Is Hex: Blood Favor good enough to be a Hex perk?

For a Hex perk, its strength is fairly low. 16 m isn't really much at all. The survivor is almost able to run 16 m in the time it takes for you to recover from a hit, so they would be out of that range shortly after you have recovered. It also only blocks pallets, so they still have access to windows to stall for the 15 seconds of pallet blocking. The effect is also wasted if you hit an already injured survivor. Its effect seems so minor yet it's a Hex perk, which lets it be cleansed. It could easily get no value in the time in the time it has before it is cleansed. I only see this perk being useful on specific maps where there is an upstairs and downstairs or when there are multiple survivors nearby.
Imo yes and no. While the effect is insanely strong enough to shut down a lot of loops it also as you said, has its moments where the pallet being blocked is just not enough to shut down a big loop so tbh If they slightly reduce the numbers OR make a bigger cooldown it shouldn't be a hex.
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I mean, there's worse hex perks out there, imo.
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no, its the worst perk of the three actually, if you get hit as survivor you can gain 20 meters of distance and good survivor wont stick to a loop after getting hit, so the perk is actually useless and its a hex aswell
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I think either the effect should be stronger or it shouldn't be a hex perk. This perk has FOUR measures to counterbalance it.
Hex perk
Limited Range
Prerequisite - Hit a survivor
I get that blocking pallets is a strong effect and there needs to be some limiting factors but as usual for BHVR they have gone overboard. The way it is now the killer will probably only have the effect happen once before the totem is cleansed and it will be irrelevant anyway since they just hit the survivor and dropping a pallet after you are hit is generally not a good idea. If they keep the cooldown, limited range, and prerequisite hit condition then I don't think the hex is necessary at all. On the other hand if they choose to keep the hex limitation then I think they can afford to be more generous in other areas. For example, infinite range and lower cooldown.
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My question is, is this going to trigger fast enough to stop the pallets where I land a hit and/or get a down, and get stunned anyway, because that's extremely common. Still this just seems like a variation of Enduring, and not as good, since it has a cooldown AND a totem.
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It'll be decent with STBFL but honestly don't expect it to effect much on it's own. Interesting perk atleast though, nice to see them finally being creative again.
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It would be insanely OP on maps like Mother's Dwelling if it wasn't a Hex.
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No, it's not good enough to be a hex. This could be said for most the games hex's though.
Even if it wasn't a hex it's still pretty mediocre as good survivors will just use the speed burst to go to a different loop. 15 seconds is also extremely short.
The fact that it also has a cooldown on top of all these other issues is just baffling.
Hex's are such an extremely high risk choice that their pay off needs to be near overpowered to warrant taking that risk. Most the hex perks in the game including this one just aren't even remotely near this. They're high risk/low-average reward.
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Yeah it seems kind of underpowered for a hex perk. It works better either as a normal perk OR with no cooldown. Doing both is overkill. As usual.
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Not sure. I assume not since the pallet gets dropped first then the hit occurs. If it does stop the pallet drop, that would even be worse since that stops the survivor from wasting the pallet.
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Definitely not. A survivor can just go to another loop with the post-hit speed burst. If the devs are that worried about it they can just slap a cooldown on it like they always do.
Oh wait...
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you forgot quotations and to cite Scott Jund
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It takes away the only defense survivors have so yes it’s pretty strong
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If they removed the cooldown, it certainly would be. I don't understand why a Hex perk got a cooldown.
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As it works with powers, it definitely has some untapped potential, atm.
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At least this perk will stop Blendettes & Meg Heads from wasting pallets!
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I feel like people defending it being a hex perk are forgetting that it only blocks pallets after you are hit. After you are hit why would you stay within 16 meters of where you were hit? Run to another tile where there aren't any blocked pallets!
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I'm still on the fence if it will even have a noticeable effect because most loops have windows and since the range is only a Tier 2 Myers in radius the survivor could just use the speed boost from the hit to run to another tile, something many do already.
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In my opinion it would be too strong to be a non hex perk however I won't say whether it's fine as a hex perk.
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They could probably remove the cooldown and make it act like bamboozle where it'll unblock previous pallets when reactivated.
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no, its like bamboozle but worse.
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If you get a hit, it's actually really good if they drop the pallet. It's a wasted pallet that didn't prevent the hit.
Good survivors will press W for the win and completely negate the perk.
Not worth being a HEX. It's like Cruel confinement IMO.
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I’m not even sure if it would be good if it was just a normal perk with a 40 second cooldown. Survivors don’t stand around after they’re hit (except for things like a hook trade maybe) and by the time you recover from your hit the survivor is long gone from any blocked pallet. The only use is if you down someone at a pallet then you don’t have to worry about a pallet save from someone else nearby, or maybe catching a survivor who is careless and doesn’t run away after a hit. Those side benefits are barely worth a perk, if at all, let alone a perk that has both a 40 second cooldown AND is a Hex.
