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Otz Got 50 wins in a row with Hag and Legion.



  • Member Posts: 526

    That would require me finding 100+ people who stream the game and are also going for a 50+ win streak. Which isn't going to happen on either side of the fence. We both know this. However my point was people like to bring up Death squads with survivors playing at their most optimal all the time and blame swf for everything. Yet when a person who plays killer at an extremely high level destroys survivors left and right because of their skill, it's completely ignored. And immediately discredited as either the survivors they played against were all potatoes. Or...They play the game a ton so of course they do well. Ignoring the fact that a lot of those death squads probably also have 1000's of hours in the game.

  • Member Posts: 657

    No. Legion is just bad, and if a single survivor team in those 50 games had a half a brain between them, the streak would have ended.

    Legion's strength is that his power allows him to snowball after getting easy injuries on the entire survivor team.... IF THEY DON'T SPLIT UP.

    If they play properly, it is literally just not possible for you to get more than 1-2 survivors in your Frenzy.

    If the nearest survivor is 13.5 meters away when you reset your Feral Frenzy (12 meters distance closed by baseline Frenzy plus ~1.5 for your lunge) and they just hold W, it is literally not possible for you to catch up with baseline Frenzy.

    You want to know how long it takes two survivors running in opposite directions to open a gap of 13.5 meters? 1.7 seconds

    Keep in mind that Legion does not have stealth and he notifies the entire survivor team of his power by causing a construction-vest orange bar to appear on people's portraits, so if they don't realize that "he has killer instincts on me and I should run", that says more about their skill than it does about Legion's skill.

    Go watch any video of a Legion. If a Legion wins with a normal loadout (no Moris, no Devour Hope that can't be replicated, no 3-man NoED cheese) I guarantee the survivors were idiots who either go down to baseline M1 gameplay, potatoes who stood still during his Frenzy, or wannabe no0b3's who turn Frenzy into something lethal by doing one of the ONLY things that make it lethal (Blinding him, stunning him, or going into a locker).

  • Member Posts: 824

    They weren't really in a row though were they? I watched quite a bit of his streams and he did like... a rotation through each killer. 1 game on plague, then 1 game of gf, then 1 game on Oni or something.

    Unless he changed it up.

  • Member Posts: 97

    Meme builds can be seriously deadly. I have yet to lose as Hag with Freddy’s kit and NOED almost exclusive teleporting in end game because no one expects it.

    The only time I got a draw was when I purposely let someone escape after the first one left.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    you have 20 different killers and 23 different survivors that are all skins of each other, of course it takes more time to get better at killer

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    The difference that you just proved to everyone is that there are MANY players who go against the SWF death squads meaning that the SWF death squad is more common than a single player achieving a 50+ win streak.

    If you don't want people to ignore that single instance, find more of them by other "regular" players. Otherwise you're mistaken in your observation.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Hag is a great killer. Legion sucks, but Otz can make any killer look good.

  • Member Posts: 186

    True killers are stronger than most players use them seem to show. But on the other hand, Otz also kind of plays like a dick and he spends like 6-8 hours on DBD a day.

  • Member Posts: 879

    I forgot if i want to be good in a game i need to play 8h a day everyday for the next 2 year

  • Member Posts: 526

    I can't help but be a little biased, I tend to kill most survivors when I play on the regular. I mean once in a blue moon I'll find a team that can do gens so fast I can't keep up. But that isn't normal for me. So I can't help but think all the complaints are from a bunch of killer mains, who only play killer. Who think they are much better than they actually are. Show them examples of killers doing well? Thrown under the bus. Show statistics that killers are doing better than what the narrative is, they will do anything to try and discredit it. Oh well, I've seen your channel. I know your stance on it. Just get tired of especially half way decent killers, 4k'ng 10 games and losing once, and then throwing a fit about how survivors are op, plz nerf.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    It could just be the survivors in his area. doesn't this game sort by ping?

  • Member Posts: 444

    I think

    What's appealing about legion is he's pretty versatile perk wise since his power actually synergies with perks that would normally be meh

    E.g Bloodecho it's as simple as hit a frenzy down someone hook down them.

    Sure your not gonna land 4 man frenzys all the time but the 2 or 3 people that stayed injured because they coudnt get too a safe spot too heal or went "staying injured means I counter legion" are met with their dead hard going away not everyone brings exhaustion perks but a majority do.

