Devs "We wanna rework DS" also Devs "DS rework not satisfying"

So basically DS is this broken perk that requires you to do a skill check and its basically a get out of jail free card. But it seems the devs can't even figure how too nerf it to make it "satisfying" just remove the damn perk already its been stated its broken at any speed already. Just rip off the band aid and remove the damn perk stop stalling and do it....



    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    sorrowen said:

    Well they obviously are too afraid to touch the perk....

    They should make the perk have a condition such as unhooking a survivor 3 Times with a broken status effect penalty afterwards
  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Its not satisfying now lol and their excuse is its not "satisfying"

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    @iceman2kx said:
    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

    I'd like not have to do that lol

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @iceman2kx said:
    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

    It is THREE TIMES easier now to heal a slugged survivor.

    Just a coincidence?

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @iceman2kx said:
    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

    It is THREE TIMES easier now to heal a slugged survivor.

    Just a coincidence?

    So I guess I will spell this out. Unless you are running an obsession perk, you can tell which survivors use DS, because the only good obsession perk a survivor will use is DS.Therefore, 95% of your trials, the obsession is gonna be running DS.

    If you slug the DS user and go chase someone else, you now have pressure on the map. 1 dying survivor, 1 survivor being chased, 1 survivor running to heal the DS and 1 survivor working on gens. Your alternative is to pick up the DS user, get stunned and continue the chase and getting looped by the same survivor. This is the tactic they are hoping you will fall for. You went from having 1 survivor working on gens to having 3 remain on gens.This means gen rush because you couldn't pressure the map.

    Let the DS user bleed out if you have to. Slug them and move on until they fix DS. Or just continue getting owned by survivors and coming to the forums to QQ about it, really up to you.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    ^ some people -_-

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @iceman2kx said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @iceman2kx said:
    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

    It is THREE TIMES easier now to heal a slugged survivor.

    Just a coincidence?

    So I guess I will spell this out. Unless you are running an obsession perk, you can tell which survivors use DS, because the only good obsession perk a survivor will use is DS.Therefore, 95% of your trials, the obsession is gonna be running DS.

    If you slug the DS user and go chase someone else, you now have pressure on the map. 1 dying survivor, 1 survivor being chased, 1 survivor running to heal the DS and 1 survivor working on gens. Your alternative is to pick up the DS user, get stunned and continue the chase and getting looped by the same survivor. This is the tactic they are hoping you will fall for. You went from having 1 survivor working on gens to having 3 remain on gens.This means gen rush because you couldn't pressure the map.

    Let the DS user bleed out if you have to. Slug them and move on until they fix DS. Or just continue getting owned by survivors and coming to the forums to QQ about it, really up to you.

    The problem with that slugging strategy is that picking up a slugged survivor will get three times easier with next patch, yes THREE TIMES as in 300% easier.

    Slugging has already been extremely difficult to pull off vs SWF, now after the patch they can pick up each other while walking basically

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    They don't even know what they want it to be if they can't choose a perk change.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    You're not slugging the entire team, just one person. It's not about it being a super effective strategy, it's about it being more effective than the alternative. If you're running Enduring and the DS user wasn't particularly good at looping and there's no pallets around, well that might be the better option than slugging. Other killers that mindlessly down/pick up a survivor/hook a survivor without thinking get owned by DS because they aren't using strategy. Like at all.

    Just to make this clear, I am not defending DS at all. I hate the perk and I do my best to make the user suffer in my trials for it. There's just not too many effective strategies against DS so it's a pick your poison option here.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    why do you feel you need more free hand outs 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Tsulan said:
    The real question is: not satisfying for whom?

    Well they got hit hard with negativity from just talking about touching Self Care, so i'd wager they wouldn't be satisfied with touching DS cause they'd probably get death threads from the horrible Survivor mains.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Boss said:

    @Tsulan said:
    The real question is: not satisfying for whom?

    Well they got hit hard with negativity from just talking about touching Self Care, so i'd wager they wouldn't be satisfied with touching DS cause they'd probably get death threads from the horrible Survivor mains.

    Which means DS could end up with a buff.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    @not_Queen said:
    The results were not satisfying for our team, there will be more details about why it wasn't good enough in it's current form during the YouTube Q&A on Thursday!

    EDIT: typo

    Thanks for answering :)

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    They're not even trying DS nerfs on the PTB. People need to stop expecting this change, it's never going to happen. Not after this past June when survivors destroyed the steam ratings. Ya just gotta deal with it.

