Survivor is easy
Lol I wasn't expecting that kind of QUOTING lol
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@sorrowen said:
As a killer main without ruin survivors can get 1-2 gens done so fast you can't do anything. Maybe gen times are the issue? I just think survivor is too easy right now as all they do is rush gens and get out. Plus some killers don't like running ruin because it can be destroyed(totems should hurt survivors or curse them with the hex they destroyed) I don't like running ruin but I might have to because games are too short. But I regard survivor as easy modei'd play survivor if it was a challenge and not gen popping easy. Maybe make doing gens a multi phase process instead of sitting there doing them when the killer is basically right beside them? because survivors are arrogant enough right now they are doing gens in your face pretty much. Maybe buff overcharge for 10/15/25% regression? sorry for the rage games are done too quickly
Yeah survivor is easy but at the same time you're saying without ruin even on Billy you're getting gen rushed but if you slug correctly you can 4k without ruin just need to practice it. But yeah then only Nurse and Huntress are the other viable killers besides that all other killers are obsolete which isn't how the game should be.
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this game is designed easy to play
im overwatch diamond~master league player but aiming or moving almost no matter in this game
just incoursing solves everything0 -
I just believe all killers should be viable not just the top 3.
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"Accept the challenge" when the challenge is objectively breaking the balance. The game is balanced around solo players, ask Mathieu Cote himself. Watch the Depip Squad win nearly 100 matches in a row because the Survivors goals are super easy on top of using SWF. Watch McLean even admit that SWF isnt balanced.
The whole depip squad thing is completely irrelevent though because they set out with the express purpose of depipping every killer. This was literally to the extent that they regularly left games and allowed one to die because they had calculated that the killer would depip if they did so. That isn't a normal game and actually SWF groups can be the total opposite much of the time and are so overly altruistic they end up hanging themselves.
This isnt true. Survivors always have the advantage. You shouldn't balance the game around the fact people are terrible, which is what BHVR does.
You have to try and balance the game around the playerbase that you have. Asymmetric games are notoriously difficult to balance and for this reason are almost never prime examples of highly competitive gameplay for this very reason.
It will be up to the playerbase to work towards having better games as much as some changes would be welcome to make it a little more balanced than it currently is.
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The issue isn't gens being done too fast, it's that its the only primary objective. I think the game would benefit a lot, from adding additional objectives aside from and in conjunction with gens. I think it's too simple which means that a team simply going for gens is way too strong. Game is balanced around survivors essentially screwing around.
Could be map specific (the game comes to mind, lots of potential there) or whatever but needing to do something else to escape, something that adds more overall to do, without making it more difficult necessarily (in low rank, Killers are op as #########, as survivors if they belong there are not very good. Making it harder could kill the game for these people that already struggle) while also adding more to do before you can escape.1