit they're carrying) ran straight from the hook to me, with the killer on their heels, you'd understand my reluctance. Especially when these players have already shown themselves to be douchbags to the other survivors.

    It's s shame we can't see how much healing is needed; in the case you described I would be more than happy to heal you an help stop the tunnelling. I do take notice of whats happening in the game and try to help accordingly.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    Why bring selfcare when there are medical kits? You can use the slot you would've used for selfcare for something that's actually worthy of that slot. Besides selfcare is slow in contrast to a medical kit anyways unless you have autodictact or botany knowledge which is just more perk slots being used unwisely, in my opinion.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    This is what all of my games vs console players look like. Its barely a step above the games i had under new mmr, where I was playing against Rank 15-20s exclusively. I'm running a No-Blood Fury Build, and I don't even need to bring a map offering to make sure I play on Hawkins or the Game.

    This image is from my match that ended 5 minutes ago. It was on the Game map, and no gens were complete before the final hook. I patrolled gens for 2 minutes before anyone even hopped on a generator, and once people were injured, I could see them self-caring in the corner nonstop.

    It is 3 days into rank reset, so I'm assuming these are all console red ranks who have not played much since reset. This is consistent with my experience in crossplay so far, and frankly it is very boring.

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I'm not arguing either side here, but can someone explain- with math- why Self-Care is bad?

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    So instead of one person spending twice the time, two are spending half the time... seems similar, not considering the fact that someone has to find the other person. With communication, it's totally doable. I have a hard time writing off Self-care as bad under those circumstances.

    And there are other items, Franklins, and of course, the limitation of a med kit running out...

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Inner strength is better. Don’t @ me.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I run Self-Care as backup i don't heal with it unless i need to and a lot of survivor don't want to heal me they are all stuck to gen if they not in a chase.

    Inner strength is good too.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I don’t run it on any build. One of my sons runs it because he doesn’t understand the time delays with it.

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    Explain the time delay. I'm not coming at you, I just keep hearing this argument and want to understand better.

    I can learn. :)

  • whiteixal
    whiteixal Member Posts: 23

    i believe you should be bringing up better examples cause your build is obviously not meant for healing, let alone you have that malicious add-ons that's pretty much a gg if you know what you're doing, even if you don't have self care.

    not saying i don't believe you, but you know that there should be more convincing match result to prove that self care can be whack.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    The other day he and I were playing against a Mikey. He’s a Claudette running self care and whatever other perks. I’m on the hook and he runs over ave unhooks me. He’s already injured. Mikey is in EW3. After unhooking me, son-dette runs 15-20 meters away and starts self healing. He didn’t want me to heal him for whatever reason. I like to run Empathy on certain builds and so I watched him every time he was wounded. He self-cared a total of four times that game. With a reduction of healing time at 50 percent, he lost over a minute for no reason. In a lot of better ranked games, that minute could be used any number of ways to progress the game other than losing more time running away to a corner, then self-care and then run back to whatever his brain directs him at that time.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    Okay and most of my PC teammates DC after they go down within 30 seconds and my PC killers mori console players specifically. If you hate it so much then leave lol. ✌

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I hear you. This sounds like a bad random survivor.

    Is it fair to think Self-Care makes bad randoms worse, but that it can serve a purpose with some thought?

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    It's like PC people are suddenly not okay with things *some* console players do that PC players have been doing for how long now as well. 😂

    I wish these people would just turn cross play off already.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I’m sure it would be useful with certain builds but certain personalities should probably stay away from it

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 933
    edited August 2020

    Urban Evasion isn't really a bad perk in of itself, just often the people who run it tend to be the Blendettes who use the "I'm going to do literally nothing, never touch a gen, heal anyone, unhook anyone, or a totem, let everyone else die then teabag the baby killer at the hatch GGEZ" strategy. Usually they're a hindrance to a team.

    Like it's ok to be "immersed" and play stealthy, as long as your butt is on a gen or totem whenever you are able to and you otherwise contribute to the team. (Personally I can't loop well, so I'm a gen jockey who aims to get gold lightborn) If you just crouch-walk around the map while survivors die on first hook and the killer isn't even camping, we have a problem.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977
    edited August 2020


  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    I have deliberately been running an Oni build that theoretically is only viable on a couple of maps, yet am finding success with it on every map BECAUSE I can expect Self-Care when I see the crossplay icon. The point stands that my gimmick build is completely viable every match due to the astronomically large population of console players who believe Self-Care is the best perk in the game.

    This should not be the case.

    The OP's initial comments call attention to the surprising number of Self-Care gamers on console, and is simply questioning why it is so trendy, when in reality it is an inferior perk.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Finding a team mate to be healed without Bond, takes more time. And there's high chance going from gen to gen, the Killer will down you. Or you get to a Survivor, but they are chased by the Killer. So many times I've wondered around looking for a team mate, but none at a gen as they were being chased, or wandering around opposite side.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Unless survivor is self-caring next to another survivor, its not a waste of time.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 518

    There are potatoes that run self care on pc and console, no there are not more common on console no they are not more common on pc, survivor on pc and console are not different skillwise or playstyle wise. They are all the same toxic survivors we know and dislike.