  • Member Posts: 869

    I have seen a video of No0b3 playing without any pallets in the game. Pretty sure he escaped a couple of times too so maybe... Survivors shouldn't need any pallets at all. I realize No0b3 has a ridiculous amount of hours in the game and he's probably one of the few survivors that could pull this of... But let's just not take that into account here when I just made this statement

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Legion for one is a lot better than people give them credit that's true

    People who say they are the weakest killer are just straight up dilusional

    I do want to note that Otz having a gazilion hours matters

    A professional basketball player might be able to make a 100 long shots in a row. Doesn't mean it's easy

  • Member Posts: 228

    I mean for starters his win condition is already a yikes as he is just making up his own rules to determine what a "win" is. A 3k is not a win, a 4k is not a win. A win is when the game tells you that you have won and that's the emblem system with pips. Whether or not the emblem system is bust or not perfect is irrelevant as that's just the way it is.

    I have a feeling that in most these matches he black pipped at best which is not a win it is a draw thus the streak would be over. Getting X Escapes in a row or X Kills in a row is completely pointless as it not an accurate representation of how the game is meant to be played. Are you telling me if i use Survivor 50 games in a row, did nothing all game and escaped every match i am therefore good? No i'd probably derank most my games thus not win. Same with Killer if i bring a Mori every game then just 1 hook into Mori that's a win because i still got the 4k? No once again i'd probably Black Pip at best which is a draw.

    Honestly people need to stop making up their own rules in this game to try and justify a win condition as you just create this false reality. Imagine playing Chess and your King gets destroyed but you respond with "Nah but i killed more of your pieces therefore i win" see how dumb that sounds?

    By all means if this streamer does this again but uses the actual win condition of the Emblem System i may actually take some consideration into it but until then i can't. Believe what you want guys but just take note you are living in a false reality.

  • Member Posts: 294

    Well, it's literally his job to play this game. No wonder he's that good.

    What it proves that you can win regularly with every character... if you play the game for 8 hours per day or something like that.

    Though I'd like to watch those games that were against red rank 4 man squads.

  • Member Posts: 434

    and I thought cross play really help him a lot.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, then let me make a counterpoint. I kept stats of over 200 games as solo survivor, and thats an even bigger sample size, and i got a survival rate of nearly 75%, which is way above the "balanced" 50%. So i proved even more that the game is survivor sided, don´t you think?

  • Member Posts: 869

    My point still stands. You can't paint a picture of someone who spent an awful lot of time into this game and apply to the playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    With that win condition (which is the real win condition, but let's leave that to another discussion), solid builds and obviously some skills to back it up, that's not an abnormal accomplishment. Most killers are viable against solo q and if you play a little ruthlessly, it's not difficult to take advantage of that. Even against SWFs you can often exploit overaltruism. And Legion is really only bad against teams who spread out, that's because that's the direct counter to what their power is designed to do.

    If you main killer for probably 1k hours, depending on the individual, you should see similar results.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Oh cool so killers just need to play the game as a job to be competitive against other people who play for fun. Gotcha.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2020

    And how many casual player do you think will win 50 matches with Hag and Legion?

    I would even be surprised if the standard-casual player wins 10 matches in a row.

    As normal players we can learn from guys like him, but we shouldn't take those guys as example. At least not until we plan to radical change our lives and becoming a streamer ourselves.

    Also, as long not some killers make fun again, I do not really care if the killrate for every killer sticks by 10% or even 99%. As long the funrate is down to -100% it is at least for me only a minor detail.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Some argue that killing 4 people is a win.

    Some argue that a DC is a kill or that the match if forfeited.

    Some argue a pip(s) for killer is a win.

    Therefore I find it interesting anyone classing 3 kills as a 'win'.

  • Member Posts: 526

    Because the game balance from the devs is centered around 2 kills, 2 escapes. I consider 3k+ a win. It feels like a win in my book. Pipping is like the least accurate way to tell if you've won or not. Get 4k playing as infinite tier 3 Michael Myers, you de-pip. Even with Survivors, did you just do gens and leave because the killer was chilling in the basement waiting for anyone to touch their chest? De-pip.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Devs saying the game is centered around 2 kills for a drawn makes me wonder why killers then depip and even more concerned about the hidden from everyone mmr ranking even though it was said it wouldn't be hidden from yourself... how can a game be balanced when the definition of a win for a killer isn't defined correctly.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    I agree but Badham balanced? With over 5 god pallets and multiple infinite’s? I don’t think so. The original three realms are probsbly the most balanced of maps, as tiles are almost all mind game able and there’s pretty much only one god pallet on each of these maps, as well as no infinite’s.

  • Member Posts: 41

    You must not have watched his stream yesterday or are cherry picking examples because he got smashed yesterday in 5 games in a row with Trapper against players with DS/Unbreakable. The game isn't balanced for all killers and there are certain perk combos that even they have a hard time against.

