Tunneling and Camping


Let's go over tunneling and camping shall we? People toss those words around a LOT on here. So let's be clear

Examples of camping:

Staring at the hooked survivor and revving a chainsaw face to face

Scaring off survivors but refusing to chase in order to protect one hook

Staying within heartbeat range of hook the whole time despite seeing no-one

Here are examples of NOT camping:

Chasing a survivor near a hooked survivor (guy being chased needs to leave the area and loop somewhere else so a buddy can unhook)

Seeing someone go for a save and chasing them. (Assuming the killer wasn't doing the above camping beforehand) If they SEE you. They are going to chase you and smack someone when you unhook. It's called "unsafe unhooking" verified by the fact that there are bloodpoint rewards for "safe unhook" and the game punishes you for performing unsafe unhooks rank-wise. Read the emblems for altruism.

Bouncing between nearby gens and the hook. That's patrolling. Wait for him to go for a gen. Then unhook. Simple.

Examples of tunneling

Seeing a survivor and running past them to hit someone else

Ignoring a body block to try to get to someone else

Here are examples of NOT tunneling:

Seeing you run up to the hook and following you but hitting the unhooked guy instead (he took a chance on BT triggering. If the unhooker was healthy then the killers choices were a 2 hit down on the unhooker, or a 1 hit down with a chance of BT... Easy choice)

If you get off the hook and walk or run into the killers view on accident or on purpose and he chases you.

If you get off the hook and the killer downs and hooks someone else then finds and downs you. Not tunneling. If they hit someone, pick them up, put them on the hook, find you, chase you, and down you again. That's. Not. Tunnelling. The whole time they were killing your friend was plenty of time for you to get away. Please explain that to whoever coded DS.

Did I miss anything?



  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    To be fair most stay within terror radius distance so they can get back to the hook quickly to tunnel after the unhook. Trappers are notorious for this.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Examples of tunneling: downing and hooking the unhooked survivor before they have to recuperate

    Examples of camping: staring at the hook waiting to zoom in after someone going for the save

    No exceptions...some forms of camping and tunneling are more toxic/unreasonable but that doesn't change that it's all the same. Camping and tunneling aren't dirty words, they are determined by definition and not emotion. I do agree DS needs to deactivate when repairing or unhooking while BT needs to based on range and require that the killer have been purposefully sitting around the hook.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275
    edited February 2020

    I meant standard radius. Never REALLY giving a chance for an unhook.

    I disagree for the tunneling one. In some cases yes. But if you make mistakes, it's not tunneling. It's mistakes on your end. Tunneling implies intent. If ghostface stealths back to the hook and runs into you mid-selfcare he's not gonna just let you go, nor did he tunnel. You simply mis-played.

    However I do agree with the staring at the hook from a distance. Definitely camping.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    care to explain what camping and tunneling are then? Oh grand master of dbd knowledge

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Emphasis on time to recuperate: you had enough time to reach a decent set of map tiles. Therefore, you have no reason to disagree :)

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,378

    I like to leave my TR at the hook for maybe a solid 10 seconds just in case survivors wanna do a insta save and I can keep pressure on survivors by going after the rescuer

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    But as mentioned. If someone runs up to unhook and the killer is on their tail and they hit the unhooked person instead of the "savior" that was a choice. He literally had two in front of him and smacked one. Often times he doesn't even care which one. Just wants to get the clean blade animation over so he can chase.

    If you get unhooked and go RIGHT down without getting to run 5 feet that is not the killers fault that's the unhooker. They did an unsafe unhook. Not the killers fault. So you can't call them a "tunneller". The terms tunneling and camping imply negative connotations on the killer. And if they are just reacting to a sandbagger. That's not the killers fault. In my opinion of course.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Most killers stay within terror radius distance? Huh. Not my experience.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    You realize you did not correctly define tunneling at all?

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    I meant a rough distance of a standard terror radius. Basically if they aren't patrolling gens or chasing someone but they just LINGER around for no reason. Terror radius being a reference point.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Tunneling as mentioned above is from tunnel vision. Meaning ignoring all things in order to get ONE SPECIFIC person. That's what I was trying to describe.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Like I said, tunneling isn't a dirty word. It's a term with a set definition and murky connotation. Downing and hooking a survivor before they have time to recuperate fits the definition. The situation you describe is technically tunneling, but not necessarily "dirty" which is what you think tunneling has to be.

    TL;DR: the situation was tunneling but nothing to yell at the killer for

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Only if it is detrimental to your overall objective. Otherwise its only focusing.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Don't change the definition to fit your narrative. We've gone over this.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Proxy camping and tunneling go hand in hand.

    Killer gets hook, stays nearby within terror radius waiting for the unhook, immediately goes after the other survivor again ignoringvstyone else in the process, gets second hook, wait near hook, goes for the unhooked survivor again ignoring everyone else he sees along the way.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    If a killer lingers, it's not really for no reason. Most killers run BBQ. If they don't see anyone on BBQ, it's pretty safe to assume someone is nearby looking for the save. Why would you leave if you know people are nearby?

