I really like the new gens

I know it's early, I know there will be lots of complaints about the killer, survivor, perks and graphics but the neat little sparks as you're working is cool.
Agreed. Honestly, this is what caught my attention the most.
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I don't. They looks so out of place. Super shiny, much higher detail than everything around them. And they look steampunky, which doesn't fit any of the maps themes at this time. And they lack shadows, like everything else, so just looks odd to me.
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the Animation when you are working on the sparks side is goofy af
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The little things are just as important as the major things.
I'm glad it's so unique now.
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Yeah! The new models are really well done. I really like that each side of the generator has a different animation and so cool little details while repairing the generator!
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yes the new gen animations are a good step forward.
imagine if they animated using the toolbox