An update to Huntress, her add-ons, and her perks.

Bard Member Posts: 657
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Power Changes

  • Hatchets that do not hit a survivor are now lodged into the ground or wall in which they landed. They will remain for 30 seconds, and The Huntress can see their aura within 12 meters.
  • The Huntress can recover lodged hatchets by approaching them and pressing space to perform a short action.

For the most part, Huntress is fine at base, so just minor changes will suffice.

The purpose of this change is simple; to lessen the pain that is playing Huntress on maps with few Lockers. Pale Rose is still going to be a little bit rough in that sense, but this should mitigate it somewhat.



  • Songbook Page: Decreases Lullaby radius by 4 meters.
  • Berus Toxin: Survivors struck by a Hatchet suffer from Exhaustion for 10 seconds.
  • Bandaged Haft: Reduces cool-down time between hatchet throws by 10%.
  • Leather Loop: +1 Hatchet


  • Oak Haft: Reduces cool-down time between hatchet throws by 20%
  • Amanita Toxin: Survivors struck by a hatchet are Oblivious and cannot hear your Lullaby for 30 seconds.
  • Manna Grass Braid: Reduces hatchet windup time by 8%
  • Deerskin Gloves: Silences noise made while readying and charging hatchets.
  • Yew Seed brew: Survivors struck by a hatchet recieve a 5% Hindered penalty for 20 seconds.


  • Yew Seed Concoction: Survivors struck by a hatchet do not receive a post-hit haste.
  • Rusty Head: Survivors struck by a hatchet are mangled for 120 seconds.
  • Pungent Phial: Hatchet auras are revealed within 36 meters. Reload and recover hatchets 50% faster.
  • Flower Babushka: Reduces hatchet windup time by 12%
  • Shiny Pin: Move at 4.2 m/s while readying a hatchet.

Very Rare

  • Infantry Belt: +2 Hatchets
  • Glowing Concoction: Survivors struck by hatchets have their auras revealed for 5 seconds.
  • Begrimed Head: Survivors struck by hatchets are broken for 90 seconds.
  • Russian Songbook: Decreases Lullaby radius by 8 meters.

Ultra Rare

  • Phantom Head: Hatchets can pass through terrain once before stopping.
  • Iridescent Belt: Successful Hatchet throws are refunded.


  • Beast of Prey: Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with The Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable. Become obsessed with one survivor. After leaving chase with your obsession, gain the Undetectable status for 10/15/20 seconds.
  • Territorial Imperative: Unlocks potential in one's aura reading ability. Survivor's Auras are revealed to you for 3 seconds when they come within 16 meters of a hooked survivor and you are more than 32 meters from the hook. Territorial Imperative has a 30/25/20 second cooldown.
  • Huntress Lullaby: Your Hunt is an irresistible song of dread which muddles your prey's attention. Increase missed skill check penalties by 6%. Gain a token each time you damage a survivor, up to 1/2/3. If you have at least one token, survivors who receive skill checks will not receive a warning. If they fail the skill check, consume a token. Does not apply to skill checks that come from interactions with killer belongings.
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