Next killer nerf is Deathslinger

I think it’s safe to say that the next killer to get nerfed or tweaked is deathslinger. These forums have been filled with Deathslinger rants and topics about how he has no counterplay which I somewhat agree to an extent. Oh well, what do you guys think? What killer do you think will be getting a nerf next?



  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Hahaha no.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    All I know is I’ve seen so many posts this month specifically on how he needs to be nerfed because of his zoning ability.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Too new. I would place my bets on Huntress

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    He's not fun to go against and a good deathslinger is near impossible to beat. He's a weak killer though whose got no map pressure. So I'd say a rework is more in order.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I doubt it. As strong as his chase is, there is a clear lack of good Deathslinger's. If you don't believe me, look at all the people talking about his "counterplay." Plus, unlike Nurse and Spirit, he has no mobility or snowball potential and can easily be beaten via gen speeds, which is why despite his overwhelming chase he isn't the best killer in the game.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    I don't think he needs a nerf, just a tweak.

    Something like making it more punishing to aim but not fire and less punishing to shoot and miss.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    That's a bit disingenuous given nearly all of those threads are made by one person...

  • Velarica
    Velarica Member Posts: 76

    Deathslinger has some major issues at high skill levels. Its possible to fire his gun without even triggering the animation if you press both buttons at the same time or have high latency (at least before the new Latency system... we will see) I think if a nerf were to be applied it shouldnt be much aside from limiting his ability to fire until he finishes the 3rd person animation of aiming his gun. This way you cant be shot out of nowhere you have a split second of warning at least.

    As to counterplay: The counterplay is watching him as your running, the only nerf that is needed is the above change i mentioned so that you can actually watch him prepare to fire rather than him being able to fire instantly with no warning. Otherwise his slow movespeed and lack of gen pressure makes him weak enough.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Do you know how long ds took to get nerfed? They had an idea shelved it because it wasnt working as well. How about legion? That took some time to change considering the state he was in.

    It will take a long ass time and its gonna be hard to nerf him on account of his gen pressure problems. They wont nerf him until they find a fair way to compensate the fact that he relys so heavily on his quickscope.

    Id like to think we move past pre rework freddy reaction where they nerfed an already weaker killer and had pushed him into the tier of so awful he became the butt of every joke.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    Nice ad hominem buddy, I really respect your opinion (/s in case it isn't obvious).

    I don't find him particularly difficult to play against, but he just really is boring to play against. All he has to do it bring the gun up and put it down and the survivor takes a less efficient route by trying to make him miss. Never actually using his power allows him to slow you down, which plays counter to all of the other 110% killers pretty much having to use their power to catch you.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I believe the next nerf will be to Spirit. People complain about her just as much and while I can name a few things off the top of my head to counter deathslinger, I'd really have to think for Spirit. She has less counterplay. She will get hit again.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Imo he needs a rework. Not op but guessing just isn't very fun, especially in games like these. In no way do I think hes op, but I hate guessing, and thats why I hate him and spirit.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    No he needs a rework. Guessing isnt fun on either side, and that's what him and spirit are. Giant guesses. If the rework is too weak, buff that.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I just hate guessing. I want a rework, honestly. He's weak, but no fun to go against him.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2020

    But when he aims directly at you, the Survivor gets a dog whistle-like audio cue as a little mini warning. (assuming this prevents the over use and stealth shots of Iridescent Coin with Monitor and Abuse)

    (When my friend and I did a custom match to test out some things he said he heard a high pitch dog whistle when I aimed directly at him, and we swapped roles and I heard the same thing too, I'm not sure if others might've heard it though or if it was just a bug though.)

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Guessing is part of the fun though. That goes for every killer and Survivor almost. 100% of the time you have to make guesses or predictions on what the opposing side is about to do. If a killer is always so straightforward and simple there's no charm to it. In my opinion I find them both fun to go up against due to that guessing nature same with other matches with different killers. Their will almost NOT be a time where you won't have to guess what someone is about to do.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I don't like guessing and that isn't at all true. Deathslinger and spirit make you guess, so I hate them.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    No, he's middle tier. Almost on par with Huntress (who can be quite good with a skilled person). But okay lol.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    So he evens out to a regular 114 killer then? BFD.

