Console Players and Self Care


I just want to know why every single console player I've run in to has been using self-care. Is the meta that different on console?



  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    Explain how it wastes time plz, because that is nonsense.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I think its trash, but I'll run it with mettle.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    Yes that's true. And it's always the people that go down in 3 seconds during a chase that spend 5 minutes healing in a corner of the map.

  • bullitsxd
    bullitsxd Member Posts: 8

    haha i'm not saying ya'll are potatoes. Just everytime I get put with a globe, I see self care in the end game. It's pretty uselss and time-consuming, and I was just wondering if the meta was that different on console

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    i've given it 20 high rank games, and so far every console player has brought Self-Care.

    As a killer, I have had a console player bring a key every other game, and often times even a map offering.

    not good looks for console

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    A teammate healing you is exactly the same time overall than you selfcaring. Thats what 50% mean, because you can do it alone at half speed.

    But you have to walk around and find someone to heal you, and hope they will do it, which spends extra time.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    We must play different games becuase in my games it’s always the “hoptic” gamers that die within 3 seconds while I’m still looping /chased with my self cate in my pocket ready to go lol

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    10 points for using a stereotype as argument, but i have to substract points for this post because you didn´t bring a single real argument, just a claim, while mathematicaly its the same anyway.

  • Itachi
    Itachi Member Posts: 55

    About 90% of the ones I've seen so far run urban evasion.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    What rank are you ? And I feel theses are switch or Xbox players, I barley see urban in my games n I’m ps4

  • bullitsxd
    bullitsxd Member Posts: 8

    Look man, I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm simply asking if the meta is different. I have played on PC for a while and barely anyone runs self-care. Literally every single cross-play survivor has been running it. All I wanted to know is if the killers play different on console than on PC.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Self carers are too scared to play injured. They dont understand every second counts. So many good perks that work really well while injured too. In 5k hours i never kept it in my build. Rarely have survivors not heal me when I ask so that excuse is bs. But believe me plenty of pc players use sc too. This is an issue that goes far beyond console and pc lol. Potatoes gunna potato.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,354

    If you self care on the spot, it is more efficient than even walking 1 metre to find a survivor to heal you.

    Self care = 32 seconds of your time

    Healed by a team mate = 16 seconds of your time + 16 seconds of a team mates time = 32 seconds.

    What about these survivors that don't run self care and then run all around the map looking for someone to heal them. I'd take the self-care team-mate over those players.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Never use it. It's a terrible perk that's the reason why so many games are lost IMO.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Because self care takes at least twice the time to get you healed up from a team mate, rather take bond and go find someone to heal you

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Lol. Trying to find reasons to bash console players.

    Are you serious? PC players run selfcare like crazy.

    Do you think pc vs console survivor gameplay has a difference? It's the same thing. Same loops, same mindgames, same perks.

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    bc is good perk when you trash team escape like rats and let someone hook how the ######### you think can help him without med? if you no like it then dont use but stop saying others what the ######### perk use

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    that is true. But it takes 32seconds from one person, while healing from someone else gets 16 seconds for 2 players. So you think 2 people doing nothing for 16 seconds is better than one player healing himself for 32 seconds and the other doing a gen instead?

    I would think 2x16 seconds is the same as 32 seconds alone, but maybe math is different on consoles. And again, not included the time to find a teammate.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    It takes you twice as long to heal yourself as someone else does to heal you. You're effectively gimping your team for wasted time. Botany makes it better but still not as good as straight heals or, like, Inner Strength, etc. Just bring a med kit, this is also faster.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190

    You can't self-care on the spot if you're evading a killer so by the time you get to a safe area to start healing you could've found a teammate and done it in half the time and you're not gonna be in a unsafe part of the map doing nothing for half a minute then having to find a gen when usually a teammate is on a gen and can heal you after you pop it if you're truly in a safe spot to heal

  • Itachi
    Itachi Member Posts: 55
    edited August 2020

    Green currently which I'm guessing that's why they're using it.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    yes, but it takes me alone to heal myself, while another one is needed to heal me who can´t do anything else at that time.

    little math example:

    take one minute. I heal myself for 32 seconds, then do a gen for the remaining 28 seconds, while another player does a gen for 60 seconds.

