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Survivors Stuck on Hill Ground Clip

Member Posts: 3
edited August 2020 in Bug Reporting

Three times today either myself or my buddy have gotten stuck on the corner of rocks leading up hills. This has happened in game on on Autohaven Wrecker's (Wrecker's Yard) and the Macmillan Estate (Coal Tower). We were able to easily reproduce this in custom games. There is a different hill tile-set that we tried on Coldwind Farm that wouldn't get you stuck.

1: Enter most outdoor maps with a hill spawned.

2: Walk or crouch walk into the corner of the hill.

We've been able to Dead Hard to get out, but otherwise you seem to be stuck until you get downed. This has happened to Dwight, Feng, and Kate. Other survivors were not attempted.

An imgur album showing the glitch locations is linked below.

Post edited by Paytertot on
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