Wraith Buff | Making him less addon dependant

AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,082
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

We know that The Wraith isn't the best Killer in the game, and I would say that he is one of the worst without addons, so here are some changes that will make him less addon dependant and hopefully be added someday.

Wailing bell

While Cloaked

  • The Wraith's movement speed is increased to 150% or 6.0m/s. (From 126% or 5.04m/s)
  • The Wraith's action speed is increased by 20%. (From 0% without addons)
  • The Wraith is completely invisible for Survivors when further than 24 meters from them.
  • The Wraith can pickup Dying Survivors while Cloaked. (He will simply Uncloak when picking them up)
  • The Wraith does have the default stun duration when getting stunned.
  • Removed the Lightburn mechanic. (I hate this stupid mechanic, just get rid of it please)


The Wraith's addons are actually quite decent, I'm just changing some numbers because of the base kit buffs.

Changed the looks of most of his addons, they are now more unique and don't look the same. (Doesn't have to be added, I just thought they are too similar to each other)

"Windstorm" - Mud

  • Decreased the movement speed increase to 5%. (From 12%, also changed the description to "slightly" from "moderately")

"Windstorm" - White

  • Decreased the movement speed increase to 10%. (From 16%, also changed the description to "moderately" from "considerably")

"Windstorm" - Blood

  • Decreased the movement speed increase to 15%. (From 20%, also changed the description to "considerably" from "tremendously")

"Blind Warrior" - MuD (Replaced, now is "Shadow Dance" - Mud)

  • Moderately increases The Wraith's action speed while Cloaked by 25%. (From giving Survivors the Blindness Status Effect)

"Shadow Dance" - White

  • Decreased the action speed increase to 35% (From 40%)

"Shadow Dance" - Blood

  • Decreased the action speed increase to 45% (From 60%)

Note: I took these numbers from the official Dead by Daylight wiki, so I hope they are accurate.

Tell me what do you think. :)

Post edited by AhoyWolf on


  • OctaviusK
    OctaviusK Member Posts: 125

    Nice, I disagree with the Dying Survivor one. Isntead it could be a quicker "uncloak" when a survivor is in they dying state close to you, youll uncloak faster?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559


    no? not to your offense or anything, but the change I want to see to Wraith is:

    He doesn't have a movement speed decrease when uncloaking behind a running survivor but has one when uncloaking behind a stationary or crouching survivor. This would remove the need for the "windstorm" effect given to the Wraith after emerging from cloak.

    What I would reaally like to see is a change that allows The Wraith to ignore obstacle collision when cloaked other than terrain (like how Nurse behaves) and be forced out of whatever collision when he begins the uncloak animation.

    Oh, and buff the uncloak speed add-ons because that'd be fun.

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    "I am once again, asking for you to make windstorm basekit."

  • Lunairtic
    Lunairtic Member Posts: 78

    These changes are perfect. It gives him somewhat of a chase ability with the 20% increase. He still has the slowdown from uncloaking. I completely agree with everything in this list. Freddy is completely hidden when farther than 40 meters and hes not even a stealth killer.

    This is my wishlist for a Wraith power rework/ buff.