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    Lockers exist, but the odds of every survivor getting into a locker at the same time? Fairly low, which is a pretty consistent thing. Sorry bud :/

    I can already tell you don't really dabble in killer that often, if that's honestly something you don't know.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    Lockers are everywhere. Cool, you have eyes. Good on you. Again, you're assuming everyone gets into a locker every time someone is hooked.

    Maybe you're immersed. Most survivors aren't and don't care to get into a locker. I personally find it more efficient to just stay on the generator.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I still don't know what you meant when you said "that's better". I still never changed my opinion on the definition of tunneling. Which is a global gaming term, sorry that I am I right and you are wrong. Tunneling is a fast way to lose as Killer because you ignore your objective, and better options. The entire goal of the Killer is to kill the survivors at any cost, and to do that they have to reduce the survivors chances of surviving as fast as possible with only a little time to do so - down to the second. Attacking people off hook is apart of that, but if survivors stopped making unsafe saves then your definition of "tunneling" wouldn't be an issue. So stop blaming the killer for other survivors mistakes, and instead improve as survivors.

    Likewise i'm not going to chase a survivor that turns and uses dead hard into a near safe loop, or uses some other exhaustion perk off hook into a safe loop. I'm not going to keep chasing a survivor into a safe loop after they hit me decisive strike either. But it's not the perks that mattered, it's the fact they went into a safe loop. It would waste too much time chasing them there, and if I did chase them there that is what Tunneling is - because at that point I would be focusing solely on catching that survivor and ignoring a very big crucal part of the game - the Generators.

    But regardless of how I explain it. If I just put a survivor on hook, turn my back, and your already running up and saving them. I'm going to bop the both of ya's as fast as I can, and I wouldn't care if I had to slug one of you to do it, because being slugged is almost just as bad as being on hook. If the survivor waited a few seconds longer. I would of been well off away from the hook, and damaging a gen, chasing another survivor, or simply too far away that if you unhook and then both dive into different safe loops. Chasing either of you would be too dangerous to pursue.

    Am I just talking to a slate wall, or are you understanding this?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You think the definition includes it being inefficient...sad thing is no one agrees with you

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    No the entitled survivors don't agree with me, because it doesn't follow that "I am entitled to a chance to recuperate" mentality you mentioned before. However many, and I mean a lot. Of people agree with the actual definition of tunneling, because it's a global gaming term - that everyone knows.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You also think tunneling is a toxic or unhealthy strategy, which is also not always the case.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I never said toxic, or unhealthy. I did say though that it's a fast way to lose, because it is. It's apart of what tunneling is. If you lost to a killer that tunneled all game, then you're just as bad at the game. The amount of generators done in that time, and how long a survivor can be in single chase proves that.

    Like clearly i'm not going to teach you what the actual definition of tunneling is, but i'm at the same time not going to let you spread lies about what it is.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Sorry but my definition is the actual one, look at DS and BT(anti-tunneling perks). They give TIME. Clearly your definition doesn't apply to dbd, and that is why I encourage you to stop pressing it upon others.

  • rephaim
    rephaim Member Posts: 96

    "This hag is such a camper and tunneler. She is EVERYWHERE I go always following me or staring at me!" Lol

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited February 2020

    No. They are considered "Anti-Tunneling" perks because they help stop tunneling, but that doesn't make the definition of tunneling, hitting a survivor off hook. Tunneling works on survivors that doesn't know the game because while another survivor is in chase they are not doing gens, and new survivors don't remain in chase for long - so they need "anti-tunneling" perks to have a chance. This also included insta heals, which have been nerfed for seconds. So then survivors get better at prolonging chases or get punished for it.

    No matter how much you pressure others, you are not going to change the actual definition of Tunneling.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't wish to change the definition, I wish to preserve it. Sorry that your narrative will collapse without it, but definitions don't change just because you want them to.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Well so far my comments have only gotten more votes than yours and yours have gotten none. Again. So it seems I do still know the actual definition of the term. Sorry, but the longer you continue to blame the killer for yours or your allies mistakes you won't become better as a survivor - I didn't until I changed my mindset too.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You want killers to be blamed for tunneling? Like I said, tunneling is nothing to be ashamed of.

    Also upvotes are invalid because there is bias on individual threads. Have you seen how many echo chambers are on these forums?

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275
    edited February 2020

    To try to clarify the new issue happening in the comments lol.

    Tunneling being based on tunnel vision is a common gaming term that implies negative connotations on a killer who has tunnel vision on one person despite better options. If you are the better option at the time. The killer did not choose to tunnel. He chose the better option.

    Tunneling (as a gaming term) is an active choice and thus given a negative connotation.

    Now, the better choice may SEEM like tunneling when in fact the killer is simply making the right and efficient move. That is why I made this post. To clarify that situations that are commonly deemed as tunneling are in fact the right move and NOT tunneling.

