Facecamping Bubba is Uncounterable



  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Do gens

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    you actually can't even afford 20 seconds, nevermind the 70 it'd take to cleanse all 5 totems and the 10s more it'd take to find them all. Someone just trying to unhook themselves once massively ######### their team and can give you the win right there. If you think you can or should cleanse 5 totems vs a facecamping Bubba, you are either trolling or have virtually no experience in playing as or against this

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I facecamp regularly at rank 1 and easily maintain it, with hundreds of hours camping as bubba - shown here - http://prntscr.com/u706a4 | I've 4k'd more than 50 games in a row doing this strategy. I am fully aware on how to do this strategy effectively, and I will confidently tell you it is very easy to play around the new tantrum, and I have never once ever tantrummed by revving the saw for too long, nor have I ever come close/had any issues with this mechanic

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    I will try playing this way with Bubba and see how I do.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    I pick an facecampping bubba always that i play against it

    so if i pick an bubba i will probably tryhard to not be facecamped

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Just played against a P2 Billy who facecamped and tunneled me because my friend ran a 2 gen chase and escaped and I ran a 2 gen chase.

    I was running a full stealth build at the time so I could use BL for the falling challenge and then retreat to recover. So no DS.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    its funny, i listed several things that counter facecamping bubba yet you are too arrogant to engage in a proper discussion, refering to your original post which by the way i have read.

    Ive stated many counters if your unable to properly play against a bubba than thats very much a you problem, sorry bud. im out

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    >you actually can't even afford 20 seconds,

    Yes, you can. Especially against a camper.

    >nevermind the 70 it'd take to cleanse all 5 totems and the 10s more it'd take to find them all.

    You're assuming that your'e soloing totems. If only one person on the entire team is looking for totems, that's a problem with the team. Even with randoms at mid-high ranks.

    >Someone just trying to unhook themselves once massively [BAD WORD] their team and can give you the win right there.

    This is a brown and yellow rank problem and occassionally green.

    >If you think you can or should cleanse 5 totems vs a facecamping Bubba, you are either trolling or have virtually no experience in playing as or against this

    I'm a rank 5 survivor with 400 hours under my belt. Cleasning all totems is literally how you delete the 4th perk from a NOED user. Analyzing which perks your opponent is running is litearlly part of the game. If you think the survivor game play is just gen rush = win then you're the one who's not learning the game.

    Also, acknowledge that not everygame is going to be a 4 escape. Likewise, killers should understnad not everygame should be 4k. If you define a "win" as not a single death DBD is not the right game for you.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I have yet to make an assumption about you - Everything I have said has been in direct response to your words. And, I would like to point out, that I ignored a topic that you opened, because I do not care and it has little to do with the topic at hand - namely, facecamping and noed.

    In addition, I genuinely cannot trust you with any form of reasonable discussion given how you introduced yourself. Why would I even bother when you have clearly shown you would rather attack my character in your opening sentences before getting to anything else. The only reason I am even replying to this is on the off-chance you were simply having a bad day and will take this to heart the next time you see someone and have a massive knee-jerk. After all, I only said that NOED was the problem and that the community has come up with numerous ways to fix it.

    Then a certain individual decided to attack me, straw-man, tell me what I think and how I am wrong and imply my opinion doesn't matter, and introduced a completely different topic with which to "discuss" under the idea that I would trust someone like that to be reasonable.

    Please, take what happened here into consideration and don't attack someone's character for quite literally no reason as your way of introducing yourself and your ideas.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    It's nice how you are taking the high ground here (the very thing you called me out for in your second response, btw) and yet you were the one being extremely hostile against me in your first reaction. Yes, my initial "attack" was stupid, I said sorry for that, I even apologize for that again. But that won't matter. You clearly have shown in all the responses that you are not willing to accept anything i bring forward to apologize in this matter (I feel I could offer you my first born child and you would still not be satisfied), you did not bother to tone down your totally over-the-top first response (let alone apologize yourself or even acknowledging it) or engage in further discussion (you brought the solution up about Noed removing, not me, and i responded to that, which is totally in the scope of this topic, imo).