  • SketchyPenguin
    SketchyPenguin Member Posts: 141

    Whenever I take a Healing Perk I will always go for Inner Strength

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    At the end of the day we're all free to use whatever perk we want to use - you can disagree with each others choices all day long (and probably will) but if I want to run self care, I will. I know there are other perks but they often rely on others not clensing all the totems or healing others first where self care is a good backup if you've no kit left (often because I've used it healing others quickly and all chests have been looted) or are running on your own and can't/won't trust randoms to help you out.

    There are several perks I can'tr see the point of but I'm not going to berate someone for using them if it suits them to do so. A bit of tolerance for other player's choices wouldn't go amiss here.

  • IsJustMe
    IsJustMe Member Posts: 436

    Ahm ... be Happy its on of your bests Perks... you have 4 + 1 free. ^^

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I'm not saying people who run self care are bad because that's not true but I'm saying self care users waste more time healing and doing nothing more than a survivor who if they're truly safe could just finish a gen with someone and get healed up or run inner strength and knock out two birds with one stone

    If you heal more than twice in a match with self-care you've literally cost your team more than a whole generators worth of time and most self care users immediately heal when they get safe anytime being injured instead of doing objectives and taking a risk

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I think the idea is that (a) a Self-Care heal takes longer than a teammate or Medkit heal, and (b) people with Self-Care have a tendency to use it to heal before doing anything else. So if a Survivor with Self-Care is injured, rather than wait to heal and focus on objectives, safe hook saves, or what have you, they'll go off somewhere and waste 30+ seconds healing themselves.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    I run it but only because I'm used to using it as I'm being chased and looping if I escape the killer I immediately heal up so when they go after my teammate's I can pull agrro onto myself and lead them away or slow them down on the way to a hook

  • SIeepWaIker
    SIeepWaIker Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2020

    Yes, if you self care twice you've cost the team 1 generator time, but if you are healed by another twice, you've still cost the team 1 generator time.

    2 survivors - 100% healing and not doing gens (16+16+16+16) is just as much loss in time as 1 survivor - 50% healing not doing gens (32+32), and if that surv can instead pop on gen with others while you self care, the gen will go faster having more people on it. Actually aiding to heal a survivor with self care is negative gen time in this instance.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    No not when you're popping the gens before being healed, it's only 16 seconds to heal a survivor over 32 for yourself and if you ran even inner strength instead of self care and got totems like you were supposed to it's only 8 seconds in a locker after a gen , free Instaheal for doing an objective you should be doing compared to self care where you get a totem anyway and then still spend 32 seconds (if there's no sloppy or Thana) healing in an unsafe area

    It's really a no brainer, self care is inefficient it's just that people don't trust who they're with or don't want to be injured doing objectives, the only time self care is effective is when trying to heal for an endgame save when you're solo/have more than one random

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    Pairing it with Botany Knowledge and/ or using it for Medkit efficiency, with Self-Care itself as a backup, can probably be useful, but on its own and overused not so much.

  • Another player healing you takes 16 seconds, self care takes 32. Big waste of time.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited August 2020

    well, that is 16 seconds, but that 16 seconds are not spend by me, but another survivor. I still dont understand how that is better. Because its 32 Seconds in any case, if healed by others its just shared by the two players not doing anything else.

    I already gave a concrete example with numbers. plz use that and show me how one is better, or show me where my math is wrong.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Why do people even heal without a medkit? Just bring dead hard and do gens.

  • SIeepWaIker
    SIeepWaIker Member Posts: 47

    You are still missing the point. 16 seconds is not a time saver. 2 people are wasting 16 seconds.. 16*2 = 32 seconds.

    A + B + C are on generators for 32 seconds and D is self Care for 32 seconds (1 person to go find a gen) Lost 32 seconds on generators.

    A + B are on generator for 16 seconds and and C + D are healing for 16 seconds. (2 people to go find a gen) Lost 32 seconds on generators.

    Do you solo survive? I never trust who I'm with.

    What if teammate botches a save, or runs like a wild man after a rescue when you are facing a phased spirit, leads the killer to you, or keeps pinning you down for heal when you are trying to run cause you see the killer. It is a lot easier to see someone leaning over another than squatting yourself when you know you are safe. Also, not everyone has DLC. How can we just say use inner strength? isn't that from a DLC? and even if you have it, should you run around for an additional 30 seconds, groaning to find a totem that may or may not be out there... who knows cause there is no totem counter. Too many variables to just flat out say, 'NO', it should never be used.

    Again, I'm not running self-care, but I think it could come in handy coupled with med-kit.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I play nothing but pure SOLO and I bring a med kit and self care because the only person i can trust to heal me is ME. I use the med kit to heal half to 75% then top it off with SC gets me back quickly and I don't have to run off to the corner of the map to heal those of you that do get IRON WILL.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Because not everyone runs the dumb meta of dh ad ds and is

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Dude I run iron SC and CS and depending on need I alternate between borrowed tec or hope and I will offer swap my CS out for wake up if I fancied trying to get left behind and it can be so much fun stealth healing I mean I did it to a trapper 4 times under his nose got facecamped teammate took a slug and hook what a champ I escaped healed up next toy he killer for a fifth time did gens and escaped only reason I hung around so much I was going for the grim pilgrim torphy