Fix the Hill Glitch and Eliminate or Fix Cross-play between Console and PC

a) The hill glitch that happens in both McMillan and Azarovs is extremely annoying. The fact that some killers take advantage of it and still hook you shows a lack of sportsmanship by taking advantage of a glitch. I am a ps4 red rank in both sides. I had to leave slugged more than 5 survivors so far who got glitched in the hill.
b) Yesterday I played with a PC Hillbilly who took advantage of the glitch and hooked the Jane. I have come across other PS4 killers like myself after disabling crossplay who have a lot more sportsmanship than PC killer mains and when the survivor gets glitched they leave them slugged.
C) I even let a Nancy escape who was the last remaining survivor in the map and the poor thing got glitched in the hill trying to get to the hatch. I closed the hatch for the points, let her wiggle out and open the gate and leave because I am not taking unfair advantage of a game glitch because it shows no sportsmanship as a gamer.
D) A lot of PC killers are hackers. I've seen way too many videos on youtube of people saying how easy it is for them to hack and now console players who have an FPS big disadvantage against PC players have to deal with that nonsense too.
E) I don't care if the game was dying in PC because only an estimate of 30k were playing daily. The devs seem to care more about their game than protecting the community and making the game fair and equal for everyone. The controllers are way easier to manage in PC than console and they have the 60FPS advantage which is huge for a PC killer against Console survivors.
F) In conclusion, if the devs want to establish console and PC crossplay, fix the FPS, fix the hitbox already, fix the servers, fix the hacker problem in PC and fix the glitches in the game!!!
*******P.S: I know not all PC players are the same. I am not generalizing, this is towards those who show lack of sportsmanship by taking advantage of glitches and exploiting the game**********
I found this glitch.
I was doing do well. Did 3 gens a few unhooks and then......Got stuck on the hill. Killer thought he's Christmas came early.
......And got 2 hooked!!!!
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That is just awful that people take advantage of that. So far I only come across that PC Hillbilly. I never take advantage of that hill glitch. It isnt fair for survivors and its just unethical
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Turn off cross play or stop whining. Entitled console player posts are the new scourge of this forum. Your games aren't more important than anyone else's.
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You know you can turn it off yourself, right?
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I will complain everything that I want. Soon enough you will end up with no people to play. Because and more and more people in console are disabling cross play. You are probably one of the hackers in PC who loves the whole advantage that you have against console.
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Did you even read my post? Of course I know its an option to turn it off Captain Obvious. But the solution should be to fix it so the game can be fair for everyone in crossplay
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i'm like him, and i don't want to disable cross platform with everyone just with pc
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You can report such Players do to the Support Website for abusing glitches.
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The problem tho is that from my experience I'm on ps4 alot of surviours have been running actually to the hills to get stuck. I had a few games where a survivor actually got stuck so I helped them out and didn't hook them and carried on with the game.
Next thing I know I see everyone all over on the hill acting like oh we got stuck it was really annoying and really disrespectful.
I was being a good sport but they took my good intentions as a sign as oh well we can do this and you have to let us go.
I honestly let them go a few times but it was blatant that they was taking the micky out of my kindness.
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Exactly. they either need to fix it to be fair for everyone or disable it until it is fixed
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Thank you! Will do
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A, B, C) If the Killer was the one that got stuck, I wouldn't expect survivors to let themselves get killed in EGC for sportsmanship. I've been trapped by the hill and wanted the Killer to come get me. I'd rather be hooked instead of stuck for an entire trial. It sucks when you get screwed over by a glitch, but glitches happen.
D) That's about the only thing I don't really like crossplay for: I liked not having to deal with cheaters on XBone.
E) They really should've optimized consoles first before crossplay, but the 60+ FPS doesn't really change much. All it really does it make it easier to not get spun (unless you're Scott Jund /s). Well, it also helps survivors hit skillchecks (I can tell when I have good FPS on XBone because I can hit two greats back to back lol).
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I agree with you. Some people are doing it to force the killer to waste time. You are absolutely right in that one. That is why this game has to start doing their job and fix the glitches.