    "Please, take what happened here into consideration and don't attack someone's character for quite literally no reason as your way of introducing yourself and your ideas."

    Yes I will. But I demand the same from your side! You did also attack me (hard) without further knowlegde apart from my initial sly comment. And furthermore, at least from my perspective, you showed quite some hypocrisy in your responses. But since clearly I'm the bad guy here, my view must be void, so let's just drop the issue here. You are right in everthing, I am wrong in everything, you are the epitome of righteousness, and I'm just a stupid subhuman for not seeing that earlier (This two sentences are obviously sarcasm!)

    To come back to the topic one last time:

    I can see that a face camping bubba with Noed / bitter murmur is frustrating and takes relatively low effort from the killer to perform well (meaning killing many, BP and emblems will always be bad this way). But I think it's really rare to encounter this, mainly bc. it's a boring experience for all, but esp. for the killer. Yes there are some mean spirited players out there who do this constantly, but for most killer players it's just not enjoyable enough to do this 24-7. So overall it's a very rare situation which does not need some "fixing", imo. There are many other equally frustrating playstyles more common we should look at first, e.g. tunnel-moris, 5 gen slugging.

    Fixing this issue by removing the problematic perk (Noed) just to break the combo might be the easiest solution, but surely not the best one. This approach would give us a template for "fixing" other problematic combos the same way, e.g. DS/UB. You can predict that players will demand a similar treatment to other combos if one combo is destroyed this way, and it would be hard to justify the removal of one perk to break a combo, but not the other.

    So instead of removing the perk, change it conditions in a way that the combo gets weaker or is destroyed. I wrote about a Noed rework idea in a prior post, which would make it unusable if the killer only face camps two survivors during all hook states (which should be enough time to do all gens and leave).

    Another thing to consider is perk counterparts of the other players side. In this case, many players see Noed as some form of counter to Adrenaline. So if Noed would be removed, it likely would get bad vibes from the players if Adrenaline isn't adjusted as well. Of course the devs to not need to take this approach, but I would say it is recommended to do so to "keep the spirit" with the players.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    'm a rank 5 survivor with 400 hours under my belt. Cleasning all totems is literally how you delete the 4th perk from a NOED user. Analyzing which perks your opponent is running is litearlly part of the game. If you think the survivor game play is just gen rush = win then you're the one who's not learning the game.

    I'm a rank 1 facecamping Bubba main with 1600 hours who does this all the time, top 30 on the dbd leaderboards for downs with Bubba's chainsaw. I define only 4ks as wins because I 4k more than 90% of my games, even facecamping, if my win goal was any less I'd literally win every game. I don't define a survivor win as a 4 man escape as 4 man escapes are more infrequent for me and it's extremely easy for a camping killer to deny one. You literally do not have the time to cleanse 5 totems without giving Bubba a guaranteed easy 4k, hell, even if he didn't have NOED, the gens just don't go fast enough to get any escapes if he gets his first down in 30 seconds, and that's if you touch 0 totems.

    This is a brown and yellow rank problem and occassionally green.

    By the way you use rank as a measure of skill, and the fact you only have 400 hours (and you state you're rank 5 like it's even a remote achievement??? I've seen people with 50h in rank 1) - I'm gonna guess you're a bad/inexperienced player who has no idea what he's talking about here.

    You're assuming that your'e soloing totems. If only one person on the entire team is looking for totems, that's a problem with the team. Even with randoms at mid-high ranks.

    Also in regards to the above, doesn't matter how many people are looking for totems, 14x5 is still 70 seconds (nearly an entire generator! which don't go fast enough to beat bubba anyway in most cases) - and map traversal is still a thing, even if you can be a bit more efficient if on comms (if you think you can reliably cleanse all 5 totems most games outside of a 4 man, either the killer was total dogshit or you're trolling)

  • stoudbaker
    stoudbaker Member Posts: 130

    Sometimes when i play as bubba all i wanna do is facecamp and kill heroes 😶

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2020

    Okay, good for you? All you've proven is that you're an exceptional person at Bubba, so? Most of your post hasn't provided any useful information to the discussion other than bragging.