    This is a survivor's world and us killers are just along for the ride. :'(

    They'll nerf it when they come up with a nerf that doesn't make it near useless.
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    not_Queen said:

    The results were not satisfying for our team, there will be more details about why it wasn't good enough in it's current form during the YouTube Q&A on Thursday!

    EDIT: typo

    Decisive Strike is where it needs to be. 
    I'm tired of them begging for free hsnd outs.
    It is a one time use perk use if any change is made just reduce the stun time or remove the stun .
    replace it with temporialy blind effect as the survivor sticks his fingers in your eyes
  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    Can't wait to hear their "reason" for not nerfing DS on Thursday.. 
  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @sorrowen said:

    @iceman2kx said:
    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

    I'd like not have to do that lol

    Then run enduring on your build. Problem solved.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @The_Fallen_Utopia said:
    Can't wait to hear their "reason" for not nerfing DS on Thursday.. 

    seeing the reaction i don't think anything they say will satisfy anyone already mad that it didn't come.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    A rework is pointless since there's now Deliverance. It's the non-broken version of D-Strike.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @sorrowen said:

    @iceman2kx said:
    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

    I'd like not have to do that lol

    Then run enduring on your build. Problem solved.

    You can't use common sense in these types of arguments but i applaud your attempt to bring sense and reason to the conversation.

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @Brady said:
    A rework is pointless since there's now Deliverance. It's the non-broken version of D-Strike.

    How do you figure? They still get 1 hook and no matter what the next hook they get they are in struggle. DS means you may not even get them to the hook. I will take the guaranteed hook over the potential miss.

    @fcc2014 Common sense is lacking I can definitely agree. People don't want to change how they play, "Git Gud", because it takes time and effort so they scream for the Devs to change things to cater to their style of play so they can continue to be lazy.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @The_Fallen_Utopia I know how much it sucks losing that person or in some cases when you have a whole team running ds but it has been in the game all this time. People still rank and still kill. The early version where everyone gets a huge window but broken the rest of the game i really liked. The version where it stuns in place could turn into a flashlight/hook breaking fest. I would rather be able to 1 shot that person the rest of the game but that is just me.

  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    @fcc2014 I liked that version too. It gave them 1 extra chance when they want it in exchange for only 1 chance in future chases. It fit the risk vs reward idea that obsession perks are supposed to have. 
  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    @fcc2014 said:

    @BadMrFrosty said:
    This can only get better....

    Great Job well earned!

    You'd think I had fun that game. Wrong.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @BadMrFrosty said:

    You'd think I had fun that game. Wrong.

    I'm sure with 3 ds that was a pain in the ass.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    People don't want to change how they play, "Git Gud", because it takes time and effort so they scream for the Devs to change things to cater to their style of play so they can continue to be lazy.
    ^ Exactly this.
    Everyone has to be able to tell what are their weaknesses and create a build and a playstyle around it, but some people rather complain about things and wait for the solution to come by itself instead of learning how to manage it.
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    This would eliminate the need for DS nerf. If you agree, be sure to tag the devs in the post.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    This would eliminate the need for DS nerf. If you agree, be sure to tag the devs in the post.

    I like the ideas it does changes the core mechanics but that isn't a bad thing. Maybe repost it in the wishlist and shrink it down most people won't read all of that.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @fcc2014 said:
    @Boss i guess i'm naive i don't think they are afraid. They in a way did nerf self care. Increasing healing time not including sloppy butcher and/or clourophobia. They increased it now without even needing an add on.

    The main problem that Self Care creates is still present, even in the new PTB.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Making it take longer even if a few seconds extends the game and buys time. They will never take everything away it just won't happen. You still need 5 to play unless they introduce bots.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @Tsulan said:
    The real question is: not satisfying for whom?

    For survivors, of course.

  • ayaawesome
    ayaawesome Member Posts: 4

    @iceman2kx said:
    Quit crying, jeez. Yea DS SUCKS but I'd rather them delay it for another month or two than release an update where DS is barely even affected.

    Until then, L2 slug. Leave the DS user crawling on the ground the entire game, at least make them suffer for their DS rather than pick them up and let them use it.

    You know what else sucks? Getting slugged on the ground because people think you have DS but they are running an obsession perk, so much Rancor.