The console hate. My question to the pc players.

Why are pc people (some not all) being so hatefull to the console community? Is it because you believe that we are bad? Or maybe that your better than the entirity of us?



  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Console loading times are long. That's the only complaint I have. Otherwise I really enjoy crossplay.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    I have used a controller and my game play dropped dramatically.. The problem between PC and Console gamers aside from the 30 vs 60+ fps is that PC players are able to do a lot more control wise, than a controller user can. We have macros for struggling, we can moonwalk, we can 360 and it's a lot easier to run while looking behind us in chase.

    Some PC players just fail to realize that console gamers have to play with a completely different mindset, due to their limitations. The main thing i've seen when it comes to console players is that they're a lot more "careful"? They tend to crouch around the map more than PC players would and when a killer is around, they are hesitant to rush in to try and go for a save.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yeah, console has always been more deliberate because we can't just flick a mouse everywhere. Amount of control is debatable because PC can in essence be limited to 8 cardinal directions, where as a joystick has full omni-directional control. Console killers can also still moonwalk, but again flicking a mouse for aim.

    Frames can be easy enough to deal with, and they have honestly never been that much of a game-changer for me except for atrocious lag spikes that can be attributed more to the Australian NBN than a console limitation.

    If you practice a bit more with a controller, the gap in skill from learning the new control scheme should lessen at worst or disappear outright. My only singular complaint with using a controller is that on Xbox there are so many actions that are mapped to the right bumper, or RB, and it's really annoying when I want to heal someone under a pallet and accidentally throw it down because I was still moving for half a second.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Not really tho? Because like that post said, some are used to controlling and some are used to PC, I been playing console my entire life and I can: Still 360, I can look behind me fine during a chase, no we can’t moonwalk but that really isn’t a game changer. I am the most reckless and in the killers face survivor I know on xbox. Using a controller I can do almost everything someone with a Keyboard and mouse can.. survivor wise! Killer is a slightly different story. There is no major skill difference between console and PC

  • Burger
    Burger Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2020

    Most of it I've seen is just banter, it's just people looking for an excuse to meme on something. But hey, I'm a PC player, so there's probably more to it and I just haven't experienced it. And anyone who genuinely thinks that all console players are bad is a certified smooth brain

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    Well lets not bring swf into this as this wouldnt be the right thread. However i agree that the console optimization is bad but honestly i havent been noticing that much of a difference in my games against pc killers (checked the steam names) and this is coming from a switch player. Now i do understand your frustration but there isnt much reason to call this update that. Many people are saying that it has been amazing i am one of them. However i can respect your opinion but if i may add. You can turn crossplay off when you play killer this might give longer que times but it would get rid of pc players if you had wanted.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    base game for PC is 60 FPS unless you fiddle with it. I would be happy to enable cross play if console players were hitting that FPS consistently, but the fact of the matter is they aren't so it feels shitting getting hit through a frame because the killer is dropping frames and it feels shitting hitting a survivor that is dropping frames. Worst of all is solo surviving with 3 console players as a PC player against a PC killer where you have to carry the rest of your team because of frame drops (especially with the doctor). Console players are asking for FPS to be fixed meanwhile devs are working on graphics changes (if these graphics changes are more GPU/CPU intensive it is gunna suck ass)

  • UrbanEvasionGamer
    UrbanEvasionGamer Member Posts: 39

    Honestly, I believe the people generalizing that console = bad are just a vocal minority.

    I personally love cross play! It has done wonders for long queues in my experience. Also, the mindset that console players are inherently bad is just wrong. There are good and not-so-good players on both PC and console. I've always been on PC and, with crossplay, have run into players on console that are insanely good - way better than I am. I've also run into some players on console that don't play well at all. It's pretty much the same as it was before crossplay on PC in my personal experience.

    It just seems to be a mixed bag that I think is more of an issue with matchmaking than what platform someone is playing on, but that's a completely different issue.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Probably just pure elitism.

    One thing that I noticed about console survivors, thought, is that they tend to underestimate the killer a lot more than PC survivors.

