Deathslinger not fun to play against?



  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited August 2020

    all the stuff you said is never gonna get done against a competent killer ( doesnt matter the killer it is), i mean a killer above potato level, so i dont get your point. but he is annoying to go agaisnt and has little to nothng counterplay in good hands, aside from gen rush the fastest you can and leave.

  • Nineball
    Nineball Member Posts: 28

    If there's no cover, jungle gyms, or moderately safe pallets within that 5 seconds with the speed boost you get from being hit, and he doesn't fall for your attempt to dodge, your problem isn't necessarily Deathslinger.

  • Viperion
    Viperion Member Posts: 49

    I never said anything about nerfing, just read better

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    I'm not begging for nerf, I'm just heavily implying that certain killer needs to be nerfed into the ground

  • Viperion
    Viperion Member Posts: 49

    I didnt say it was going to work, its just fun to try and maybe have a chance to pull it off.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I like going against him. I like that he requires more skill to counter.

    It gets boring to run killers the same way the majority of them are ran.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    He is above average, but that was it. You are so dependend on hitting your shots that every missed one hurts. He is just too slow to built up pressure like freddy / billy can. Spirit is a 110% MS killer as well, but because of her power she can make up ground much quicker.

    He is fun to play and i don't care playing against him.

  • Viperion
    Viperion Member Posts: 49

    thats the cleanest way ever to say somebody is bad at the game i gotta give you credits lmao

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    About deathslinger? Exactly, nobody cares because he is just a bad killer lol. Here there are just useless complaints.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Why do you insult me? You have nothing else to say?

    I guess my opinion angered and frustrated you, since you started with insults. If such little things make you lose your cool, I guess you shouldn't be playing DbD at all in that case, because it will bring you negative emotions much more than positive ones.

  • Viperion
    Viperion Member Posts: 49

    im not saying he is too good, im saying hes not fun to play against.

  • Viperion
    Viperion Member Posts: 49

    I asked becouse i literally explained why im not begging for a nerf, and you react by saying im still begging for a nerf, wich im really not

  • Nineball
    Nineball Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2020

    I wasn't trying to imply that. What I was meaning was if you're in a wide open area, or there's no safe pallets the Deathslinger can't just swooce around, that's either a problem with the map, the RNG, or your teammates. Or perhaps the game's gone too long and there's little resources around. Deathslinger's power would be an issue, but any killer would have an easier time if you're screwed by the map.

    and tbh dodging is either a 1 in 2 or 2 in 3 chance of success depending on how the 'slinger runs.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    Deathslinger is a ranged killer, just like huntress his power lies within his gun. People keep suggesting they up him to 115% 32m and that comes at the cost of severely downgrading his gun. Those changes effectively turn him from a ranged killer into a regular m1 killer with his gun acting as a secondary. Please stop that, Deathslinger has very defined strengths and weaknesses as a killer. His chase doesn't make him oppressive or impossible to beat, it just requires a very, very different mindset when going up against him and playing as him. Mindgaming as survivor is just as important as mind gaming as killer, if you're predictable in your chases he's going to easily catch you, that's his strength. Deathslinger is a slow, ranged killer who brings the survivors to him with him with his power and that's what makes him, him. Please stop trying to change him into something he's not, an m1 killer with mobility powers.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    The one trouble with all this is Monitor. A 16m TR and an 18m chain means that you're going to be starting chases when he's very close to you. If you're not repairing a gen right next to a strong pallet you're very likely to take a quick hit. You just can't really effectively mindgame against a killer that can zone. If he raises his gun and the survivor dodges, he keeps walking forward and M1s. If he raises his gun and the survivor doesn't dodge, he shoots. If you had more of a warning that he was nearby, sure, you could try to stealth him, or try to scratch mark juke or something. None of that is possible if he's already very close to you.

