To Killers



  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Introduce an early game that does the following:

    -Makes finding survivors easier

    -Makes survivors vulnerable if they stay in place too long (even if working on a gen)

    -Doesn't waste hex perks like Ruin

    -Includes some sort of secondary objective to end the early game opening.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Xbox one. What has this got to do with my point of gen speeds are ridiculous. A lot of killers would agree with me that they are ridiculously fast..

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Caught you in a lie xbox realesed in 2017 yet you said 3k hour 2016 killer main. I'm an xbox player too can you give me your profile we can always prove your 3k hours e ik th a simple check. Also it has to do with the fact that you are not an experienced player you have these opinions of an inexperienced player.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    I've been playing a while. 2 - 3 years, I forgot we were in 2020. BloodlustWolf13 is my gamertag.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You have only been playing since 2018 you should know survivors were op. But you got 5k kills bary any escapes so you recently started playing survivor right? If so play for like a month or so of solo and tell me how fun it is.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    I still have the right to say this game is broken and heavily survivor sided. I only play survivor every now and again, mainly with swf. But I play survivor a fair amount alone and with friends.

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    I dont use and slow down perks as leather face at rank 4, but i use discordance to find people who pair up. Although i am tempted to get pop eventually

    I dont think genrush is the right term for most people. All survivors can do is do gens when the killer isnt around. They have no secondary objective to do unless its from the rift. Plus they usually spawn seperated so plenty of free time to pop 2-3 gens depending on your first 60ish to 80 seconds if you find somebody to down.

    So from both sides it kinda sucks, the meta is to do the first 3 gens fast and time out the killer in chases so they cant control the map. And if the killer doesnt have a 3 gen they have to slug in order to get any pressure on the survivors before adrenaline.

    And the survivors dont have any other option or incentive to do anything else than totems during the last few gens. Which if they played optimally one 2 chases have happened in the game so theyre bored too at high ranks, and the killer is sweating to even down somebody before the last gen pops.

    Im not saying every match needs to be 20 minutes or more, but a match needs to be longer than 7 minutes. The problem is player scaling, players usually get better the higher the rank ( Thanks Mmr). How can we scale killers and survviors from purple ranks and above?

    I think we should have 1 extra gen, or they need to spawn in together on the map all of the time and they make a choice to either do 1 gen together or spread out and fix multple gens. That way the killer can set up his area or actually have pressure by not being on a timer for 3 gens at the start of the match.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Actually they are related. Killers and survivors can't simultaneously be overperforming unless the game is balanced enough to allow it.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570
    edited August 2020

    What would I suggest? Well assuming we don’t want to extend or change the game too much...

    just add another 1-2 more early game killer perks. BHVR seems to love following the meta trend and giving it an odd impromptu fix by adding a perk specifically targeting the problem (instead of addressing it lol).

    Make a Hex perk that decreases in power as gens pop and make that power something that notifies a killer if a generator has been worked on for any certain amount of time. That means survivors which are cursed will have to assume this hex might be in play and have to find it or periodically let go of gen. Giving room for a combo with surveillance. If that’s too strong then say that working on a gen with more then one survivor will negate the effect but now it combos with Discordance.

    The other perk could be like those add ons that give you a vague understanding of a gens progress. Just make it a perk. Like, for a period of time, after doing a specific action, you can see gen progression.

    2 perks that can help fight off gen speed.

  • Duniek94
    Duniek94 Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2020

    Increase gen repairing time by 10% should be fine

  • Inferno427
    Inferno427 Member Posts: 232

    Personally I don't even worry about the first 2. They're gone in my head. The issue to me is when 3 or, god forbid, 4 can pop fast.

    All survivors should always spawn together or in pairs. They should never spawn all split apart.

    Improve the regression speed or add a regression penalty when you kick a generator. Make it so killers have better slowdown without perks and need the perks to compensate. If kicking a gen drops it by 5%, make pop still do 25% total.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Currently survivor objective is to hold M1 on a thing for 80 seconds or less 5 times while sometimes you get a "are you awake" check.

    I think this not only makes the objective too menial, it also makes very fast losses as killer completely meaningless because you didn't even get outplayed, the survivors just held a button.

    I think the idea of gathering up something in order to to be able to repair gens would be pretty good. The idea of filling them with gas or something, because it would require survivors to move around the map and potentially interact with the killer. It will promote stealth as well since it would be advantageous for survivors not to be found by the killer when theyre moving around looking for things. it could also open up the game for other mechanics for survivors to aid them with stealth or otherwise interact with this period in the match where they have to move around and evade the killer.

    Survivors would need to display more knowledge of the map in order to find the things they need to start repairing gens, cuz they'll have to know where theyre likely to spawn, they would be much more likely to interact with the killer, they will be required to do something other than sitting and holding M1. Its just a pretty decent idea...

    I do think that genrush is a failure of game design rather than malice from the survivor team. Like many other people said, what else are they supposed to do while they wait to be chased by you?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    I was hoping you were gonna tell them to git gud so that I could then say that is not the way to end my ten minute survivor queues

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    perhaps a buff/rework to corrupt intervention.

    Or, generators are blocked for 20 seconds every time a generator is completed.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    Secondary objective!!!

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Honestly im mostly waiting for whatever BHVR talked open with their "start of the game trial" or whatever they wanna call it.

    But mostly what I would like to see is just

    1. Survivors spawn near each other (not neccesarily next to each other)
    2. Not on top of a gen (forcing them to look for a gen if not more gens)

    This gives the survivors a choice between finishing 1 gen together fast(bad for killer) and risking everyone being chased away by the killer(bad for survivors), leaving no one to do anything) or running out searching for multiple gens taking a longer time to start doing gens (good for killer) but also applying map pressure in multiple areas (bad for the killer)

    As it is now most of the time either all survivors spawn on top of a gen, or they spawn split up and on top of different gens. So whether or not you get a good start is rng and thats just.....bad design.

    I did consider maybe slowing down gen speed if a single survivor is on a gen, but keeping the current speed if multiple survivors coop to do gens. Kind of enccouraging them to try and help each other with the objective. But I dont think its neccessary if the first 2 things get implemented.

    But as I said I am mostly just waiting to see what BHVR's idea for the early game start will be.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Early game slowdown mechanic. Once that's added then there shouldn't be anymore complaining about gen rushing.

    Yet somehow I still think there will..