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right not all pc killers are the same,also with the glitch killer shouldn't let them go everytime it happen one person made thread how he let someone go after they got glitch they and the survivor disrespect them afterward.showing it hard showing mercy to survivors how some of them act in game and end game chat.
sorry how i feel.
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I understand what you mean by that. I agree with you. So far I have not come across toxic or disrespectful survivors with the glitch. And they have only gotten glitched once. But probably if I went against toxic survivors using the glitch to their advantage I would probably do the same.
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I understand your point. But the killer does not have to hook you. They only have to slug, pick you up and take you out of the glitch. In my opinion, hooking the survivors in the glitch is an unfair advantage. I think I wouuld only do it if they were extremely toxic players
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I've seen cheaters on YT too, but in over 500 hours, nearly entirely with PC only pre-crossplay, I only even suspected people of cheating 2x, wasn't sure, and reported them both.
Acting like the game is overflowing with cheaters on 1 platform is just as wrong as it is biased. The simple fact you're so quick to accuse me based on a forum post shows just how low you are.
Once again, your game is not more important than anyone else's. Don't want cross play? Turn it off. My queue times don't need to suffer because you don't like a specific platform, but you're welcome to cripple your own.
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"A lot of people in pc are hackers"
Faced just 2 in over 2 years playing
And if you wanna make something fair, everyone is in or everyone is out, if you dont like that, simple as disable crossplay and stop these useless threads, devs are not silly and wont exclude pc
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This can happen with hook too. Unhooked a guy and hopped on a gen. He started healing in place with a med kit. When he finished he was stuck in a hook for the rest of the game.
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So when a meg was stuck on the hill, before i even knew it was a glitch and i picked her up and got stuck myself. And she runs away and spam vaults a pallet until i free myself by placing a portal and teleporting out, just to butt dance as she drops into hatch, is that not unsportsmanlike? I would have been a jerk if i killed her but is she a jerk for escaping? Should i report her for abusing the glitch? I mean she was last alive, i had whispers and both gates portaled. She was going to die. Instead i got stuck and she escaped.
While we are on it, window grabs and gen grabs. If i get stuck in that animation and dont get the hit or the pick up, the survivor should stand around and wait for me to hit them.
Its unsportsmanlike to run away if the killer glitches.
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Literally this couldn't have said it any better.
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like i said survivor would not show the same mercy.remember the killer getting stuck to gen after kicking it glitch one time i kicked a gen got stuck and the survivor started do the gen i was stuck to i couldn't hit them after it was done t bag and left wasn't fun or fair.
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I got stuck as killer. Do you think the survivors gave me a pity kill? Nope. They did the last gen and left. (I did get out eventually.)
I do play fair as killer, though. I too found a Nancy stuck on the hill, and let her go because I felt that wasn't fair. Her teammates died, though.
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A) the hill is annoying. Stay away from it. So survivors dont take advantage of when a kill gets stuck? They do!
B) you can all it unsportsmanlike all you want. Other side will usually take advantage.
C) so most killers are hackers on pc? I been playing killer and survivor for more than 3 years haven't once came a crossed a hacker. To say most killers on pc is down right bs. Kinda funny if you really think that.
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Like the devs and the other users have said, DISABLE IT YOURSELF!!! No one is forcing you to crossplay.
A lot of PC killers are hackers...
Not true. Stop with the lies and exaggeration.
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I don't think I've seen any hackers in my 1k+ hours of playing. Not saying they don't exist but people act like they're way more common than they really are.
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What about fixing the difference in optimization between console and pc? While there is the ability to opt out if you go to turn it off it has the message that trues to discourage you by saying you may have longer queue times. So while there is the option to opt out at the same time it feels like a "suck it up and play at disadvantage to pc or don't play at all" to console people when the constant response is "just opt out." Maybe instead of telling console to opt out DBD devs can make us not feel like we're being ignored and give us more than "we're looking into it" for optimization so console and pc are balanced playing with eachother. Or turn off crossplay as a whole until DBD devs are able to balance optimization issues instead of the "suck it up or opt out" response that keeps being used.
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Was getting crushed by a Spirit and had no hope of escape. So I went and stood by a hill and spun in circles as desperately as I could. She downed me and let me open the gates so I could go.