    Speaking of Huntress, BHVR should take some serious cues from her for Deathslinger. Huntress has a 40m lullaby to alert survivors she's in the area. She has to walk at 77% speed for about three seconds in order to fully charge a hatchet. She makes a very clear noise notification when raising a hatchet, throwing a hatchet, and when the hatchet is fully charged. She cannot instantly raise and put away a hatchet, and she cannot instantly attack after putting away a hatchet - there's a short cooldown. She cannot reload on the fly and must instead find a locker. So, Huntress cannot zone, she can't sneak up on survivors unless they're not paying attention, she has to slow down and telegraph her intentions when she's preparing to use her power, etc. All of this means that survivors have a wealth of counterplay options against her. Deathslinger can zone, he can sneak up on survivors even when they are paying attention, he can quickscope a survivor and fire a projectile at the same speed as a max-charge hatchet in .65 seconds. And, to boot, he deep wounds you when he hits you with his power, meaning that you now need to chase through Deep Wound VFX if you take a hit.

    Huntress is substantially stronger strictly because she can deal damage very quickly, and from longer range if the killer's good. Deathslinger has to reel a survivor in and reload before his power is ready again. Huntress can just wing hatchets right and left at a few different survivors. That's enough to make her a much better killer than him. Still, he's stronger in the 1v1 than she is and is way more annoying due to limited counterplay.

    I would be thrilled to see him get a 115%/32m TR change, at the expense of a Huntress-style charge up time for his projectile and slower ADS times. That'd make him less unique, but way less annoying to play against.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    I don't particularly buy the terror radius argument. He can get a short radius with M&A but he's not a stealth killer. He's extremely tall and doesn't ain undetectable from any of his perks or addons. He has addons that reduce his terror radius while aiming but at the cost of slowing him down even more. If Deathslinger is in the position where he can harpoon you from 18 meters away then you are in the position of seeing him, he cannot curve his shots or shoot through walls unless he specifically lines them up through extremely tiny holes. He should be treated like most stealth killers in the same vein that if you aren't paying attention to your surroundings they will most likely get the first hit off and like most stealth killers spine chill is a pretty strong counter against them and a fairly popular perk as well.

    Huntress and Deathslinger are both different killers with different powers that do very different things. It isn't fair to compare both of them like that as Huntress's ranged capabilities are far more lethal than Deathslingers. Deathslinger's redeemer is a tool that's used to forcefully bring survivors out of position and close to him. Because of how it works there will be times that you need to make snap decisions and fire at survivors immediately, either to get them at a window or to prevent them from getting any favourable positions really. Giving him huntress style changes while making him 115%/32m would be a huge disservice and would lead him down the road of Legion's rework making him nothing more than a shadow of his former self with no identity of any sort.

    However if you and many others still insist on giving him Huntress style penalties and reworks then I propose my own compensation for the changes: Make his speargun leathal, give it the ability to down survivors on chain snaps. You can keep the 32m TR, the aiming penalties and the 110% but giving his power proper leathality to it will still give good incentives for deathslingers to use it. Piling on penalties for using his power without compensation will just make using his power more of a hinderence than anything else. Turning him into a standard 115%/32m m1 killer will kill his indentity completely.

    It's why I'm also against turning his speargun into a form of mobility, we've already got enough mobility killers out there and we don't need more of them and frankly, Caleb is a cowboy with a bum leg who hunts outlaws with a speargun. He's a hunter and that power suits him perfectly. Making his speargun into a mobility tool is extremely silly and doesn't make sense for his character. He's not spiderman, he doesn't use his gun to swing around water towers kicking bad guys. He shoots them right in the gut with a big ass spear and hauls them off to prision like the cruel bastard he is.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    The only change I can see to Deathslinger is:

    You can only fire your weapon after ADSing after 2-3 seconds. Imo

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2020

    I think Huntress is way more dangerous than Deathslinger.

    If Good Deathlinger get 4 healthy survivors in one area - one of them gonna get downed while the rest of the team run away.

    If Good Huntress get 4 healthy survivors in one area - all of them gonna get injured and one of them downed.

