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stalking shouldn't trigger spine chill



  • Member Posts: 825

    you cant ajust it because it a mandatory part of the power???

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    A trick i use when i know survivors uses spinechill is : to go towards them while looking right or left so spine chill doesn't trigger ^^

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Tier 1 Myers shouldn't be detected by Spine Chill. He used to be immune to it, up until they decided to make killers "consistent." Tier 1 Myers is already slow, has no lunge, is totally visible, and everyone says they can hear his breathing from a mile away. Being countered by Spine Chill in tier 1 is just unnecessary.

  • Member Posts: 225
    edited August 2020

    Don't use B&C or other aura perks. Open your eyes and look for survs

  • Member Posts: 1,791
    edited August 2020

    Spine Chill has stealth killers getting double dipped in getting screwed over.

    Not only does it instantly reveal you trying to stalk someone, but you look ridiculous too trying to sideways sneak over when they already spotted you like a moron. And you don't know it either because you can't look at them (see the problem here?)

    Might as well blindfold yourself in real life too for all the good it does you for playing a stealth killer. Idiot.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Even if spine chill goes off survivors have no idea where to look, if you can't get a stalk off you're just bad and need to improve your hiding from sight skills.

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    Michael is my main killer and I do just fine against Spine Chill. It just tells the survivor that you’re looking in their direction, they still don’t know which direction that is. I’ve found plenty of people sat with their back to me as they think I’m coming from the front.

    I’ve been in lobbies with 4 survivors running it before and still got to Tier 3 multiple times. It’s obvious to tell when somebody is using it, so once I know it’s in the lobby I tend to walk sideways towards generators to stop it lighting up.

  • Member Posts: 640

    Nothing is more unfun than being a stealth killer going against spine chill. I honestly wish it wasn't in the game.

  • Member Posts: 716

    Everyone is a joke trying to nerf spine chill for stealth killers when it's supposed to counter stealth killers 😂

    Perk has been the same for years.

    Just be happy they changed OoO for stealth killers.

    Point is you don't know if a survivor has that perk or not it's a gamble.


  • Member Posts: 2,159

    Stop stalking as GF and go for moonwalk hits/grabs.

    Get up close as Myers and get your stalk that way.

    It works man it works.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I don't stalk, I just like walking around as tier 1 Myers. The only thing I wanna do is be spooky, but it sucks to spend most of my time crabwalking. And because of all the other ways the killer can be seen and heard, it's not like I even usually make it close to the gen before the survivors run off. There are a lot of matches where after two or three gens are done I just throw my hands up and go, "Well, maybe I can spook someone next time" and go afk.

  • Member Posts: 191

    Stop being an entitled killer main and deal with it

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited August 2020

    Even though michael and ghostface have "undetectable" yet sc ignores the undetectable status effect? (Which nullifies all aura reading and reduces your tr to zero) for consistency reasons sc shouldn't be special. Undetectable should mean just that.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    "Hi, this is Calm Spirit calling. I would like to talk to you about how I hard counter the Doctor's power moreso than Spine Chill does to Myers or GF."

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    The Devs did confirm they wanted to move away from perks countering powers like how slippery meat literally states in its text 25% to get out of trappers trap (literally making it 50%

  • Member Posts: 236

    How about you leave Spine Chill alone .... I'd rather keep it as an "early warning system" instead of giving the killer a free BS insta down.

    Also, fix GF reveal mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    So you're asking for balance changes to a you can meme around?

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    It's not perks that counter a killers power, it's perks that are extremely situational and only work against one specific killer so they're not likely to be used. Slippery Meat has no other uses but getting out of bear traps because at the time you mainly faced Trapper so it was a useful perk. Calm Spirit works against killer add-ons and perks that make you scream, as well as preventing survivors from screaming if they get hit with/run through Clowns bottles, so it can be useful against multiple killers and load outs.

  • Member Posts: 434

    Its not special. Its to tell you a killer is looking at you. If it didn't work with stealths, why TF would anyone use it?

  • Member Posts: 340

    Well, it is helpful for all killers in general.

    Especially since you can pair it with resilience for a vault build while being chased.

  • Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2020

    spine chill isn't an aura reading perk so of course it works. Sc users don't know where you are coming from. They just know you are coming.