    At the end, i am healed, and work at gens for 88 seconds are done.

    now the other example.

    someone else heals me for 16 seconds, then we both do gens for 44 seconds, leading to 88 seconds done on gens.

    That doesn´t include inefficencys for working together on one gen, and doesnt include time to search for a healer.

    Now explain why the later is better than the first. If you think my math is wrong, please let me know where.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413
    edited August 2020

    Much of the time being healed doesn't help your team at all. It's why a lot of people hate self-care, because they're on the hook watching you self-care on the other side of the map with Kindred. I solo queue, this is extremely common.

    Used strategically by people who are trying to, say, take a protection hit, I guess it could work, but you don't see it much the higher rank you get, because the assumption is you're going to work more with your team, they will heal you, and you get a perk slot back that can be used for something else more beneficial to your team.

    It's frequently overused by people who think they need to be 100% healed at all times no matter what else is happening, bonus points for PR3 Claudettes hiding in the corner of the map.

    When I play Killer I'm fine with this. When I'm survivor it sucks. Be comfortable being injured, it will make you better. Often a gen/unhook/totem is a higher priority.

    EDIT: There are a number of better healing perks for other people, I see 'we're gonna make it' a fair amount because it's super fast off the hook. Again, a med kit is better most of the time, I'm currently rank 12 survivor, never got past 7, and I'm fairly new, but my experience in game led me to drop self-care for other things and just bring a low end medkit to tank a single hit, or even nothing at all and just go look for one later.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    That sounds like more of a problem with the survivor in general being a potato rather than the actual perk itself.

    Self-care can actually be quite useful provided you know how to use it however it requires common Sense and most people who just only rely on self care and don't have that.

    If you can heal quicker don't you self care.

    If you're in a situation where you're the only available person to rescue people don't you self care.

    The thing about getting someone to heal you is that you often pull to people off of objectives for 16 seconds that means for 16 seconds two people aren't doing anything objective wise.

    A lot of people see 16 seconds heal opposed to a 32 second heal and automatically think that's better without thinking of the general context. Sometimes it can actually be more beneficial to have one person spending 32 seconds doing something whilst like whilst some other person is healing then removing both of them out of the equation.

    Also against a good Oni self care can be quite useful so you don't leave a crap ton of blood orbs is giving him free blood Fury

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    It's pretty meta for console players. Not that I use it. I see some solo que players run it sometimes. If I were to think about a time that I use it. It would probably be when I am playing with a swf that isn't as skilled as others are.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213
    edited August 2020

    You are aware that the perk don´t force you to heal if the time is bad, right? You still gan co for that unhook if you see noone else is available and the killer is away from the hook. And you can still kill that hex totem before you heal yourself, and you can still finish that 95% gen.

    Nothing of this is an argument why being healed by another player is better than being healed yourself.

    The only exception might be if the killer camps, your buddy heals you up, and you can both go to the hook sooner, but thats the only scenario you mentioned (and i use you mentioned it loosly here) where it is better than self care. While if i am chased by the killer and can heal at every pallet or behind a bush if i juked the killer is way superior to running the killer to you to heal me.

    Also, you are aware that people who think they need to be 100% heald all the time

    a) can be right, because they might go down instantly if the killer comes if they suck at chases


    b) will not go for that unhook if they are injured, and if noone is there to heal them they let that guy die. How is that better than self care?

    You seem to think that not running self care magicly transform players without game assesment skills into people that can evaluate every situation accuratly. Let me tell you, while i think self care is powerfull, its not that mighty.

    Also notice that i mostly play solo survivor, and i had several games where other survivors refused to heal me. We finished a gen, and they run to the next one instead of healing. Why? Because if you do a gen together and the killer comes, and one survivor is an easy target, who do you think he goes for? I never play solo without selfcare.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Yup, nearly every match there would always be at least one that would self care first and then unhook someone else or whatever. Even if they just started and you're about to struggle.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    Because most people use it as a crutch to avoid getting better at looping. So they get hit more than they should. Once they are injured they panick (because they aren't confident in their looping) and waste 32 seconds (minimum that's more when the killer have sloppy) instead of doing a gen and waiting for a teammate to heal them.

    The longer the game the more likely you will lose. Self care player make the game last longer.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I couldn't agree more for some strange reason a lot of people take the actions of players to me in the general worth of the perk.