    Of course I basicly talking about ideal conditions. In reality it can be various results. But idea is clear.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    The TR argument is valid. Think about it - if you're on Blood Lodge, yeah, you'll see anyone coming from a mile away. Stealth counts for nothing. If you're just repairing the average gen inside a jungle gym, though, you can't see much outside of the jungle gym. With a 16m TR, a killer running right at the gen is going to be within swinging distance in about three seconds. There is no time to prep. All you can do is guess which side of the jungle gym he's most likely going to approach from and scramble as best you can.

    I'm going to be honest - I don't really care about lore or identity so long as the killer is a pain in the ass to play against. I'm at the point with Deathslinger and Legion where I would legitimately rather them be unceremoniously removed the roster than remain in their current state. If we can change their powers to be fun to play as and fun to play against, awesome, even if it ends up not being that unique. We already have killers with quite a bit of overlap in their powers that still somehow feel like they have their own niche. Ghost Face and Michael, for example. Pyramid Head will be in this bucket soon too, but he's at least new enough that I've had less time to build up resentment lol

    There are other killers on the roster who need balance changes and QoL updates, but these are the only ones that have irritatingly low counterplay. Spirit could be up there too, but she's vulnerable to perks in ways that PH really isn't. Iron Will, Quick & Quiet, etc. can do wonders. For players close to the skill ceiling, yeah, those sorts of things won't really stop them, and that's a big reason why she needs work. For most Spirits though, even in red rank, those are powerful counters and can let you frequently prolong and even survive chases.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    Your TR scenario is really no more different than any other stealth killer. Myer's breathing is 8m, wraith has to uncloak first, pig has to stand up before hitting you or letting out a very loud audible queue to do her dash and ghostface can straight up smack you without having to do anything. If you're having that much issue with Deathslinger approaching around corners you're going to seriously have hard times against other stealth killers. Spine chill will help you out a lot there otherwise you're just going to have to keep your wits about you while repairing. You really haven't provided any solid arguments to why these killers should have their powers completely gutted in favour of turning them into standard m1 killers. "Being less boring" is a pretty lame argument to have when what's annoying to go against. I don't think Deathlsinger, Pyramid Head or Spirit are annoying to go against, are they harder to loop? Sure but I don't think that makes them annoying. You wanna know what's annoying though? Skillcheck Doctor. He's genuinely annoying because he can trip up players just by merely existing and in maps like the game it's almost impossible to stay out of his terror radius. I'd consider that annoying and oppressive because he doesn't even have to do anything to hamper your progress and put you in bad positions. Spirit has to mindgame and listen, Deathsligner and PH still have to at least aim their powers for it to actually do anything. Not every killers needs to be looped traditionally like Wraith or Trapper.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Yup, being chased by a decent slinger is like one big one sided mindgame. All you can do is pre-throw pallets and hope that the loop isn’t small enough for him to pull you around with his gun.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Every Deathslinger has Monitor & Abuse, even the Rank 20 ones lol He can be annoying to go against.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited August 2020

    All other stealth killers have weaknesses, some of which you called out directly in your post. Myers needs to stalk to even get up to 115% speed, and once you see him he's just a basic M1 killer. So, even if the first hit is easy, he will have no help on the second. Wraith is in a similar boat. He has loud footsteps and the bell, but first hits are still usually easy enough. After the first hit, though, he has nothing. He's just a basic M1 killer. With Windstorm add-ons you can zoom around and maybe get some cheeky body blocks, but that's a bit map dependent and also not part of the base kit. Pig moves slowly while in stealth, as you mentioned, and her dash is only useful in small loops. Other than that she's a basic M1 killer. Ghost Face's stealth is extremely strong and that first hit is very free, but yet again, he has nothing else to help him out in the chase. When his power comes back he may be able to re-stealth for some mindgame help, but other than that he has nothing.