    You call him boring all you want (I'm sure you came up with that one all by yourself as well) but for most killers, having to run and mind game certain loops isn't fun, having to play against flashlight DS+UB+That damn penance perk isn't fun at all, alot of what killer is forced to play is very unfun, especially at high ranks, but if you want to win you deal with it.

    So now that killers exist that put survivors in the same uncomfortable position most map offerings, perk combos, and loops do, it's a problem?

    You just sneak crying, you know you have a problem against him. You want to be able to play him at loops like most other killers, but you know what's boring? Dealing with every killer in the exact we way. Most survivor mains got way to comfortable with just doing the basic hold m1 then run to loop. If you aren't willing to adapt as killers have so often had to, good riddance.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    So, with Pyramid Head do you just run straight or diagonally or do you have to guess where he's going to use his ranged attack at?

    With Huntress where do you think she's going to throw her hatchets? Are you going to run in the same formation or are you going to guess/predict where she's about to throw her hatchets or are ya going to let her semi trucks get a hit on you?

    There are killers where you have to guess/predict their next attack. Deathslinger and Spirit aren't the only ones in this scenario. It's sort of unfair that other killers have the same format from time to time and those still singled out. I mean it makes sense if you singled them because if you have to guess the most out of all killers then yeah it's understandable, but I don't think that's the case

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Pyramid head in that situation is a hit no matter what, and if you cant dodge after a huntress throws then youre bad.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    They are the only two where you always need to guess.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    I think the issue a lot of people have in regards to Huntress vs DS is that Huntress has more visibility in what she is doing. Like, you can see when she's throwing: that little feedback allows the survivor to have the ability to dodge/juke. DS doesn't have that tell; when the gun is up, you don't really have the ability to dodge, so you have to rely on moving erratically in an attempt to make him miss. Plus, really good DS' can quickscope you, giving you no feedback on anything regarding his power.

    Now, that said, I don't find the quickscope, or really anything about his power, to be OP or anything. The non-interactivity is what makes him just really boring to play against.

    When I dodge/juke a Huntress, my thought is "whew, dodged that." When I dodge/juke a DS, my thought is "he missed." That's the inherent difference between playing against them. "I dodged that" implies that I had an active role in it, whereas "he missed" implies that I had nothing to do with it.

    PH is another matter, because aside from the fact that he completely circumvents a pallet completely, which wouldn't necessarily be a problem if he had the reduced movespeed, he's completely fine. I just wish more PH's would put me in the box instead of just hooking me and saving my torment for the mori.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited August 2020

    Slinger is fine, he is a top tier (possibly the second best only to Nurse) 1v1 killer and is balanced by having literally no map mobility at all. In fact he has the literal worse map mobility in the game; a perma 110 killer with no way to teleport or speed up.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I made 2-3 posts lol and one or 2 of them wasnt even about slinger. That's why they aren't removing them. Also it was a mere test to see the forums players. Next time @ me I dont care.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I mean never said it was you but nice to see you admit to being the one doing it 😂

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You clearly meant it being me but I only made one on slinger and the other two used him ad an example commenters made the post about slinger not me.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    You are constantly whining about him and other killers it wasn’t no test it was you mad and instead of moving onto the next game you come here and spam whine didn’t say you was quitting the game like 10 times already?

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Once again I never spammed it was the commentors who made my post about slinger not me. I never was "whining" I simply said my frustrations about a killers poor design causing the game to be boring.

    I never have said I was quitting I have said some aspects of the game are turn offs and it's annoying but quit? Never.

    Also I was never mad when I made the posts they were all made as a test to see who the commentors would be killer nor survivor mains. You know which one it was.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785


    So I guess the next nerf after that will be for trapper?