I regret prestiging.

I deeply regret letting myself get sucked into that overwhelming meaningless grind. I have wasted so many bloodpoints simply in the pursuit of trying to max out every single character I own that it has sapped all the fun from the game for me. Before It gave me a sense of accomplishment. I wanted to be like a lot of the streamers that I see who have every character maxed out. The completionist in me wanted to obtain everything. However, I don't play the game anywhere near close to full time streamers and at the rate the devs release new killers and survivors I would have to play this game non-stop to max everything out which I simply cannot do.
I wish there was a function where I could give up my Prestige for the bloodpoints I wasted in obtaining it. It just was not worth it and made the game 3x more grindy than it should have been for cosmetics that I don't even use.
To all the players that may be new and wondering if its worth it. Its not. Don't go down this road unless you want misery and suffering. Only character worth getting to P3 is Claudette since her outfit gives you a very good stealth advantage. Other than that Its a massive time sink with no reward unless you play this game like a full time job.
That is why I will stick to my method of only prestiging ppl only if I’m going to use the bloody cosmetics
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Yeah, I could have started working on Prestige for Myers awhile back, but the advantages coming from it seemed too high a price to pay.
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I p3 only people I like because of the grind. I could lvl them to 50 and just continue to pour BP into them. I don't do that because I'm worried one day I might say decide to prestige that person. Then all those BP i poured into them just dug myself a deeper hole. It's a really bad system if you ask me but it keeps us here longer. So BHVR won't change it.
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Its enough to P2 a claud, really.. A bit of blood on her face doesnt make a difference.
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On the other hand id say it was worth it and I had fun doing it. Different strokes for different folks
Im getting closish to having all the perks on all of them too. Like 4 or 5 more
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Outside of the low-effort blood skins and I guess the dinky little icons (notice how your rewards reflect no effort on the part of the developer but require a tremendous effort from you? Hmm...) I don't understand why people prestige in this game, or in any other game. Just seems like a literal waste of time and a way to at least partially sabotage your next several games as you work with no perks or add-ons.
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This is why I never prestige anyone. :P
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Everyone I currently have unlocked is p3 50 and I am working on all perks for them but I am sort of suffering from the sunk cost fallacy. I feel compelled to keep going because the thought of seeing half my roster p3 and the other half just straight level 50 drives me up the wall. Its like an unhealthy addition that is ruining my experience with this game.
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That was my main justification for starting it. Once I obtain everything and Max everyone out I won't have to worry about points anymore. Just focus on having fun playing the game. Unfortunately that goal has become unobtainable. It felt alot more manageable back when I started playing in 2017 when the roster was smaller and I knew I could max everyone out in a reasonable time frame.
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Agreed. All survivors are p3 all perks. About half way done with the killers. Starting to slow down again with play time though. It will happen or it won't. I just wish they lessened the grind, because it's still too much.
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I just feel like prestige is pretty useless. Sure, it's supposed to boost rarer items on the Bloodweb, but to grind through 150 Webs is a grind and then some. I only did it the once for the trophy and after that, everyone just stayed at base 50.
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I don't even have all perks unlocked and have no one with full perk sets, but I have a PR3 Claudette/Trapper that's it. Trapper because he's unplayable without add-ons, the amount of bonus you get is extremely minimal though. I still might PR some killers that I want bloody weapons for but yea, no rush, I will likely never see Otz's 4K hours much less Fungoose's 8K.
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Ironically for some killers, the rarer add-ons are just pure garbage.
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Prestige was only worth it before they add the shop, for the bloody cosmetics. Now i just max perks and ENJOY (I had 13 max P3 survivor & Killer before the shop)
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I think I would enjoy prestiging (I haven't yet) because I enjoy the grind and it would give me something to spend my blood points on :)
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I only prestige characters who I’m going to use the bloody clothes on. Everyone else stays at 50. Why lose your inventory three times (especially if you’ve got a lot of perks, add-ons, and offerings) when you won’t even use the reward? So you can have a little logo by your character’s name and level? It’s a waste of time to me.
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The only characters I enjoy playing i prestige only once. Getting them to P3 is just a huge sink most of their bloody outfits aren't worth it
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Well I would say use the character at level 50 to use up all their offerings and add ons to get blood points, then prestige them and use the points to level up so at least the add ons and offerings aren't wasted :)