Gen Tapping

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

Let's be real, Gen Tapping is one of the stupidest things in the game right now. The fact that Killer's need to spend about 2 seconds or so to cause a generator to regress (if not running ruin), but survivors only need to touch the thing for a fraction of a second to stop this regression is incredibly unbalanced. I had a match just today where I was chasing a survivor, and in the middle of this chase they tapped a gen so fast that it looked like they hadn't even stopped moving. If killers need to invest a few seconds of their time to cause gens to regress, survivors should have to spend a comparable amount of time to stop this regression. I think in order for a generator's progress to stop regressing, survivors should have to spend about two seconds or so repairing the generator.
