Why is Legion hated?

Im a purple rank killer and red rank survivor(mostly play killer though) and my favorite killer is easily legion. I hear endless talk both on these forums and from friends that legion somehow is the worst killer in the game when I honestly believe they are in a pretty good spot. They aren't spirit level in power but they are pretty good. Hear me out

People say that injuring a survivor and then leaving them is pointless. Not true at all. You leave survivors in a weak state where they can be picked off later AND they will be easier to find do to blood and injured noises. They will either stay injured or waste time healing each other. At the very least, frenzy is basically a free first hit on any survivor.

People say that deep wound is pointless since it is cleansed so quickly. That is the point of deep wound. Wasting your time. If you play killer and ever rely on deep wound to down someone, your doing something wrong. Its entire purpose is meant to make survivors waste extra time healing and legion can spread deep wound faster than covid.

Now for the big one. People have told me legion sucks cause his power cant down people(yes this has actually happened). Really? A killers power cant down you and suddenly its worthless? Most Killers cant just instantly down you with their power, but rather they set the survivor up or weaken them first. How is legion any different?

Im not saying legion is perfect. I just dont get these arguments. Can anyone explain it to me?


  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    i dont read the hole test just the title but the motive that everyone hate legion is

    she its just an mending simulator and never had real chases because when he hits you he just get off and go other survival and you need to mend yourself

    all that you ghain in a chase is theoppotunity of mend yourself again

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    It's honestly the reason Legion is said to be "weak" that Feral Frenzy is their power. It let's the survivor go and stop their bleeding out. Which only allows it to let another survivor to be seen close by. The thing is not many understand that is only part of using Feral Frenzy. If they dont find a near by survivor. Turn Feral Frenzy off and then Down the one you have mending from FF. Hook them, Then kick a gen. That's the point.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Because his power is by far and away the most basic in the entire game. He has no chase, no pressure, no stall, just the occasional free injury, and the M1 simulator that is Survivor gameplay is even more of an M1 simulator against him.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Majority of people I find that complain about Legion are survivors who aren't good at looping or running a killer and rely heavily on stealth game play. Due to Legions tracking ability, they hate that they can't use their normal tactics and play style against them.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438
    edited August 2020

    The reason legion is weak is because he can be loop forever. Every killer has something they can use In a 1vs1, but legion doesn’t. So looping legion is easy because he has nothing to slow the survivor’s movement or support in chases. Even thought legion has a strong 4 vs 1 which is the only reason he is ranked higher than clown, his 1 vs 1 is what drags him down. Thats why people consider him “worthless” because when people talk about rankings for killer, they compare them to the top tier level survivor team.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Pretty sure he's hated because it isn't fun holding m1. No one enjoys sitting there holding a button all game, he hits and runs which means most of the time you aren't being chased, you're just sitting there holding a button

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    Matches of constant mending are incredibly tedious.

  • itZBlaadez
    itZBlaadez Member Posts: 4

    I also am a legion main. Not because I find his power superior but because I find it fair! I play survivor/killer and even amount and I don’t join lobbies with the intent of cleaning house as quick as possible. I drag the game out and make the survivors work for it. Legion is fast when bouncing around with feral frenzy making it easy to pull off someone and not tunnel but keep heavy pressure. I can do this with “one of DBDs weakest! Killers” and maintain a purple rank facing red survivors. Also meaning.... I play survivor too! Nerf all these other OP KILLERS bring items back to glory etc etc.. game is buttcheeks nowadays

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Original Legion was a toxic pool of game breaking mechanics that the game has never seen before or since.

    That hatred kinda carried over and it's just annoying to play against him and be constantly injured all the time.

    Idk what the killer sided hatred is all about, but that's why most survivors hate Legion. They were outright broken upon release and just never stopped being annoying

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Legion Lacks Lethality, yeah your power can injury them but your power can never help you down a survivor.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    Really bad in chase. Super annoying as survivor, mending all the time is really boring.