    Do some people tend to overindulge in self-care and grow bad habits yes is that the fault of self-care no.

    It's a good perk in certain situations even a great perk it just has a tendency of being over used by people with very bad habits

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    That's not how you are supposed to play. You don't go around the map searching for someone to heal you. You just wait on a gen injured (if you have iron will it's entirely manageable) and most of the time you will find another survivor coming in that can heal you after the gen.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Obsession with healing is what the killer wants. Take it from a killer main. The survivors that give me fits are the ones who hit gens while wounded and heal when the opportunity arises, not seeking it out. I love when you run self care because you are going to be spending all that extra time in a safe spot healing while I'm downing another and hooking. Zero gen progress from you. By the time you are healed, my attention is back on you again. That means you jave done zero towards the objective for nearly 2 minutes and find your self needing to heal again.

    The rough games have survivors wounded, hitting a gen, then when they come across a survivor, they heal. That means I got minimal respite from gen progression from them.

    If you are running self care, you are my best friend. I just keep hitting you and moving to the next. I'll save you for later, you are no threat to my gens.

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    I run self care because either you can't trust other survivors to heal you in solo mode, or they insist on healing you in the open, or chase you all over because they're desparate for the healing points. I've even had survivors use healing to pin me in place for the killer. If I can, I shake them off, get to a safe spot and heal up myself - I run Iron will so I don't whimper and give myself away.

    It doesn't mean I will leave someone on a hook because I insist on healing - I will take the risk where necessary.

    One of the things that annoys me in game is when a survivor who doesn't run any healing perks just expects you to stop fixing a gen and heal them, or heal them at a hook and will chase you about to demand healing even if it means giving us both away to the killer.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Made fun of? 😂 im hurt by your comments. Please stop bro, your to much mr potato.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Oh good. Another Self Care is bad debate. I've said it before. And I'll say it again here. Self Care isn't a bad perk. People using it in a stupid fashion is bad.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Your comment is stupid and not needed. Im replying to a post about console players using self care.

    In my experience at red ranks (generally where the more experienced players are) i dont see self care used often.

    Im not in some "hivemind gang" im simply an experienced dbd player who happens to be in red ranks.

    Not sure what your problem is with red ranks.

    You salty you cant make it to red ranks or what?

    I didnt come in and say yeah us red ranks are the best of the best and if your not red rank your trash.

    Stay in your lane.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    First off... There's not nearly as many SWF groups on console. It is slow but nearly every killer runs Sloppy Butcher, so if you're solo without communication it's necessary against killers like Oni. I don't run it but some matches I wish I did.

    But if you're trashing PS4 for self care, I've run into so many PC sweaty SWF groups NOED is back in my meta just so I can snowball two kills at the end... But I love the salty messages about it when they're ALL running DS, BT at least 2 running Adrenaline, one with either Head on or breakout... You're probably seeing far fewer T bags on console too😃

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827


    Very simple math. The only downside is it does take up a valuable perk slot, but sometimes it becomes necessary for solos.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,096

    😂 I have a hard time believing self care is rare on pc when there were plenty of posts filled with pc players complaining about other pc players using self care before crossplay started.

  • myres_min557
    myres_min557 Member Posts: 13

    tbh a lot of console players do use self care because usually team mates just don't heal you but still a lot of people dont use it

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I wonder how long these console vs pc player mentality is gonna last. There are crap survivors/killers on all sides. You don't need to point it out.

    On a side note, I use Self Care, with Botany Knowledge. Mostly because I escape a lot of chases, but I also do a lot of risky plays that get me hit at least once during a chase, or before a chase starts. So I'll get plenty of use out of it. And it's barely any slower than another survivor healing me. Also helps my medkits become swole if I wanna use it that way.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited August 2020

    efficiency wise, self care is very slightly better than being healed up by another survivor, when we think about repairing a gen from 0 to 100%: it takes 3 more seconds if a team mate heals you up (plus the eventual time to get on the gen after the heal) compared to self caring and then helping your team mate.

    However, the problem with self care is nurse's calling and the fact that the killer has double the time to reach your area and find you still injured.

    I used to love survivors using self-care as a killer, but that was probably because I was running nurse's calling a lot. Now I prefer survivors that don't run it.

    (we're still talking about solo queues of course. swf is a cheat and self care doesn't matter 🥕)