  • Member Posts: 434

    True true. But spine chill is mega helpful against stealthies. I don't understand why killers think they should get all the counters for survivors perks but survivors can't have any counters to killers? Survivors don't get special abilities. If they did then killers would have perks to specifically counter them.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Spine Chill just needs the activation range reduced from 32m to 26m. It's already kinda useless against Wraith.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    The fun thing about being killer is being something out of a horror movie. The game's never going to be scary, but it could maybe take a step back from being dull. Spine Chill is great for countering Spirit; you can't see her. Spine Chill is great for helping with killers with a TR, because you know whether they're coming your way or preoccupied with something else nearby. Those killers are at full strength. Mikey's not at full strength in tier 1. He sacrifices speed and a lunge while still being totally visible, totally audible, to not have a TR and red stain. His one thing is that survivors have to stay vigilant, stay alert, and he may still get the opportunity to come around a corner and catch you by surprise. I'm working on a gen, moving the camera around to keep an eye on my surroundings, and then suddenly OHMIGOD he's staring at me from behind that tree how long has he been there?!

    I mean, it's gotta suck for the survivors in those matches, too. Running Spine Chill and then it ruins any horror value against a spooky Mikey. Wow, woo, there's a little alarm and you Sprint Burst off and you never get a fun moment, just gens and leave. And if you're playing against a Mikey playing for real, he doesn't stay in Tier 1 for long, anyway, so his Spine Chill immunity and chances for spooky moments are a very small part of the match. Unlike Ghostface, Mikey doesn't go from full stealth to instadown while stalking. He goes from full stealth to no stealth to instadown. If survivors haven't noticed him stalking them while in tier 1, they'll discover he's around once he reaches tier 2. No more stealth, no more Spine Chill immunity, and he still has a ways to go before he hits tier 3.

    Tier 1 Mikey used to be immune to Spine Chill. Using "consistency" as a reason for changing that seems kinda lame when the change makes things less fun for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2020

    Why not. What's the point of the perk if not to counter stealth killer. If they have a terror radius i know they are coming there's no point.

    If you nerf this perk it's one more perk that will never get used. It's easy to counter you don't even need a perk. Alot of survivor perk are countered by game mechanics which is a killer advantage.

  • Member Posts: 825

    i made the reply you are quoting in response to a reply in which they were acting as if line of sight didnt exist; and for you to compare this to B&C undermines the reason i made this i am doubtful you can usually see the survivors B&C revels without its aid as line of sight at that range is most often impossible

  • Member Posts: 825

    you dont know their coming you know they're nearby thats a big difference

  • Member Posts: 279
  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Spine Chill doesn't tell you which way the killer is approaching, you might SB into them.

  • Member Posts: 825

    maybe if they are chasing the obession or your on coms or if you have line of sight otherwise you cant

  • Member Posts: 443

    No. Just because you know you're getting stalked, doesn't mean you're not stalkable.

    Spine Chill does nothing but giving you a warning, that you should watch out, if it's active for longer than 3 seconds.

    I like to use this perk because I don't play this game too serious and with spine chill you don't need to pay that much attention to your surroundings than usual. A lot of times against Ghostface or Michael it happened, that I panicked and run right into their knife. Or in other cases I got a head start, but still get exposed eventually. It helped to waste the killers time a bit, but that is the intention of a perk like this.

    Also I know a deaf player and he basically relies on this perk.

    It is not possible for him to play without Spine Chill, as he can't hear terror radius or anything. This perk is essential for players with a certain disability.

  • Member Posts: 825

    the first part of your comment is somewhat reasonable but idk what your are trying to say about deaf players. both stalking killers are stealth killers they wouldnt hear a terror radius anyway. also deaf player can look around for the white mask on the black background like everyone else they are not at any disadvantage. im racking my brain tryin to figure out when anythin in that second part of you comment would apply and i only came up with pig's lunge sound? thats about it it has nothing to do with anything else stealth killer or stalking killer related

  • Member Posts: 129

    I agree that spine chill could use some nerf, but something minor, like nerfing a little bit the range. Nerfing it anymore than that would just kill the perk and make it a baby survivor perk, therefore making the meta more current than what it already is.

    And as someone stated early, having spine chill doesn’t mean ure “unstalkable”.

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