  • TrueVengeance
    TrueVengeance Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2020


    I also can say that I don't see that much of a difference. Got the game for XBOX, SWITCH LITE, and PC and playing every day on those platforms. 

    The FPS on switch is acceptable for its hardware. It's good enough to play killer, I main killers like doc, spirit, and oni on the switch. No problem at all, for me, winning almost any games and that doesn't changed since crossplay. Getting more and more globes behind names than normal switch players. 

    On Xbox (need to mention its the fat bulk og model) also almost no problems, the only thing that got in my way is the hill glitch.. but fps is "stable". Got a built-in counter in my monitor (not Hz, fps) the framerate jumps from mid-40s to high 50s and sometimes stable 60s. Maining killers like DOC, Leatherface, Myers, and Billy BongBong on Xbox. No problem at all and also nothing changed since crossplay. (One of the reasons I mention the fps on Xbox is the fact, that I read several posts here that say "console" is only 30fps-ish.. Got a ONE X 2yrs ago, it died 2 months ago, but the fps there was like 55+ all the time.. maybe other factors apply but that's my experience..)

    On the pc side.. normally the framerate on pc is locked at 60 fps. Only when you mess with the game setting files it can get higher than that. Maybe BEHAVIOUR should do something about it and I understand why people unlock the framerate.. it feels much smoother with a high refresh rate screen. But in my experience, it doesn't make you better with it.

    Controller players can be godly also can M&K players be like that. Training and experience with both input devices can achieve really good results. The thing to understand is, that no one should give up when you got fun experiences with a game. Stay focused, learn to play better, get used to the controls, to the input devices, and at the end its only a thing of training and trial & error. It's only my opinion. To mention one more thing, my 18-year-old mentally handicapped sister (with 85%) got used to controller controls in DBD .. and it's a blast to watch her play, and that she has fun with the game at all and since crossplay I'm able to play with her, my mom (ps4) and my Girl (XBX). Crossplay is a good thing. My queue times are better too, living in Germany, before cross-play I need to wait like 10-15 Minutes and maybe much longer as a killer to find a lobby, now with crossplay, it's almost instant every day.

    To the macro thing.. yes it's an advantage. I don't use it, because of that.

    Again. It's only my own opinion. Experiences can differ from person to person. But i have more fun since cross-play.

    Have a nice day folks, see you in the fog :)

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    While im not disregarding this many of the threads opened about crossplay has been bashing each side. Why can't everyone just get along?

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    For my first several dozen matches of survivor I played exclusively with gamepad on PC. I just didn't take the game very seriously and it seemed to work well enough. Then I started watching some streams/Youtube videos and there was a lot of advanced movement that I just didn't feel like I'd be getting out of a gamepad, so I switched over, although I've always played killer with KBM. I still occasionally play survivor with gamepad if I want some really chill games.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    We dont hate console players, crossplay introduce a new unbalanced problem in a game with a lot balance problems.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The remnants of PC masterracing and console self-victimisation.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    For me personally its the victim role and the amount of complaints about advantages.

    It's not true to say PC players play at 120 fps. Standard is 60 fps and theres a lot of people (including me) that don't change the game files (which is banable btw) and therefore are stuck at 60 without an option to enable it. Also i know some friends that don't even have some high end PC's, which means they play at 20-50 fps and they don't complain at all. Instead they fear the new upcomming update because they might not even be able to continue playing this game with their setup atm.

    The controller argument is also pretty low tbh, because there are some ppl on pc playing with a controller and also don't complain. Some people also prefer controller over keyboard/mouse, so it's more a question about what you're used to. If you can't play with a controller, then i wouldn't buy a console in the first place.

    Also what about the ppl on PC that use nvidea freestyle to brighten their game or streched resolution to get an advantage a better looking screen? If someone would tell that to console players they must freak out after hearing this.

    The best way to improve is to understand that you have to improve instead of complaining about some potential advantages which might not even be there. Playing the victim role when they could easily disable crossplay is just annoying.

