DC penalty needs to go.

This isn't advocating for people to dc. Apparently that wasn't obvious to the mods in my original post 🙄. Banning people from queue for x amount of time is ridiculous. There is already a punishment for a dc. You lose all bloodpoints, counts as a loss, you pip down. If I want to leave a game because I'm not having any fun against some sweaty red rank try hards. Then I should be able to do so. If you want to make a queue punishment then give us a matchmaking option like hardcore and casual. You get queue penalty for a dc on hardcore. If you're in a swf or a red rank. You're only allowed to play in hardcore. I just want casual fun games. I don't have fun when I'm up against such sweaty groups. It's just not fun and I shouldn't be prevented from finding another match if I decide to leave. Also, by "not fun", I don't mean "losing". I don't care if people escape but being bullied by red ranks when they figure out I don't have all the game knowledge and skill that they do is just no fun and incredibly toxic. Why would I want to stay in a game like that?


  • Endivh
    Endivh Member Posts: 6

    I disagree entirely. Whether it is a killer or survivor DCing it has negative consequences for everyone involved.

    I have played countless games today and had survivors dc leaving the team with one or two people down and an unfair killer pressure dynamic. Survivors de-pipping because theyre unable to achieve the right objective score because of DCs from either team or Killer. DCing is ruining this game for me rather quickly and the current Pip system is partially to blame. I wouldn't care so much about DCing if I wasn't being kicked in the teeth every time it happens.

    The game system is a victim of itself and it needs to change as soon as possible. Match making needs to be fairer, a pip system that doesn't punish people for having dcs on their team or chucking away their items/addons and lastly a separate queue for SWF teams and killers that would like to play against them. (The real gag is no one would.)

    In the current state of this game the DC penalty needs to be more punishing if they aren't going to remedy anything else.

    The only sympathy for dcers I have is if it's a genuine DC from an outage or poor connection, but I stand by the penalty if you've got such a bad connection you're frequently DCing - because honestly take some responsibility for your crappy connection and recognize you're impacting others game quality of life.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2020

    Explain how it's negative for survivors when a killer DCs? I just don't like the queue ban on a dc. If I'm getting bullied by some red rank swf try hards then why would I waste my time on the trial if I'm not having fun or getting points anyway? I do agree that swf should be a separate lobby choice. I'm all for the swf dying off. It's all I ever seem to get and it's not any fun.

  • my_hat_stinks
    my_hat_stinks Member Posts: 24

    Killers definitely need a surrender mechanic. Survivors can suicide (most of the time) or just complete objectives so they have a lot more control over how long they stay in a toxic game. If a killer is getting trolled by a SWF team there's absolutely nothing they can do to end the game quicker, it's almost entirely in the hands of the survivors.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Which is why I'm saying that there should be no queue penalty on a DC. At least for killer.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Which is why I'm saying there shouldn't be a queue penalty for a DC. At least not for killers.

  • Endivh
    Endivh Member Posts: 6

    I can't remember exact time that elapses but after so long a DC will strip you of your add-ons and your perfomance will actually be measured. So the system will look at your perfomance as if it were an ordinary game, and if you haven't done enough you'll lose pip because you couldn't achieve enough to ensure you wouldn't lose a pip. The 5k bp for DC is a great help to stop a de-pip, but if you haven't done much you still run the risk of de-pipping.

    Also I can sympathize with you getting dogged on by Red Ranks/ SWF and thats why I would like better matchmaking and separate queues. It would allow for a better quality of life for everyone. However, I still stand by the notion of more punishing DC consequences until the system is changed to be more sympathetic towards those affected by DCS.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    It's not just in the hands of the Survivors though, it's also in the hands of the killer. For the suicide on hook, there's not much the devs can do about it other than the survivor takes the de-pip and the other people go about their day. It's sad, but it's the truth. I won't say git gud, but you just gotta practice more, I am a Rank 20 killer getting put with red rank Survivors constantly, so I just have to practice more. There's only so much the devs can do at the moment.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    All I want is the queue punishment to go away. It makes me not want to play at all. I either stay in a toxic match and have no fun or I DC and can't play anyway. What's the point? If they don't want new players to stick around then this is how you do it.

  • my_hat_stinks
    my_hat_stinks Member Posts: 24

    It's not about winning or losing, I get 4k against toxic swf teams often enough. It's about not having fun. Killers shouldn't be forced to sit through 10+ minutes of survivors trolling, especially when survivors can exit a game almost any time they want.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    I think I saw your first post since it had the same title, topic and started with the fact that it was removed. If so, then I think we both know there was probably two reasons why it was removed. Either it was because you sounded like you were advocating D/C'ing or the fact that you said eff the devs and community or it was for both of those reasons.

    I disagree with removing the penalty. It'll give Killer's the ability to just rage quit for in my opinion, being a crybaby. That's precisely what Survivor's did all the time when it was disabled.

    I also don't agree with splitting game modes between casual and 'hardcore', because you don't want to deal with SWF's, well, I play to win and I don't want to deal with them either. The SWF feature as a whole is broken, overpowered and abused. Feel like I've seen a dev responding to someone saying that exact thing before, that they don't want to split game modes because it'll divide the player base or something.

    You can tell if you're playing against SWF's by clicking their name in the lobby, looking at their profile and checking their friends list. If two or more people have private profiles there's a good chance they're SWF's. The options you have here are to either leave the lobby or fight them. Tunnel and kill them off one by one. Doesn't matter if you kill them all because at the very least you'll ruin one or more of their experiences.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    It was definately for my community and dev bit but fair point. The rest of what I said was exactly the same except I added more constructive feedback on how to change it.

    Kinda sounds like you are the type to troll and bully killers. Why not split it? You could make the "hardcore" mode even more intense. Make it so there is no private party chat and do a in-game voice chat only. When survivors talk they can only be heard within a certain distance. You only hear them as loud as they're talking. Their range with voice could 15-20 meters and fade off from there. The killer could also be able to hear you talking. That would also be a counter to swf. Could be a really cool immersion game mode.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    I'm toxic all around. I bully Killer's and Survivor's. Even if BHVR implemented an in-game voice chat SWF's would still use the third party software specifically because it's a private voice chat. The only thing adding the in-game option would do is well..make it worse I imagine. Survivor's screaming obscenities at the Killer, trolling other Survivor's. Ooo the mic spam! Whose up for listening to an ear ######### version of Spongebob?

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    You don't say? I never would've guessed. Record it. Report it. Block. Not that hard.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230
    edited August 2020

    or just don't implement it to begin with and avoid all the extra work of dealing with those reports.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Or you could just not be toxic. That would be a really cool immersion game mode.

  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106
    edited August 2020

    Hehehe, and trunnel whole match, facecamping and sluging 3 times 2 survivors is fun, right?

    As a killer, you can just go to the corner and look to wall and go for coffee.

    But survivor, you are on the ground, you cannot leave computer, because there are another players in your team. Especially when there are 2 survivor left and 1 gen done. This is lost trial and last chance is EGC with hatch. Why this game forcing dying survival in trial for 5 minutes only for slugy 4K. Give me my BP+XP, start EGC for the last one and bye.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    When you DC from a match you ruin that match for 4 other players - that's why we have the DC penalty in place to discourage that kind of unwanted behaviour.

This discussion has been closed.