  • Member Posts: 258

    Isn't he trying to get 50 wins in a row with all killers? Not surprised with Hag, she is one of the best designed killers + Otz skills and he will win most games.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    If he puts his mind to it he’ll be able to do it with most killers with relative easy. Will struggle with the really low tier ones though like clown and wraith.

  • Member Posts: 704

    sorry, but the fact that otz got a 50 win streak doesnt mean anything.

    He plays the game a hell of a lot so his knowledge of the game is far above the average players, and most of those were probably not the best survivors anyway.

    You could say the same thing as No0b3 got 50 escapes in a row, "therefore the argument could be made that killers need serious buff". It doesnt mean anything, at least not when making balancing decisions

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Why this is meaningless:

    How many of those 50 games did he face the issues that killers sometimes face? Bad spawns, bad maps, bad early start? And how many times in those maps did he get strong survivors who took advantage of it?

    The game is pretty balanced. But there's still issues. The early game favors survivors far too heavily. If killers don't get a good start, their chances are slim to none.

  • Member Posts: 400

    There is more to it than that, but in general I dont disagree. First of all he kept switching killers to keep it fresh (I think there was one day where he just insisted on only playing Legion until he lost) and second of all. Legion is a very consistent and simple killer. If you are good at the general gameplay you will consistently get a lot of wins on Legion (I know cause I did it myself...nowhere near 50 though xD). Hag is a really strong killer (or at least she is rarely played so few people know how to play against her, and its hard). Ontop of that, Legion and Hag are 2 of his most played/favourite killers and are fairly solid even without Add-ons. Add-ons help but they dont need them.

    The final piece of the puzzle is RNG. As I said Legion and Hag don't rely on RNG and there powers are fairly consistent, or at least Legion is simple and Hag is fairly simple but difficult (difficult to learn, but simple to play and difficult to counter) and can therefor get a lot of wins consistently.

    Why does this matter? Well when Otz starts playing killers where add-ons play a larger role or RNG plays a huge role the consistency falls off big time. He started going for 50 wins on all killers and started with trapper (and switching to Freddy, and other killers after a while) his most played and favorite killer. But trapper is heavily reliant on add-ons and besides a few other killers like PH, Oni and Ghostface Otz still haven't crossed 10 wins on the rest of the case. And he started doing this over 3 months ago,(I think he stopped keeping score for a bit until now).

    Thats his current streaks. Yes killer mains ######### a bit too much about the silliest things. But somethings are very valid. The heavy reliance on RNG (relying on the survivors not spawning spread all over the map) or relying on RNG in regards to powers(this one goes both ways), relying on add-ons to make weak killers (trapper and wraith as an example) not painful to play, relying on tile spawns and map rng to not favor the other side too much(this honestly goes both ways as well). And some perks are either poorly designed or at least insanely abuseable in their current state, DS has a multitude of ways to be used thats basically "Im immortal, what are you gonna do about it". If DS only worked as anti tunneling then they could buff it for all I care, but as it stands now a lot if not the majority of survivors use it anyway they can. And ofc they should play how they want to, but the perk shouldnt be able to work the way it does. As for OoO, its only really a problem in SWF, but its mostly a problem that it exists at all. Its a massive pain the ass even on a solo survivor, because you dont know what you are dealing with and sometimes it just straight up makes a killer worthless. Trapper? Well I know where you placed all your traps. Hag? Same. Freddy? I can see you even in loops thanks to oblivious.

    Tl;dr Yes killer mains ######### too much. But a lot of times its for valid reasons, and the silly things or the fact that survivors also have similar issues doesnt make it ok that they exist at all. And winning that many games on most killers will be a lot harder than those 2.

  • Member Posts: 37

    Wow, I watched some of the vod from his stream yesterday and I must say, at this point he is a total salt factory.

    Like, I literally cannot believe that four thousand people are sitting there watching him get irrationally salty and angry when he is the one making constant mistakes in the games he loses. He's setting a really ######### example for the community.

    Like no joke, he ######### up at loops ten times, doesn't prioritize correctly, places down bad traps that never come into play, and then at the scorescreen after losing he's like, "yup, DS, DS, DS, unbreakable, unbreakable". Like, over half of those ds/ub combos didn't even activate but he's soooo quick to point his finger at the perks like they are his sole reason for losing bahaha.

    Kind of reminds me of certain people on these forums ;-)

    Those survivors weren't even special btw, just your average red/purple rank solo queues. Makes it even funnier.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Well, that I can understand, because those perks symbolize a bigger problem that grows inside dbd.