    Im honestly happy that we cann finally share the feeling about getting destroyed by a nurse who know what she does :D

  • Jokersmile
    Jokersmile Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2020

    PC players use controllers all the time and yes they are completely different skill sets if you want the most out of DBD you should use a mouse and keyboard you'll make less mistakes. Frames are game changing and from what i hear console are getting 30-60 frames and sometimes lower than 30 where as PC players can get 80-120 possibly more. I don't think console players are all turds who don't know how to play the game but when matched against PC players they are at a disadvantage.

  • Han
    Han Member Posts: 196

    no one is hating. they just make fun of them.

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    I don't think most of us hates you but to be honest ''the console'' community at least on these forum seem pretty much against us from the get go with these '' So much hacker on PC'' and ''Everyone is running DbD in stretched resolution at 200 FPS'' and ''Please let's split the cross play community by allowing console with console only''.

    So i'm throwing the question back at you why do you guys don't want to play with us that much? I love playing with my console friends in SoT and even more in CoD : Modern warfare where i'm against like 90% console play and they still kick my ass, cross-play is awesome and is the future of gaming tbh having one huge player base is so much fun.

    Also my buddy on PC use a controller so guys quit tripping over KB/M.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Have you not seen the standard theme of threads recently? It's not PC players hating console players but rather the exact opposite. I knew that PC players were going to have an advantage because of keyboards and fps, but I didn't think so many console players would be crying so hard once crossplay was introduced. Those advantages were obvious from the very beginning and crossplay had an opt out option. I figured people would be smart enough to know ahead of time to opt out if they didn't want to deal with it. But god the amount of idiots that didn't and have started crying.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Some PC players dont have much else to live for, so they thrive on putting others down.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Those who opt out are treated to lobby simulator from hell. By design it seems.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361
    edited August 2020

    Can you give an example of of what your referring to? Would you mind linking a thread or something. Most of the threads i've seen have been anti-pc with people asking for crossplay to be turned off for PC for 50 different reasons. I've heard people say they want to play with other consoles...but not PC players.

    The reasons for this include but not limited to...

    1.keyboard and mouse support

    2.better FPS

    3.supposed hackers (this was common BEFORE crossplay was introduced in that people would assume hackers were way more common than they actually were.)

    4.PTB on PC allows people to get good at new content so they can dominate players on consoles when it hits live. Apparently playing a character for a week makes you an expert to the point that you can dominate players with just a handful of perks.

    Anytime PC players try to empathize with console problems...well thats being an elitist. If you give any mention that maybe having better control of your character and a higher framerate DOES give you an advantage...then your just bragging about your setup you PC elitist. If you DONT do this however and just want to play with your friends on other platforms...thats just as bad because your not being empathetic to other people up there on your PC master race throne. Seriously...theres no winning.

    Its gotten to the point where everything that happens in matches is because of PC players. Survivors you faced were playing well? It MUST have been a PC player. That globe means they were playing on one of 3 possible platforms but YOU know which one it was. Their username had dashes and hyphens in it, which is CLEARLY a sign of a PC (even though many console names have these very things).

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Like most stupid splits, I see it on both sides. Even in here. Console vs PC should be nothing more than a preference to gamers, but there is always a small group of ######### in every population. Those ######### stir up division and hate due to their own insecurities.

    Console vs PC

    Killer vs survivor

    Xbox vs PS4 vs Switch

    Apple vs Android

    Left Twix vs Right Twix (Clearly Left Twix supporters are the only ones in their right mind)

    In reality, most of us don't care beyond the technical aspects. For instance, I turned off crossplay not due to a dislike of console players. No, I don't think crossplay is a good thing while optimization is an issue. Console players have learned a whole different skill set due to the technical limitations based on low fps and controller play. That play style hinders PC groups teamed with them.

    I have destroyed every single console group of survivors I faced since this started. Only 1 SWF put up a struggle and I still 4k'd with 2 gens left. I am not a great killer. I am colorblind and have huge handicaps in this game. I don't think the console players are bad, I think the fps and style of play they learned does not match well vs the pc optimization and style.

