I'm a little confused about the new chest animation

The animation is something like this: the survivor takes the lock in his hands and starts to.. tear it off?? As for me, this is not very logical. Can it mean that keys will be used to open chests or just the animation is not finished?
🤷 I still think it's better than waving your hands in an empty chest to magically produce an item.
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I think the idea is that it's a rusty old lock and you're kind of just jiggling it until it breaks. Should just be a lockpick animation using a bobby pin. EVERYONE gets a bobby pin! Woo! And then keys make the animation super fast.
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Its just an old rusted padlock, you're yanking it and eventually it just breaks.
It's kinda much much better than rummaging through an empty chest that makes the same sounds as you shaking around a toolbox and then spawning a medkit out of thin air.
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What happens when you cancel it early? Do you just jiggle the lock really loud or something?
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Hm.. for me it looks like that the Survivor is breaking the padlock with the hands to get the item. I really like the animation, because it's very detailed and fits well in the game.
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I've wondered that myself and was able to ask BVHR Peanuts(?) On twitch about that. IDK what the animation is haven't seen it but it no longer creates a noise notification for the killer.
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Imo it should be looking like the survivor trying to open the lock with a neadle or something similar like a thief
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This would be really cool! but I'm happy too with the new chest animation! The animators did an awesome job!
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Ofc it's better, but I still think that something is not finished here.