    I believe in order to be "tunneling" you must have "tunnel vision". In order to have "tunnel vision" you must be focused on one thing and one thing only.

    If you made a fresh choice that resulted in the same person going down. That was not "focused on one person" that was a fresh choice. If they had been "tunneling" then the choice wouldnt be a fresh one. If would have been made long ago and continually carried out. Because that's what tunnel vision is. And that's what is generally accepted as tunneling.

    I hope this helps :) BTW I appreciate the input. I didn't want a post where the whole internet agreed. I expected peoples input and disagreements. I'm just trying to clarify and give definitions and examples.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    So tunneling is near impossible because focusing the same survivor all game is the most efficient thing to do? You're right I guess, it's not tunneling, just focusing. "Lmao baby survivor if you don't want to be focused just get good and heal yourself instantly after being unhooked, you're making yourself the most efficient target by not knowing how to do so."

    Sound right to you?

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Haha no. I'm not blaming the unhooked survivor here. But I'm not blaming the killer. In that scenario where you get unhooked and downed again. That's the fault of the person who unhooked you unsafely.

    Tunneling is very possible but 9 times out of 10 is NOT efficient at all! Focusing one down at the expense of losing other hits/chases is a detriment to the killers ability to apply pressure and gain rank. They totally CAN tunnel. And it usually happens against someone who pisses them off. The killer decides "screw the game and objectives. I'm killing this guy cuz he looped me". It happens. I'm just saying if you go down twice in a row it isn't ALWAYS tunneling nor ALWAYS the killers fault. Sometimes. But not every time. Sometimes the guy yanking you off the hook 20ft from the killer and expecting you to survive is to blame. The killer is just capitalizing on that idiot's mistake of taking you off at the wrong time.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    To give an example from the other side. Survivors being "toxic"... If a survivor loops you for the whole game and you lose. It's not "toxic". The survivor was simply doing what he's supposed to and the killer was dumb enough to keep chasing him. However. Being "toxic" is a choice. Pointing and t-bagging are an active choice that makes someone toxic. The survivor doesn't think "oh I'll just be toxic and run to the next loop"... That's not how you think. You just run the loop. It's the best move. Being "toxic" similar to "tunneling" is an active choice on the players part to be a prick.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    So far not a single person has led me to believe that tunneling and camping isnt required to win matches. Killers have to play like that

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Mmmm. It depends on the skill level of the survivors. As the game is CURRENTLY. Those methods and slugging are about the only way to even begin to counter good survivors. But against low-mid skill level survivors. Hooking someone and running to the gen you think is being worked is a good method. One on hook, likely one unhooking, and the one you are pushing off a gen is 3 people off gens. Works for me at mid ranks (purple)

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    You forgot that when unhooked person gets caught in a trap, and you catch them, its also not tunneling.

    Same when you see the unhooked person randomly with an aura reading perk.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I try to time kills to a minute and a half each otherwise they all escape

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    I guess everyone has their method. I try to hook everyone evenly if I can. I do it because as a survivor, if the killer IS tunneling one person. I have 0 pressure and I calmly do my gens. Who cares if he catches me? It's my first hook. But if the killer is downing everyone evenly. Now I'm like "hmmm. I'm on 2nd hook already, I need to be a bit more careful" which will pull me off a gen faster when I hear the terror radius and such. Small things like that can add up. But if that's how you kill. Then do your thing

  • Scytere
    Scytere Member Posts: 123

    Both valid strats for toxic survivors. Moving on.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Lol I guess if you wanna fight fire with fire. Sure.

    This wasn't to say it's not valid haha. It's to clarify that people are mislabeling normal gameplay as toxic sometimes.

  • Crewszpoo
    Crewszpoo Member Posts: 28

    Hook n Cook hook em camp thru phase 1 2 of 3 hooks used for that player meantime kill the ones who take the bait see a killer camping do gens while it camps i coined hook n cook fyi lol

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Did anybody say that tunneling and camping should be bannable? Because they really should. Devs said it's "a killer tech", but how can be a tech if it's hurting you more then giving you anything back? If you tunnel and camp you are literally throwing away your gen defense, the only thing you wanna achieve is being toxic toward that person, therefore, it should be bannable 100%.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    there is no definition of camping or tunneling. as its not referenced anywhere in the game. they do not exist. they are colloquialisms that some players have used to describe behavior.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Survivors reward it all the time by stopping gen progression, which is the main reason why killers keep doing it. Even if survivors didn't stop all gen progression the instant someone is hooked and then stay around the hook even if that person is being camped, making you lose is not toxic.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Oh, you mean the soloq survivors that make this mistake? Because a swf will never do this unless they have already rushed all gens and cleansed all the totems and THEN get to their friend and save him too, and tell me what is left to you in that case?

    This is JUST toxic BHVR, and nothing else. You get nothing from camping and tunneling, NOTHING. And even tho you could get ANYTHING from camping and tunneling?? This WOULD NOT be a reason to ruin another player's fun just to achieve that! And this is why it MUST be a bannable reason.