    Also, keep in mind that this forum does not represent the majority of the community as many players don't post or care. Consider the haters to be the typical loud group with little to say.

    In the wise words of a someone who is clearly NOT a philosopher, "Haters gonna hate, hate hate, hate..."


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Where have people said they hate console players? I've never seen any of this.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    It stopped bothering me because of when I'd play against pc players and totally prove what they've been saying wrong.

    The pc player I've been playing with told me the killer has complimented me as a "console player" several times already. As killer, the survivors clearly on keyboard have barely anything over the controller survivors, the jukes are just as easy to hit once you know they'll use em.

    I don't understand the "console players are way worse" Me and my ps4 friends are doing just as fine, and I've seen so many crap pc survivors/killers, I'm starting to think it's the other way around. Obviously neither is true, framerate and the controller can hurt accuracy in gameplay, but I don't think that means a damn thing as there are plenty of pc players without topnotch machines already running at console or even worse framerate. The arguments make minimal sense imo. Maybe it's because I'm on a ps4 pro, but I don't see a single advantage (minus Huntress, DSL, Nurse, and maybe demo/plague) that pc players have. The game still works the same.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    Just curious, how do you know which platform theyre playing on?

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    In the post game screen, there's a globe style icon that indicates a crossplay player.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    That just means theyre playing on a platform different from yours, but doesnt tell you which of the other 3 platforms theyre on.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Its no big deal but I recently tried playing on a switch, and going from 144fps to sub 30 with a controller made me want to claw my eyes out and never touch it on console again.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    I'm pretty sure the PC players who hate console players don't represent the majority of PC player opinion on crossplay. I think it's a very healthy and inclusive for the game to bring its community even more together like this.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Because it is the internet where everyone is anonymous and noone has to fear real consequences for being a jerk. Sadly.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    True, but if you're a console player and somebody with a crossplay icon says you're good for a console player, you can make a pretty safe bet that they're a PC player.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I use a controlleron PC all the time even with this game and with killer and it fine.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    It’s obvious it’s a PC player if they have a space between two words. Consoles don’t let you do that, at least not PS4 from what I know.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    For killer it's left up to a guess, but it is kinda obvious when a survivor is using a keyboard as apposed to controller. Noticed right away.

    For survivor, it's my pc friend who is letting me know who is and isint pc.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361
    edited August 2020

    Thats my point. Because the platform YOUR on doesnt allow certain things in usernames... you assume NO console does and therefore...must be PC. Xbox allows spaces.

    Edit- currently playing warframe on switch and seeing plenty of names with things like hyphens, underscores and periods too

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited August 2020

    The players who compare console and pc are dumb. Obviously a PC will be better in most ways when they cost so much more LOL

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    All I see are console players hate PC player threads, frankly. It's hilarious that you think people on PCs don't use controllers for anything, or even GASP!! might have BOTH!! OMG THE HORROR!!!

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    excuse me what? is the console people the ones who want PC appart from crossplay for no reason after a few nurse games

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Not assuming, actually allowing for someone to give me insight. As I said “at least on PS4 from what I know of” was me being unsure, not assuming.

    Thanks for the clarity.

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220

    I don't think the globe = console either right? The steam and Microsoft pc players see the globe for each other too right?

  • BDS22
    BDS22 Member Posts: 146

    From lots of PC streamers I've watched (not all, but most) whenever a killer doesn't do great their first assumption is it's a console killer, even though sometimes it's actually a PC killer once they check the endgame leaderboards. I guess lots of PC players assume you can't be a great killer using a controller? I dunno.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I like talking to people in post-game chat, and I use the pre-game chat to plan strategies and inform other survivors about my perks and offerings. Console players can't do any of that and prevent me from being able to plan and talk about events in the game after it's done.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Is this in relation to this game specifically or console players in general?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    You said "its obvious its a PC player when they have a space between two words". Thats assuming.