    And this problem is best to describe with a question: "Why are survivors allowed and even encouraged to do mistakes, while a killer has always to play perfectly?"

    I don't know how to solve the problem that stays behind this question, but this mindset is really a pain in the a... in the dbd communities.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I personally don't agree with that. I actually do not see how the tiles on the original maps are mindgameable. Almost all of those pallet loops are too big for the killer to properly mindgame, the killer just has to run around the loop until the survivor drops the pallet and then break it. Those maps have a few loops that I guess can be mindgamed, but most of the loops unique to those realms are not mindgameable. Killers with anti loop powers can of course deal with those loops much better, but killers that are just an M1 killer in chases have no mindgame potential at those loops.

    Badham does have a fair amount of god pallets, although it's being reduced by one with the next patch, but the majority of pallets in the outside are actually mindgameable by the killer and survivor, giving killer counterplay at those pallets without having to break them immediately.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Red ranks is too much if a mixed bag....that's why mmr is necessary, scott won with old speed limiter bubba and there's no saying that's strong in any respect..there's a ton of bad survivor players in this game, way more than youd think

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    I don't care too much about 50 wins in a row. I'd like to know how many times he faces the death squads out of all those wins.. the ones people HERE have trouble with. I have no doubt that if he went against them, he would lose. At the same time, how many does he actually face? I want to know that number after all is said and done. I hope he's keeping tally because then the numbers would reflect wins under real conditions... as real as someone is willing document with video proof, at least.

  • Member Posts: 824

    Yeah the roulette style he's doing for these win streaks aren't legit cause changing killers constantly means you lessen your chances of breaking a win streak against these stronger teams.

    Can't lose your win streak on one killer if you're constantly changing killers!

    And there are teams where he gets absolutely destroyed against I've watched during this stream and if he was trying to do 50 straight games of Hag/Legion he wouldn't have these win streaks I'm sure.

  • Member Posts: 785

    The main point about legion that I love the most, is the fact that you have insanely strong position control. Your power is like having infectious fright the whole time.

    Survivors can never sneak around and that's quite annoying for them.

    Since your power gives you information, that's why legion can be actually strong.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    The point I'm trying to make is that the number of wins, overall, matter. The streak doesn't. I'm just curious about the number of death squads he's facing. 5 out of 10 games? 8 out of 10? 1 out of 10?

  • Member Posts: 824

    Yeah i know. I just wanted to point out that the way he's doing this challenge can circumvent ends to the streak by always changing killer which lesses the chances he'll get hit with a strong team on that specific "streak".

  • Member Posts: 994

    Are there videos of it?

  • Member Posts: 309

    I've not played survivor in months, and ranking up from 20 with DS and a meme loadout has gotten me a 40% winrate so far. I've been able to max out boldness before the game is even half over most times.

    All my experience is telling me is that most of those survivor games I've been screwed by teammates not doing much while the killer is busy.

  • Member Posts: 348

    Considering he's struggling to get more than ten wins with killers like Pyramid Head right now, I wouldn't put too much stock in the 50 win streak. Hag and legion are particularly good in a majority of situations however.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    MY experience as a solo survivor says: you are most likely right about your teammates.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Any of the maze tiles which have high walls can be mindgamed, especially at high level. All you have to do is turn around and stand still behind a wall or fake the moonwalk. Little tricks like this wont get people everyone but they will throw people off and allow u to get them. The amount of times ive gotten someone at a long wall by pretending to go around the side by looking sideways and then vaulting is insane. I do agree that most of the unique pallets are unmindgameable but there are far less of them and they are alot shorter than those on badham and other maps, with a few exeptions ofcourse. The scrap pallets on azarovs are very short and you can easily catch the survivor by faking going one direction or turning back and catching them as they drop the pallet. Rock loops on all of these maps are mindgameable. You can do stuff on alot of the hay bale farm loops. There isnt really any spots on these origional maps which you intentionally avoid, apart from maybe the centre of sufo pit which is a bit yikes. Badham on the other hand you never chace an experienced player in any of the houses or the preschool as its w gamer haven and very boring gameplay. I would rather be moving around at jungle gyms and trying different things and getting looped rather than following a survivor through the boiler room and around those infinites on the houses.

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited August 2020

    You do realize that the average survivor including me is terrible right? They go against a guy who plays the game for a living why are you surprised that he has 50 wins i would be more surprised if it were clown though

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    1000 games would be average samplesize lol. Did you graduate in a topic that includes statistics?

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