Definitely not impressed with this one, Hex: Third Seal is more useful than this and it’s mostly for slug builds.
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If it wasn't a hex clowns would be devastating af
Like all you gotta do is getta hit
Any surrvivor unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of a blood favour clown who gets a hit before you get to any pallet will be faced with the following death death death or death.
Blood favour is going to be some very nice free clown kills
For about 30 seconds then it gets cleansed or you have undying which honestly may actually get ppl of the gens because else wise every 40 seconds somone will die. But that's 2 slots you gotta waste for doe unless you think you have luck.
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I find it to be insanely strong as it is. You seem to be forgetting about the new Hex: Undying, which transfers this Hex to another totem, possibly resetting the cooldown. And, even more importantly, about STBFL. I don't know how much more use killers want out of a single perk. I mean, I like it, probably gonna use it for a while and see how it performs. But to consider it needs to have unlimited range and/or block windows too. Come on, man. Aren't endless chases and Bloodlust enough to get you a kill, already? Don't mistake me for a survivor only player, I just don't like tunneling done to me, so I'll try and not do that to other non-toxic folks.
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Just pair it with bamboozle, stbfl, and undying. Not every perk is meant to be insanely OP on it's own, but can definitely be better paired up with other perks.
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If it becomes popular it might finally encourage bad survivors to stop wasting their speed boost just running around the pallet they were already at
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Not in its current state because it's to situational :(
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If it didn't apply only on basic attacks, it would be strong. The fact that it does, plus a prerequisite of needing a hit, plus being a totem, plus having a cooldown makes it pretty trash.
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Play-testing it so far, I found it was only useful in 3 scenarios:
- Chasing 2 survivors at the same loop, 1 injured and 1 healthy, the healthy one takes a protection hit for their ally and scurries off elsewhere leaving you to proceed to down the 2nd because they can't use the pallet against you and often realize that a little too late.
- It activates when you down someone at a pallet before they can drop it. Now you have 16 seconds to pickup the survivor under the pallet without having to worry about on of their allies coming in and rescuing their teammate with a pallet slam.
- That double pallet corner around the clock tower in the courtyard on the Midwich map, or around the basement/toilet room in The Game map... It completely shuts down those "god pallets" and makes those areas useless.
Otherwise, It's as many people have already pointed out: if you injure the survivor and block a pallet, they will just use the momentum from taking the hit to move to a new tile/loop, oftentimes with a pallet that isn't blocked. If they wanted this to be OP and "Hex worthy", they'd double the radius to all pallets within 32 meters of the hit, that way you block both the pallet tile you are on when the hit connects as well as all other nearby pallets.
Taking a hit gives the survivors 2 seconds of moving at 6m/s or 12 meters of distance before you slow back down to 4m/s, and with no windows or exhaustion perk boosts, it takes the average m1 killer about 7 seconds to catch up. So, a survivor makes 12 meters for the first 2 seconds + (5 seconds x 4m/s) 20 meters = 32 meters of total distance in the 7 seconds of the chase after taking a hit. 16 seconds isn't that long of a time, so by the time the killer catches up to them there will only be around 9 seconds left on the timer blocking a pallet.
To me this suggested change feels fair and worthy of a Hex perk that survivors will go out of their way to find and cleanse, unlike how it is right now. The 32 meter distance gain from survivors being injured is also why Surge has so many problems, because by the time you down the survivor, they are typically out of range of a generator that was being worked on, so it fails to activate. Surge only really works on killers who can insta down survivors close enough to a gen with a basic attack, because of this, there's a very small number of killers who can get any use out of it. Similarly, scenario No.2 is the most useful and common situation for Hex: Blood Favor, but really only gets usage from killers who can 1 shot a survivor in a loop before they drop the pallet, otherwise due to its range, its a fairly useless effect for most killers, and not really worthy of a Hex.
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A perk that requires two other perks to be somewhat effective/lasting is not a good perk imo. This should be a cooldown only perk, most good survivors won't hug the nearest loop after being hit.
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I dont think so, very niche against good survivors and has a cooldown plastered to it.
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In its current state no. But if they remove the cooldown and triple the range, it could be a meta perk thats always run. I hope they do this as its already a hex meaning high risk high reward.
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no, survivors after taking a hit can clear 20 meters by just holding forward invalidating the 16 meters blocked pallets.
