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Very unique key rework suggestion

Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

clickbaited, yes/no? See for yourself, I think this is a very cool idea.

So, with introduction of new chest opening animation (survivor breaking the lock) I had an idea of a nice key rework to entirely repurpose keys. Here are new keys&addons&mechanics&items they introduce.


My idea is to make keys a very powerful item, which could drastically impact the match, however it would require some work to do before making an impact.

When you would bring one of 2 keys (Dull/Skeleton) into the match, you would allow one random chest on the map to turn into a special chest named 'stone chest'. It would look a stone box with glowing runes on it and with a keylock on it. This chest would be blocked by the Entity, however when certain conditions are met, it will let go and allow to open the chest. The chest would contain powerful artifacts that could give survivors really strong abilities.

Only one Stone Chest can appear in the match by default, since the items it gives are very powerful and impactful, however some addons could allow two Stone Chests to appear. Other addons can predetermine what items the chest is going to contain.


These items are artifacts drawn to the chest from the void. All of them hold great power inside them and can turn the tables in most matches, however they often require a bloody price to pay. These items cannot be taken away from trials or from the corpse of their previous users (with a few exceptions), as they fade away the moment survivor escapes or dies.


Allseer's stone - An obsidian shard with an eye drawn on it. Holding it in your hands grants you precognitive abilities.

Grants a "foresight" ability. Foresight allows any aura reading perks or abilities that belong to you pierce through "Undetectable" status effect.

Press "use item" button to activate "Allseer" ability. This would cause the "Allseer's stone" to shatter, granting you an ability to see the auras, your teammates see for the duration of a trial.


Skeleton key - A relic brought from the past days. Its imbued by the Entity's powers.

Spawns a hatch on the map the moment is has been acquired by survivor.

The killer is able to track hatch's aura for the duration of the trial.

Grants an ability to open "Black Locks" by performing an interaction that lasts 50 seconds. Stopping the interaction before its finished, causes the key to lose 34% of its durability. If the key runs out of durability it shatters and becomes Broken key.

Once the black lock has been opened, it remains opened for next 10 seconds before disappearing permanently from the trial.

Broken key increases all bloodpoints gathered by you in the trial by 100% and disappears if you escape with it.


Blighted serum - a powerful compound snatched from an unlucky experimentator. Injecting it drastically increases the capabilities of the body, however it horribly damages the user.

Press "use item" button to inject yourself. Press "use item" button while standing next to the other survivor to inject them.

Injected survivor has a syringe with glowing liquid inside their back. Their appearance also changes. The effects of the serum last for the duration of a trial.

Increases movement speed of the injected survivor by 10%.

Once survivor is injected, they are afflicted with the broken status effect for the duration of the trial.

Injected survivor gains "Endurance" status effect every 60 seconds that lasts 60 seconds.

Injected survivor possesses abnormal regenerative abilities allowing him to automatically mend "Deep Wound" status effect in 10 seconds after it has been inflicted on them.

Injected survivor can be killed by killer's hand.


Sacrificial knife - A bone knife created to spill blood in favour of Gods. A small sacrifice for a greater good.

Press "use item" button to ######### in 10 seconds. If the action is interrupted, the knife vanishes from your hands.

If the action was successful, you instantly die and all your gathered bloodpoints in the match are doubled.

Your sacrifice frees powerful energy that grants other survivors a burst of energy which increases their action speed by 15% for the duration of a trial.


Golden Toolbox - A magnificent artifact spotted earlier, though it has remained unreachable. Until now.

Press "use item" button while repairing a generator to instantly repair it. Doing that action makes Golden Toolbox to disappear from the trial.

When all generators are repaired after Golden Toolbox has been used, instantly starts End Game Collapse that lasts 50% less time which does not slow down when a survivor is dying/hooked.


Bloodstone - A huge chunk of cinnabar glowing with crimson light. It seems as if that stone drains life from the user, though it grants abnormal reflexes and abilities.

Drains 1 health state from the survivor every 120 seconds.

You are permanently exhausted.

Grants an ability to recover from dying state at 75% speed.

You don't leave pools of blood.

Your cries of pain sound 200% quieter.

You leave no scratch marks.

Your action speed is increased by 20%

This item does not disappear upon your death. Once you die, this stone will bind and replace the item of the nearest survivor.


Since Skeleton key and Broken key are turned into of of "Stone chest" artifacts, only Dull Key remains.

Its rarity is increased to "Ultra-rare".

Dull key - A bent and dull key that once held a great power. The key slowly accumulates energy which can be released to brake "Stone Chest"`s lock.

  • Once brought into the trial, allows one random chest to become "Stone Chest".
  • Stone Chest is held by the Entity until 3 generators are repaired.
  • The Key accumulates energy from generators at 2%/second rate.
  • Once key gathers 100% energy it can be used to open Stone Chest
  • Use key on Stone Chest to release accumulated energy and unlock great treasure at cost of destroying a key.
  • Different addons can be used to change the conditions at which Entity released the Stone Chest and how Energy is accumulated by the key.

Key's addons will change the conditions at which energy is accumulated, when Entity releases the chest, what items will the chest contain, where it will spawn and how many chests will spawn.

  • Prayer rope (Rare) - The Stone chest will spawn instead of a basement chest.
  • Aluminium ball (Rare) - The Stone chest will spawn instead of a main building chest.
  • Bloodied cloth (Rare) - The Entity will release the Stone Chest when all survivors are injured or dying at the same time.
  • Bloodstained bandage (Rare) - The key accumulates energy at 5%/second rate when you are healing other survivors or yourself.
  • Blood amber (Very-Rare) - Guarantees that at least one Stone Chest will have Bloodstone inside.
  • Vigo's journal page (Very-Rare) - Guarantees that at least one Stone Chest will have Golden Toolbox inside.
  • Bone fragment (Very-Rare) Guarantees that at least one Stone Chest will have Sacrificial knife inside.
  • Broken syringe (Very-Rare) - Guarantees that at least one Stone Chest will have Blighted serum inside.
  • Iridescent key handle (Very-Rare) - Guarantees that at least one Stone Chest will have Skeleton Key inside.
  • Milky Glass (Very-Rare) - Guarantees that at least one Stone Chest will have Allseer's stone inside.
  • Stone Seal (Ultra-rare) - 2 chests are replaced with Stone Chests.
  • Weaved Ring - (Ultra-rare) - The Key is not destroyed upon released accumulated energy into Stone Chest.

So, what do you think about this? Acquiring these items is going to be hard, but they can affect the match in different ways.

Post edited by Justalittlepeeck on
