Rift 1 Skins - To The Store

If you agree that Rift 1 skins should enter the store for Auric cells let the developers know! I have messaged a Dev asking about if these skins are entering the store soon because it has been over 6 months. He told me they want to know if more people want them before they release them. As a new player I did not get to play at the time the Rift was currently out and really want to get my hands on some of these skins. I am sure other players do as well. In addition, the developers also said they did not want to make anything exclusive anymore after they announced that Legacy skins will be exclusive. For the people that bought the Rift at the time got everything (If they went through the whole Rift) for 1000 Auric cells. For example, Claudette's outfit in the Rift (Lab Intern) if released into the store would be 1080 Auric cells. The benefit for the buyers at the time would be they got the outfits for a deal and charms included. If you believe as much as I do that these skins should be released into the store for Auric Cells then please help me get this word out to the developers! Thank you! (Below is a picture from the Dead By Daylight official website) (Thanks to Mookywolf)
How do we contact the DEVS about this?
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If you create a Ticket. I tried and they said "we want to know more people want it". Im trying to get the word out because if Rift 1 skins come to the store so will all other Rifts for time to come.
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If I recall correctly they said they will come eventually to the store. They didn't say with what delay exactly but they were talking about a year or so after the original release and that themed cosmetics like Blight Cosmetics would only be in the store these special times.
I don't know anything more. I have all the Rift cosmetics, so I could be indifferent about it, but I also think that they should release the Tome 1 cosmetics in the store with the release of Tome 5. The free ones purchasable with Shards and the other ones for Auric Cells. That would be my idea.