Blight add-on changes leaked.

Its funny that a very rares effect got replaced by a common because everyone loved the common...
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Interesting changes. 🙂 Too bad the gameplay section is on the English PTB with the current versions, it would have been fun to see if anything else changed on how he plays like his hit box or the stuns after hitting with Lethal rush, etc.
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Waitwaitwaitwait. There's a rare add-on that gives you two extra Rush tokens. And then there's a rare add-on that gives extra token? That second rare add-on is getting bumped down to an uncommon, right?
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Any news on blight's buff? Besides if it's leaked it's likely the PTB will be updated
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Can't wait for compound 21 + hindered one
No escaping that combo
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so only get him for the perks if I wanna spend bloodpoints on anything else ever is how I read this
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######### are these changes. The very rare add-on has the training wheel effect instead of a brown and there's a bp add-on that doesn't make it harder to play? They're really breaking from how they normally do things
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probably because you need to actually hit people to get most of the bloodpoints LUL
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I doubt he's getting many buffs, other than those that come from fixing bugs. Once his collision hitbox is fixed and the double stun removed, he's gonna be pretty powerful in the right hands.
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Oh dont get me wrong, I do believe he has a lot of potential. As by buffs, I meant the bug fixes he gets. It improves how well he performs and I'm curious to try it out at the earliest.
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I mean nurses flannel addon used to be purple before her nerfs