BHVR just gived up on console optimization.

I'd remember they promised console optimization a year ago, and here we are!
Indoor maps are lagin af, and even some old maps (that we're running in stable 50 - 60 FPS) are running in 30 - 40 FPS (sometimes even lower). And you know why? Because the next - gen is literally a few months away, so why trying to optimize PS4 and Xbox, when PS5 and XSX are on their way? (sorry for bad english)
new graphics are coming in just 2 weeks you can't wait for those first?
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When they are lagging streamers with strong pcs even? Im afraid my ps4 will explode.
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do you know what PTBs are and their objective with player testing before is final and out for everyone?
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They only updated Yamaoka and Badham Preschool.
You really think that would fix all the FPS issues consoles and weaker PCs have?
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illumination and some assets are changed to the rest of maps too
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Pretty sure,this won't make a big difference aswell or else the devs would have already told us about the next patch giving much better performance.
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if you go to sound and screen and change your resolution to 720p it can help with fps
if you have ps4 pro you can enable boost mode and disable supersampling
these help the game run better but turn down the quality a bit h0owever the downside is miniscule and you wont notice
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Funny how you said that the old maps were running on 50-60 Fps although Console can't do better than 30 Fps, lol
I would be VERY happy to get constant 25-30 fps the whole time
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Console might be ok with the new graphics. I was in the PTB using average hardware and I actually noticed an improvement with my FPS. And I don't think console optimization has an end date, it's always been a work in progress with the devs making improvements to the game all the time.
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Am i the only one whos fps is smooth on ps4?
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Consoles don't have access to the PTB so we can't even test it ourselves
Low-end PC's aren't a fair representation of what would happen on consoles
If Sony and Microsoft allows BVHR to have a PTB on consoles then "everyone" can test it out
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Its been 2 weeks, I don't think you guys know how hard it is to program games and troubleshoot optimization problems or how long it takes even with skilled developers
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Considering console FPS is complete garbage at the best of times, these new graphics will either make or break the game. Indoor maps are stupid laggy. Demogorgon can't move 5 feet without breaking FPS. A survivor can 360 us and it breaks the FPS trying to swing at them. So you'll have to forgive us console peasents for being wary of the new graphics that could just destroy the game for us.
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My FPS is only really bad usually when bloodlust kicks in. Then it's like a slideshow and I lose the survivor because of frame rates dropping. Which is NOT fun.
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Wrong. It’s nearing 2 years since Queen made the statement about console optimization.
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I also play on console, so I wasn't talking down to console users or anything. My point is that with my average hardware, I saw considerable improvement when playing on the new maps. Not every PC was having problems with the new map, so if the devs are targeting systems with lower hardware specs as their play base, console might see an improvement too. We won't know until it's out.
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Better graphics = better performance??? What logic is that? Better graphics brings worse performance.
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actually, they said "we sent this thread to the tech team", but they never actually acknowledged the current situation, not publicly.
Just for a full disclosure.
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They have acknowledged the FPS issue on console. Although it's been like what, two years or so since the game released on console and they have still done nothing about it.
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Just to throw in: WE PC players suffer with the same performance issues. Its not like DBD PC is better optimised than DBD CONSOLE, no no. They run both terrible. The difference: PC players with a lot money can upgrade to NASA PCs. But thats the minority. Most are have to live with mid to low end PCs which is pretty equivelant to Console Power.
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As rough as it sounds you’re probably right, because at this point it financially makes sense for them to invest in optimised performance on next gen consoles, and abandon any plans to optimise current gen console performance
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as I said in my reply before yours, they acknowledged the thread (not the issue), and passed it on the Dev team, that would take a look at it* (*the thread)
We currently don't know:
- if the dev team actually looked at it
- if they think there is an issue to solve
- if they want to solve it
- if they are able to solve it
- when they'll solve it
that's plenty of questions unanswered.
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Damn that's actually pretty annoying. Console players have been left in the dark for so long. It sucks cos I bought their game and spent extra money on cosmetics and Dlc but they don't even bother to fix issues known since the console version was released.
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exactly, its a problem which never was taken serious.
Also, I have to tell u something as a 2016 DbD player. I used to have MORE FPS in 2016 than now. Same Laptop. It got worse and worse after each update and engine upgrade. back then I could have easy 60+ FPS on 100% resolution fullscreen. Now I have to play on a smaller screen and 0% resolution (low quality) and I hover around 40 FPS. Its frustrating
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I shouldn't have to do that just so I can play the game properly
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anyway the ones that tried it say "I think it might get a little better, but it's still bad". We can't know if it's just a placebo, considering we don't have an fps counter on screen.
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I didn't even say that but I don't think it's too hard to understand that they aren't going to optimize old graphics wasting time doing so when new ones are coming, or do you prefer to have that phase longer by optimizing graphics that are gonna get lost anyways?
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Put 2 fogs offering and a ######### fps map like ormond, UNLIMITED POWER AGAINST CONSOLE
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Mine is good too.