It's 2020 BHVR, just give Traper more traps already.

I'm pretty sure even rank 20s would be in favor of this change.
It's been suggested in the forums for more than an year. Let the poor guy start with more traps already. It's not like is going to turn him into an S tier all of the sudden.
I think 3 would be more than fair honestly. They really do need to do this.
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Please, I just picked him up and the 1 trap hurts so much.
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Yeah its pretty awful without bags. Id also recommend increasing his trap base setting speed by just a touch.
@Almo whats holding you guts back from doing this?
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Bags are a must on him but i don't think he should have the ability to hold more than 1 after placing his traps unless an add-on is used. Basically give him 2 or 3 starting but can hold only 1 after deploying them.
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Why? Hes the only killer limited so heavily from using his power so unnecessarily. Wraith is the only one who comes close.
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If we were to limit him to carry only one after deploying them, then he needs to start with all his traps.
He's the only killer who wastes time going around collecting his power.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
The last data they posted revealed Trapper is the most played killer in the game and has similiar kill rate than Ghost Face and higher than Huntress. So I'm pretty sure they think Trapper is fine.
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He could literally start by carrying every trap on the map AND have the ability to hold all his traps at once and he still wouldn't be super powerful because he still has to walk around collecting/resetting them. Imagine if Spirit had to go drink Ghost Juice to phase, and the Ghost Juice locations were placed randomly all over the map. It's silly. Let the poor guy start with 2-3 traps and be able to carry 2-3 traps. Free up his add-on slots for cooler stuff.
Those data points seem extremely vague. I imagine, being one of only a few killer included in the base game, he's chosen by tons of baby killers (and baby players likely make up the vast, VAST majority of players, as with most games), and since they'll be matched up against baby survivors, the majority of those matches will end with him just getting a bunch of M1 kills because baby survivors have a way lower chance of succeeding because the tutorial teaches them to hide in bushes
Of course, it could be that he's "better" than people think he is, but we can't know without more detailed and complete data. "All ranks" is possibly the worst set they could've used.
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There's a red rank set below.
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Thanks, I missed that.
Looks like he sits pretty much in the middle of the pack once you factor out the baby killers.
So give him more traps!
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Yeah hes virtually unplayable without at least the common trapper sack. He needs +1 Trap baseline. Even if we nerfed his sack addons to give 1 less bonus trap each it would make some other addon combinations more viable, like my personal favorite Honed stone and Considerably Darker traps (Yes i'm a monster)
As to the statistics, well he doesnt need too much of a buff, nothing crazy like allowing him to hold more traps without addons. But having only 5 traps on large maps baseline without a sack is downright painful especially considering that not only do you have less but you are unable to carry more than 1 at a time. At least this way if you keep your patrols smart and trap placements well hidden then you can manage without the bonus traps from sacks.
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Making Trapper Sack base wouldn't break him at all.
Seriously I'd play him more if I didn't need to essentially dedicate an Add On slot to Trapper Sack/Trapper Bag/Stitched Bag.
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That was when old ruin was a thing. He and hsg were the only ones that could passively protect ruin, of course he had a high kill rate. In addition to that logic would dictate hes picked most heavily in tge lowest ranks and tapers off at the high ranks, thats because hes not that hard to counter once you know him and how hes usually played. Last Id point out that that data has nurse as tge weakest killer. I believe the data shows that because tge skill ceiling is so high. If 9 out of 10 nurses suck with her because shes so hard that would drastically lower her kill rate. This illistrates WHY breaking these numbers out by something else (i.e. rank, hours played, skill level etc) is so important. Everyone knows nurse is the deadliest killer in the right hands, point being its to be taken with a grain of salt.
All of that said, he doesnt suck hes just a little weak
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I wasn't saying he doesn't need a small buff I was just answering a question about why devs may have been ignoring him (because he's probably not at the bottom or the top and looks like devs like to look at the extremes).
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Trapper is OG. You don’t change an OG.
1). He’s really not awful starting out with one trap. You need to be S tier with trap placement though
2) His add ons are OK. You can either carry more, or make them take longer, or basically work as an instadown.
hes not amazing, he’s not awful. He’s trapper. Leave him alone
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Just having more in the map would help a ton too. Having to go collect them wouldn't be such a big deal if you didn't need to travel halfway across the map for one
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I played a game just now... I'm going to look for my traps at 60m one from the other, I place them.. dring dring, end of the game thanks bye bye !
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I’m not touching him till he learns to be a big boy trapper.
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Increase his base capacity to 3 by default at least. I'm not opposed to him starting with one trap the issue with that is primarily where the traps spawn. Sometimes they are nearby sometimes they are completely out in a dead zone. If anything trap spawn zones need to be adjusted so they're in more convenient locations for trapper per map. To me this is one of his biggest issues.
Oh boy I just set up 3 really nice traps and now the closest trap I see is in the corner of the map where there's not even a generator. Do I waste time going over there and picking it up or do I patrol gens without a power now? If anything maybe the entity could assist trapper and occasionally move unarmed traps for him in more convenient locations as he patrols the map.
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The brown bag as basekit is the bare minimum of buffs trapper needs. As a Trapper Main I´d have some more ideas but this would be SO appreciated.
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So everything old school shouldn't be changed because... It's old school? What?
Do you play Trapper? There's a reason why most Trappers run Corrupt Intervention and that's because he needs to set up. Starting with only one trap and going around collecting and setting them up one by one takes a lot of time and having a bag reduces this by A LOT.
Half his add ons are terrible. The only useful ones are the ones darkening the traps (which really is just Tar Bottle because the other one really isn't great), the setting tools, the bags and his Pinks. The honing stone could be alright, but you'll find that a lot of the time when you're playing Trapper you're chasing and herding people in your traps rendering the honing stone useless most of the time.
You're right. He's not amazing, he's not awful either, so I completely understand if devs want to spend their time getting rid of some of the bs add ons like iri head before revisiting Trapper. The fact he's not awful however doesn't mean he shouldn't be touched.
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Well the thing is : he always should start with at least 5 traps around the map, then you could have more with addons.
Coz right now depending on the map if you don't have addons you can have less than 5 traps total which is terrible, especially on large maps ^^
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Nice to see the support.
It's clearly something the community has wanted for a long time.
Let's see if we can get the devs attention. Keep it up people