Moral of the story: make the bugs work for you!
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EXACTLY! Console ONLY crossplay I'm so disgusted with the advantage pc players have against console players killer and survivor. I myself thought it would be ok but holy cow that frame rate difference is just an unfair advantage, disgustingly unfair! I have it disabled it and obviously I am far from the only one that isn't giving free wins to PC players because I still get insta q's. I will only turn it back on if I have an option for cross console only. Just saying I spend a lot of $ on this game I am not putting myself at a massive disadvantage just so pc players have faster Q's I'm fine with PS4 Q's with it turned off just saying there should be another option or they can level the playing field
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PS4 player here.
A) Cross play is great.
B) Hackers are extremely rare.
C) Turn off cross play yourself of you don't like it. The few who don't like it shouldn't ruin it for the vast majority who've been waiting for cross play for a long time.
D) I'm sure the devs are aware of the hill glitch by now and it will get fixed in due time.
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I have seen a number of decent console survivors. If anything, this will breathe some new life into the console meta of killers and same for PC. I love that the dbd players are no longer split!
Hackers are extremely rare on PC so that's really a non-issue.
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Why are you acting like everyone knows this bug exists? I saw 2 people next to a hill tbagging and i killed them as i thought they were taunting.. i didn't know it was a bug, how would i unless i experienced it? the vast majority of players don't come here
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Dead By Hill
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lol, your point on E makes no sense whatsoever. Concurrent players are NOT daily players. If there's 30k concurrent players, the actual daily players will be far, far higher. 30k is who is playing at any given moment. Since most people probably play for 30 minutes to maybe an hour or two, you can do the math. The PC version of DBD is doing fantastically well. And since it's hitting 51k 24-hour peaks, I imagine there's a few hundred thousand daily players. The game is literally doing as well on PC as it ever has been, maybe slightly better.
Please take your misunderstanding of numbers elsewhere.
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This. What an entitled baby. Do you ACTUALLY think that everyone on PC is a hacker? Do you REALLY think the game is dying and that console players are here to save the day? On Steam alone the game has been doing better than ever over the last 6 months. A year ago the community on PC alone was half the size. Maybe you should get a little perspective and ASK PC players what they normally deal with instead of making assumptions to justify your entitlement. And, just so you know, I go against a hacker once every two or three months, and I'm on the ultra common end of it. Most people haven't come across any in their entire years of playing.
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I'm with you I play on steam and ps4 I love crossplay and yes Hackers are extremely rare don't know where people get this game full of hackers.
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They want to see a game full of hackers? give them an Xbox-360 and GtaV or Modern Warfare 3. Literally my first game on MW3 a couple years ago and a hacker boosted me to max prestige, next match an aimbot.
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well this dead by daylight not GtaV or Modern Warfare 3 not saying there no hacker saying they are rare.
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I know, that's why I said if they want to see a game full of hackers, they should play those. I'm agreeing with you when I said that.
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read it wrong sorry don't play either of the game last gva game i played was 3 and vice city all i did was run people over with cars or killed people.
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So you don't care about the FPS advantage then?
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You are a PC trash player :)
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You are forcing crossplay when you give the notice "If you disable it you will only play with people that also have it disabled and match waiting will be longer". Pretty much saying that there are consequences to disabling. The bias is showing
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Thank you for being brave and agreeing against the devs. The nerve to give me that answer.
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Omg you are clueless. Not wasting my time with you because there are people who clearly agree with me. Bye Felicia go eat pickles!
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Interesting that you actually are a developer with such tact. Did you even read my entire column or just the topic? Because when you tell people "If you opt out, you will play with players who opted out and will have to wait longer" you are pretty much forcing people to actually enable it. Can you actually answer me that question?
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Can we chill with the alarmist mindset OP? We also don’t need a 3 page essay.
Crossplay is a nice feature to have. Usually I play with it off, but I play with it on sometimes (usually hoping to vs some xbox gamers). It’s not forced on us, it’s incredibly easy to turn on and off at will. I don’t see what there is to complain about.
if anyone needs an option to not vs PC players, it would be Switch players only. I commend anyone who plays on switch and plays with crossplay on. That’s brave