New Hit Validation on Killer Powers?

Does the new hit validation affect killer powers, or just M1s? If it prevented me from getting hit by laggy Huntress hatchets, I would be so damn happy.
It should work for all kinds of hits.
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Hit validation got even worse, i've seen hatchets and swings that look like a mile away but hit
but hey it's BHVR, maybe another 2 fixes will do the trick
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I'm running 300+ download and 200+ upload, and I'm not seeing a difference on anything so far. Things are still wonky here and there.
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If it works then Freddy is about to lose 90% of his hits.
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Freddy has same attack range as all killers using their m1.
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Lol yeah on paper he does.
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Peanits and others have even stated that several times. It just looks like it does because of the wonky weapon size and animation.
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It looks diffrant becouse freddy is smol and so is his claw arm.
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Kind'a what I said with the whole weapon size and animation thing, but yes.
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Does it only affect hits or does it affect other things that are affected by lag, like grabs, picking up or hooking
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grabs are a mess when it looks like a grab it not so I like to know if this going to fix grab too.
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Freddy is shorter but his attack is the same, compared to nurse who has a better hitbox but shorter lunge
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LMAO do you ever play survivor against Freddy?
Or 100% killer main?
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Oh my goodness I feel like you guys have never faced Freddy and his go-go gadget arm hits before.
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One of the many reasons I do not play Nurse. That short lunge is probably more frustrating than the self stun, impassable terrain, headphone requirement, terrible add-ons, etc.
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I play both sides and I played against freddy a lot.My ping is around 70-90 all the time so some hits are funky.But its with all killers.It may look like he "missed" but its becouse is vary short and his weapon is fairly small(im not kidding).Im not 100% killer main,I would say around 60% :)
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It shouldn't make a difference in very close calls (e.g. you drop the pallet, and they hit you just as you're dropping it). You should only notice it in more extreme scenarios, like if you were to drop the pallet and continue running and then they hit you. There's a bit of leeway. This is an online game, after all, and we can't expect the latency to be 0.
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Does it make dead hard better?
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Wait would this thing be why 2 times I've had a full unhook bar only to be yanked off mid unhook animation and I mean there off the hook and suddenly I'm yanked and there on the hook?
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wdym? Dead Hard is Dead Hard. It's gonna dodge the hit, unless you hit E while facing a wall.
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There are cases where you hit E and you get exhausted but you get hit nonetheless.
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Does it work both ways? One of the reasons I had to stop playing Plague was the robbed hits with high-ping survivors.
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I am Freddy main, but I roughly play 2x the time survivor than killer.
I don't know why everyone keeps saying Freddy has an omega lunge. He hasn't. Have you ever played against Legion with his butter knife? Their hit looks always strange because of the tiny weapon and their short height. Same for Freddy.
Or maybe you just get killers with higher ping which makes it even more weird. I have 30-50ms to the server, so I expect the hits to be accurate.
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@Peanits Can you tell us what is considered a weak connection? Or is that one of these things better be not known to reduce abusing?
I fear that if the limit is too high up, I will still get hit through windows even if I did 2 steps after the vault already.
And another question that just came to me: Will it fix the hatch problem during a hatch stand-off, where you spam M1 to get through the hatch but the killer always gets to close it first?
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Why do so many complain about Freddy, when exactly the same applies to Hag's lunge as well? She really FLIES at you!
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LMAO do you ever play Freddy as killer?
Or 100% survivor main?
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Will it fix ghost saws of billy?
You know when the animation of chainsaw sprint is ended by the game on "Hit" animation but survivors runs uninjured.
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You trying to be smart but you're not.
Freddy has the most broken lunge in dbd.
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Just saying it over and over doesn't make it true
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Okay bud. I don't care at all honestly, believe whatever you want.
Facts are all over YT, forums.
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It is true though. Even the devs have said so. On the killer side it doesn't look bad, but on the survivors there can be almost a meters distance between you. This is coming from a killer main since you seem to care so much.
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I mean there may have been some nonsense Freddy hits I've had in my time from a player with bad ping. But the majority? That's hardly likely. Plus can you really say all the people who also experience it with Freddy are also facing bad ping Freddys. His lunge and Huntress hatchet hit boxes are the worst for most people when it comes to BS hits;
Is this a thing where people with bad ping decide to play Freddy and none of the other killers ๐ What ever it is about Freddy he has a lunge that reaches farther than it should.
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There's a lot of things on yt, including pro flat earth videos
I'm confused as to where I expressed any interest in what role you played, or interacted with you at all
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It is because an animation issue. It LOOKS like he has a way longer attack range because all killers have the same lunge distance, means they have to give him something as long as trapper's weapons or make a miracle animation to match the lunge to his finger blades but he doesn't so it looks like he is hitting from miles away.
Imagine what it would like if you gave trapper a carrot as a weapon. What do you think it would look like ? He would still have the same hitting distance.
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That was a joke? must be alone in home very long time. Try to socialize a bit.
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Someone seems a bit grumpy today :) Why don't you go and have a nice nap and we'll resume talking about Freddy's lunge when you feel a bit more clear-headed.
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The first person in this thread who can give me undeniable proof that freddy has a longer lunge than other 115% speed killers gets a 50โฌ steam gift card.
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devs say it's the same as any other killers, I'm gonna trust the ppl sitting behind the hitboxes over some random ppl who have no clue about gamedesign.
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Ah my mistake, the last part was because the guy you were responding to. Responded to someone talking about being him being "100% survivor main."
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Ah I see. No worries :)
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He has the same as everyone else.
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Will you guys ever understand?
Its the same as everyone else. It just LOOKS bigger because of his weapon size etc..
Even the devs said that multiple times btw.
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All I know is that I get more bs Hatchet or Deathslinger or Legion hits than BS Freddy hits.
Maybe it is a self fulfilling prophecy.
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Will you ever understand? It doesn't matter one iota what the official stats are, or what the devs says. It doesn't change the fact Freddy is the most common killer when it comes to BS hits that players experience. His weapon size has nothing to do with it. Pyramid Head has a huge blade he drags on the floor, but I don't feel like I've been smacked from Australia when he hits me with it.
You can repeat over and over that his lunge is the same as everyone else, that's not experience people get from him in game. Accept it or not, it will still be the truth. But go ahead tell us his lunge is the same as everyone else's again, I'm sure that will magically erase everyone's experience with him and his nonsense hits.
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Or nurse. She always had spaghetti arms.
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He gets BS hits becauae IT LOOKS LIKE IT but its still the same as everyelse! Go KYF, look for a spot and try it with different killers before you talk trash about things you know nothing about.
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Yeah, but her hand visually connects better and her animation has more dynamic. Freddy's claws on the other hand are quite thin and don't always seemed to connect. It just doesn't look that good.
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That's a good idea - @Dwight_Fairfield if you lunge from the same place with both Freddy and another killer in kyf (or get someone else to if you don't have him) and record it, if Freddy's lunge is longer the devs will have to admit there's a discrepancy and act on it. And if not then the discussion can be put to rest.
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No he has not. If you took the time to play Freddy just once yourself you would have recognized that there is no such thing as mega-lunge, it is exactly the same as every other killer (except Myers in his EW1 or EW3, obvisouly). Thats why my response was actually smarter than you acknowledge, btw.
It looks ridiculous from the survivor perspective at times, yeah, and with latency thats even more extreme. But it's still the same as others killers, everyone playing killer from time to time can assure you this.