Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Console Players and Self Care



  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Don't recall posting a full build there hm...

    Honestly you can play decently well that way without dead hard as long as the killer isn't a lower TR killer. As long as you scope out a place to run when you hear the TR you'll always get a decent chase.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905
    edited August 2020

    Ikr plus it can come in handy when trying to escape a killer when wounded I mean the amount of times I've baited a killer into trying to hit me only to eat a pallet it fun heck once did it so well like that once the killer flat out avoided me hurt next to a pallet healing as they did not want to waste another 5 mins after me

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think a lot of killers play more aggresive against an already injured survivor. Especially late game. Less likely to respect pallets.

  • LuckySteveMain
    LuckySteveMain Member Posts: 11

    pretty sure pc players ran it alot as well before crossplay. Plus isnt the meta the same since both parties play the same game

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789

    You're right that Self Care isn't always a bad idea. Two people doing something for half the time is roughly the same as one person doing something for the full time. With that said, lots of people use Self Care at extremely dumb times. It's kind of like Urban Evasion and Sprint Burst in that it can lead to people wasting a lot of time if they don't know what they're doing.

    This weekend I found a console Jane who was self-caring through both Mangled and Coulrophobia near an open exit gate the killer was camping. I agro'd the killer to pull him out of the gate and took a hit to give her a chance to run out, but Instead of taking advantage of the opening to escape, she decided to keep self caring while I got chased out. About a minute into the heal the killer realized she was there, she flubbed the pallet drop, and she got sacrificed. If she hadn't be using Self Care she either would have run out when she had the chance or she would have found the other gate.

    I think it's a PC vs Console thing, since good matchmaking should solve stuff like that. Still, it was hilariously bad lol

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789
    edited August 2020

    16 seconds * 2 people is roughly the same as 32 seconds * 1 person. 32 seconds * 1 person is worse in that the killer can come by in the last 50% of the heal and prevent you from finishing. On the other hand, you can heal anywhere (meaning you don't waste any time finding teammates or having them find you) and if you don't get interrupted it actually results in more gen progress because there's a coop penalty for two people working on the same gen.

    Let's imagine you have two people right next to a gen. If one person self cares and the other does the gen, after 32 seconds you'll have 32 charges put into the gen (32 seconds * 1 charge/second/person [base repair speed] * 1 person) and the injured survivor will be healed. If one person heals the other, after 32 seconds you'll only have 27.2 charges put into the gen (16 seconds * (1 charge/second/person [base repair speed] - .15 charges/second/person [coop repair penalty]) * 2 people) and the injured survivor will be healed. So, if the killer doesn't interrupt, Self Care is actually faster.

    Self Care is just bad when people use it at the wrong times. I 100% agree that a medkit is usually the best answer, though. It's good even if you're running Self Care.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    It takes way too long to heal compared to a medkit or someone else healing you. It has its moments, but all that time being spent in the corner of the map can be used in better ways. Its also bad because of how common Sloppy Butcher is.