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Neither of those perks are REQUIRED, they're good to create some synergy. And, let's be honest, survivors have Any Means Necessary, which is a seemingly good perk, but the times it can be put to good use are rarer than a pink unicorn, cause no killer is ever going to leave a pallet lying down. Not all perks can be useful in every single situation.
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Hey guys, know the worst time to throw a pallet 99% of the time? Right after you get hit.
Hey guys, know the worst tactic 99% of the time after getting hit? Staying anywhere near the killer.
This is like a potato murdering hex perk. It has no practical function in regards to how the game is played by anyone of even low-tier middling skill.
I guess it also blocks pallet saves, but those are already incredibly rare.
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It would be worth it if it tracked the survivor and didn't stay in that single area since the survivors injured speed boost make it useless
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You do realize that the majority of new perks are pretty much garbage... Like they can't create amazing perks that then every killer will run. Because if that happened, they would then have to nerf that perk like they do for anything that becomes meta.
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That's great and all, but this perk would still be pretty trash even if it weren't a hex. So why IS it a hex?
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No hex perk deserves to be a hex perk.
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Hex perks need to be overpowered. This perk got a cooldown. A hex perk. With a COOLDOWN.
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It feels more like an anti- jungle-gyn perk, or to stop a quick pallet drop. It's not an amazing hex, but it offers another playstyle. Also, if the hex activates when a survivor is downed, their tactic of hiding under a pallet would be forfeit.
Basically, it's not powerful, but under certain circumstances it could prove useful. Oddly, if the perk was actually downgraded to only activate when a survivor is downed, it would be much more useful.
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Another possible compromise for expanding its radius would be to give it a token system. Say 4 meters of expansion to its effective radius every time it successfully triggers and manages to block a pallet, to a maximum of 4 tokens and a total of 32 meters. This would make getting the first token more difficult, but it would gradually get easier per token gained, so by the time it gains 2 tokens, survivors will start to realize how much worse its getting for them and be encouraged to cleanse it. On top of that, this means that if its cleansed while Hex: Undying is up, it will lose half of the accumulated power and have to be built up again. Ideally if the killer manages to activate it back to back between 40 second cooldowns, that's 160 seconds (2mins 40 seconds) of the match to gain all 4 tokens, which would be more balanced and still make the perk worthy of a hex.
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Doesn't come with enough Skulls
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That is false. The game would be utterly broken if many of the hex perks weren't hexes. A number of them wouldn't even function without being hex perks. If haunted grounds wasn't a hex perk then it wouldn't even do anything. Looking at all the hex perks about the only ones I can see an argument for not being hex perks are Blood Favor, Lullaby (if they removed the token system), and possibly Retribution though a good argument can be made that it would be weaker if it wasn't a hex perk.
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And Ruin, Third Seal, No One Escapes Death. The only case I could understand your argument is Devour Hope.
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Injured speed boost let's them get away from the blocked pallets
Hex perk with a cool-down
Only blocks upright pallets
Yeah not worth of a hex
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This perk will dunk on mediocre/bad survivors. Good survivors always use their speed boost after being hit to get as much distance as possible, which I promise is more than 16 meters, much more in fact. This perk is terrible if you ask me.
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The issue with such a design is that you create new games modes that need unlimited reward for their unlimited risk. Its bad game design. You can transform all hex totem perks to have game breaking effects with no token system. For example Blood Flavor could just be Unlimited spirit fury with no stacks which is Unlimited inability to pallet loop. Hex:Lullaby can be Old ruin+Hard skillchecks for unlimited generator regression. Devour hope is already instant down+unlimited Mori which is unlimited game speed up. Third seal could be global permanent aura-reading+Permanent Undetectable for killer which is unlimited anti-stealth capacity(For the survivor). The problem with such a game design is that the perk either has so much reward that its effects are so game-winning that nobody would ever not equip the perk and its risk becomes meaningless because its reward is indefinite. If every hex was equally as overpowered, than people would just equip all hex's. It just doesn't really work from a perk design considering you can mash its powerful effects with various killer powers. I think that is the basic reason why all hex have average reward system with super strict requirements. Its just that cooldown has never been one of those requirements and that is just so odd for hex perk. It makes me think that the perk was originally a normal perk that got changed into a hex perk last second. Either way, I don't think this effect is exactly desired as the historical purpose of Hex perks for killers has always been time sink with expectancy for it to be disabled. That kinda why Hex:ruin has been used more than any of the other hex historically.
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I cant see myself ever running this hex, its so specific in how it affects survivors, it has a cooldown which means at hook defense it is useless, heck a body blocked hit and suddenly its on cooldown in a bad spot for you. Definitely on certain maps its..... Useable...... But this is one that, in its current state, i am going to be ignoring on the bloodweb