    Deathslinger has a ranged attack that he can zone with. Once he lands the first hit, which is easy with his tiny TR, an M1 is fatal and a Redeemer shot is almost always fatal, unless it's over a strong pallet. Both are easy to land unless the survivor is able to get behind a dropped pallet, or to a relatively strong loop Deathslinger can't shoot over. But, because you don't get to pick where you engage him, there are often no such resources in the area.

    I've commented this in more detail elsewhere and mentioned this here, but the principal issue with Deathslinger and PH is that they can zone with their power. Deathslinger can flash his gun up, and if the survivor dodges, just walk forward to gain distance quickly and M1 them. If the survivor doesn't dodge, he can quickly shoot and hit the survivor. Pyramid Head works exactly the same way, except he's a much stronger killer overall. His power goes through walls, he can down with it directly without reeling, he doesn't need to reload it and can fire multiple times in pretty quick succession, and he doesn't even need to bait a quickscope to zone because his movement speed is 110% while laying trails. If the killer knows what they're doing, there is very little the survivor can do to counter him. Rather than the killer and survivor both having chances to outplay one another, the killer basically needs to mess up. Of course, this is talking about good players. Bad players will make enough mistakes that this isn't really relevant.

    Edit: This is why I hold up Huntress as a good example of a ranged killer. She's a strong killer, but she cannot zone with her ranged attack because she's locked into a slow movement speed while holding her hatchet and it takes a bit of time for her to raise and lower the hatchet. She also needs to hold it for ~3 seconds to charge it up to the point where it can't be reactively dodged. That lets survivors try to dodge without risking an instant follow up M1. On the contrary, she'll actually lose distance as she charges her hatchet.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    This....This is perfect! Best way to describe the issues!

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    First of all I read the whole thread but wanted to answer to this specific post.

    So you would to suggest to give DS 5% more movement for 33% more tr, ads slowdown/CD AND Huntress-like windup?

    Additional to having to reload after each shot plus the small projectile and the already existing slowdown being more impactful by increasing ads time.

    Sounds like a hefty nerf with no real profits and a 32 TR would make monitor not beneficial but mandatory on him.

    I am not good on him and survivor can easily dodge behind tires and whatnot. The hitbox for his projectile is really small, I already scratched some butts with it without a confirmed hit.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    If you have problems to counter the Deathslinger...maybe try to play him ? I play every killer in the game (except the nurse and rarely Legion) and i have 0 problems to counter them.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    I'd hugely prefer that to the current Deathslinger, yes. That's not the only way to change him, but I think it would work. Much in the same way that Huntresses should rarely miss fully charged hatchets against survivors in the open, Deathslinger should rarely miss fully charged shots against survivors in the open. He'd be even more accessible than her too because of his iron sight; there's no need to get good at figuring out where the middle of the screen is and such.

    I wouldn't want to significantly improve other characteristics of his power, like reducing cooldown or reload time. I think that would make him too overbearing at 115% speed. With that said, I would support increasing the length of his chain a bit (but absolutely no longer than 24m because of Monitor). That wouldn't matter to average Deathslingers, but it would raise the skill ceiling and allow for some crazy snipes that aren't currently possible. I think that would also make him feel more like Huntress, in that being out in the open when he's nearby would be a bigger risk.

    If survivors are trying dodge you, just don't shoot. Just keep walking and they'll lose distance on you because they dodged instead of running. If they don't dodge, it's an easy shot.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Would you care to play custom against my slinger and shoe that counterplay?

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Im not in the country. Stuck overseas thanks to Covid, so my internet might be spotty but sure

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Oh dang never mind gonna be unfair for you hits gonna look really bad on your screen but if you insist Im definitely down

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    I don't think he's OP or anything, he's just boring to face. I don't think I've ever had a memorable Deathslinger match.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    If its stable, Ill let you know. Countering Deathslinger is all about critical thinking and strategy

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yes but I'm NA meaning it's still ggonna give you higher ping by default.