    If games are balanced towards top players of every character the game ceases to be enjoyable to the majority of players. An exceptionally good player who mains at X will always exist. My skeptism against your claim absent messed up MMR and getting lucky with survivor spawn locations notwithstanding.

    Your logic is basically saying "Steve Hawkins is an exceptional physicist. This is unfair to other industries that didn't produce exceptional people. We should nerf all physics programs and ruin the lives of the rest of the physicists so that Steve Hawkins can only be as good as other industry experts in their field." or "All physicists must be measured against Steve Hawkins as standard or they're trash and deserve to have their opinions be belittled by me."

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    You don't need to be remotely exceptional to easily win with this strategy though, I've introduced it to tens of people and all have easily picked it up and effortlessly won games. You should try it yourself

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    yeah, theres seriously no counter to it. borrow time will just make him rapidly m2, so thats not an option.

    doing gens, wont work cuz whats in it for the other survivor

    his braindead ass spamming "ez" after the round, reporting him wont work cuz reports do nothing

    remove bubba from the game, would stop a lot of trolls but as if behaviour would do that. (+the community outrage)

    try to somehow escape the hook with a stupidly tiny 4% chance, even if you make it he will just down you again, they should make it so you have the endurance effect when you escape the hook by yourself.

    dc, enjoy a 5 min- 6 hours penalty

    suicide, give him the satisfaction that he wants

    get good, fr?

    make it so if the killer is within a 14 meter range the survivors sacrifice process stops, again, this would cause massive community outrage

    yeah there just isnt a viable solution to this

  • It's hard; but not "Uncounterable". If you time it right with an exhaustion perk or with BT it's not so bad.

    This one had noed:

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    It's easy as hell to save someone who is being facecamped by Bubba. You just need 2 people for that instead of 1, so that if he starts chasing one, another can unhook. He can't 99 his chainsaw anymore, so you will always complete the unhook animation. Try facecamping against an efficient SWF group if you want to learn how to counter it.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Out of all games I have played and it must be thousands I have been facecamped twice, one Huntress and one Bubba. A few proxy camping basement Bubbas also yes and it can be hard as solo but not worth complaining about. Just play and reach red ranks and facecamping is just gone. It's only a problem for you if you stay at low ranks and play on PC probably because it seems this is a PC problem.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924

    Alternatively you can take advantage of the fact he's pitching a tent and do the gens without hinderance

  • Brhoom
    Brhoom Member Posts: 241

    My old thread got bumped, let me clarify some things,

    -He is still uncounterable

    -An early down means a win with noed

    -There isn't enough time to do both gens and totems if they are camping

    -There isn't enough time to do both gens and totems if they are camping

    -There isn't enough time to do both gens and totems if they are camping

    -facecampers in this this thread agreeing to haveing 4ks match after match with this

    My solution? Noed doesn't activate if the killer is facecamping with 2 and more gens remaining or the "proximity to hooked survivor" is earned by the killer during the match.

    Remember the issue isn't noed or Bubba, it's when they are together with bitter murmur.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Instead of tweaking a lot of things and potentially screwing up everything - I suggest we just massively compensate the camped players. Camping is a legit strategy, so says the devs, but do they mean like this? Why does someone walk away with <10k points because they got caught once? They should at least black pip and get a ton of bloodpoints for baiting the killer to camp them.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Let's be real, you encountered a facecampimg bubba and got cranky, didn't you?

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159
  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    1 i dont know what necro means

    2 the thread isnt that old

    3 i wasnt demanding nerfs, just saying that you cant nerf it

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    That's when you leave if your not the one on the hook if it's your first hook and you have ds hope you jump otherwise die

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    So you sacrifice 1 for 3 to escape, doesn't matter what perks bubba runs; he still has to make it to you, find you again, complete a chase and repeat that two more times. At which point 1 of the 3 remaining should have opened 1 of 2 doors.

    Sounds like a favorable senerio to me but I don't mess with swf so don't really care if the killer spends the whole match on 1 person.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    bro if u didnt find 1 facecamping bubba in 6 months game time u are what one would call, a lucky son of a gun xD , u might wanna play the lottery xDDD