Server side validation totally working

Lol technically it is that’s just normal window hit boxes.
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Do you honestly think this hit should've registered?
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Wow imagine needing to have an extra FoV to play survivor. That is flat out cheating, shame on you dude.
18 -
What part of that should be classed as normal? Nea was half way down the fall before the hit even decided, Hey, wait a sec! You got hit, lemme just update you.
Also, if that's this stretched res thing PC players harp on about, good god man, please disable it for your own safety. That looks like pure garbage!
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When you medium vault your hitbox stays behind for longer time, if you would've fast vaulted it and still hit then I would say it's not working but since you medium vaulted then yeah, that is a hit.
15 -
Imagine you not knowing anything about resolution but still dare to speak nonsense, first of all, That s how my screen is, and on top of that, it is not the topic of this post. STOP ATTACKING EVERY SURVIVOR BECAUSE THEY POST SOMETHING.
8 -
My experience has been dramatically worse since the change. Now more than ever, killers seem to be able to lunge from a ridiculous distance and seem to hit every time!
They also seem far faster in a straight line?!?!
I read the notes but my gameplay experience is far different.
(I play on PS4 with a ping of 60m/s. Crossplay enabled. Mostly survivor)
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i can't say my experience is different or worse, it is still the same BS since it s been like this for a hot minute.
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Let's assume what you said is true, should it be that way? Shouldn't the hitbox stay on the survivor? I am mid air which means i was quite at a safe distance from the killer, even after medium vaulting i was far from them, i don't think it should've registered tbh !
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looks like it shouldn't of hit but it was normal vault not a fast vault.
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i guess thats why they call it a beta.
Also stretched resolution LOL, dont complain
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My experience has been AWESOME today. Not even one single bs hit so far. People complaining about weird hits possibly have bad internet themselves and are trying to blame the hit validation. Just a theory based on my own first impressions. I had many close calls and nothing connected through windows or pallets.
I also versed a Huntress and MANY hatchets missed me literally by a few inches without connecting even though hatchets used to throw fridges at me. As I said those are just first impressions and maybe I just got lucky today (played about 10 survivor games).
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I would like to take a moment on this thread to say that the devs did say no matter what side you're on the connection will change the outcome. Meaning if you as a survivor have poor connection or the killer has better connection than you, theres a good chance some weird hits will happen, because validation goes both ways. That hit, on video, from the stretched resolution (not saying thats bad or done on purpose in just saying the resolution makes distances harder to tell) and the fact that you medium vaulted, tells me that hit 100% registered on the killers side before you even vaulted that window. Meaning your connection was weaker. Killers are getting more "questionable" hits because survivors aren't being helped by poor connection either, like they used to. If you lag switch as survivor, youre gonna get screwed, judt like if you lag switch as a killer. Thats the goal of the system, fairness.
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He just hit a Claudette 4x in one chase >_>;;
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It should but you are missing the point, in order to do something like that you have to take into consideration stuff like ping etc.
That is why I say my previous statement, try to learn how to fast from weird angles or you will get hit a lot like that.
Think of your hitbox as a square around your character, I'm not sure the exact number but when you vault your "box" goes from one side to the other, if you slow vault it will go really slow, when you mid vault your box will go slightly faster but still slow, when you fast vault your hitbox will go or should go at the same time as your character does.
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Stretched resolution lol Nice job Clown
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Yeah, the implementation is to test.
So this is useful to them to a degree.
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It's not cheating and in all honestly looks better. It also increases frames so people with low end pcs can play.
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That doesnt excuse that hit. There are killers running stretched res to get built in lightborn is that fair?
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I don't see how having stretched res would give immunity to flashlights, but yes, Stretched res is an unfair advantage no matter which side it is.
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I mean, you're using stretched resolution, kinda deserve that for cheating anyways
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I really haven’t noticed a difference with the hit validation. I still have issues where the Killer will swing, miss me entirely, and then the hit will retroactively connect.
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That's fair rnough but if you stretch it enough you can see normally looking down so you have built in lightborn.
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What about fl saves? Went against someone earlier and couldnt blind them at all, but no lightborn. How does this work?
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I'm not sure but dont quote me on this but if it serves right the stretched res effects the games sense of your fov and you cant have unless you are directly in your face if it's that bad then it's definitely cheating.
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Thanks. I reported that guy the second I saw no lightborn.
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The hit looked fine to me. Nasty ass resolution though.
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It's called a Beta for a reason, give it some time.
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Damn mate, it looks like your playing DbD with fisheyes lenses + reshade or something to see better making the whole game look like garbage.
For that hit looks bad but then again can't see to get a proper field of distance with how crappy everything look and fish eyes.
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Everyday, DBD descends further from gods light.
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But you're a Nea so you prolly deserve it.
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Wide Doctor walking
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two things;
1: fix your resolution that's awful
2: server side hit registration doesn't just remove ping. and if YOUR ping is like ~200 or something it's not gonna do anything.
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It's normal if the killer plays with stretched resolution.
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Best comment
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Um,,, its in beta? (IDK?)
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Good he needs a ban.
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He almost touched the ground that's not a fair hit.
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Y'all know what a beta is for, right?
I mean, I assume that you do; and just like complaining.
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Is stretching your resolution to get an advantage really worth this? It looks disgusting. You aren't in the dbd esports semi finals, it's okay to lose.
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insert wide putin walking music
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Idk if I'm right but maybe his stretched res made the killer look further. Idk tho and i agree it didnt look fair btw.
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Stretched resolution isn't cheating, even though it lets you see past some loops, removing their mindgame potential that is present with proper resolutions.
....but people would use colorblind options to cheat tho!
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Hitboxes when you're falling out of a window have always been like that. This update obviously doesn't actually have a way to check if a hit "looks" off, it would just make sure the hitbox is in a reasonable range, and it was.
You might as well make a thread where you post a huntress hatchet hitting you around a corner and say "Uhhhhh where's the hit validation???" It's not gonna change the hitboxes.
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Nah it’s not normal it’s disgusting. We’ve been trying to tell devs “ITS NOT JUST NETWORK PROBLEM HIT BOXES ARE EXTREMELY BIG!” And they brush it off as “It’s just lag :)”
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Stretched only lets you see more distance not more of the killer.
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The hit is fair, its hard to tell because of the particular window, had it been a normal window rather than a drop window it would have been far more obvious that the hit was warranted.
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Doctor lookin mighty wide son.
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If that is the case, then medium vault needs to be reworked. This is simply BS