Question For Killers Mains

This isn't all, just the ones I've seen. If someone isn't being toxic but being a good sport, why do you feel the need to tunnel them off hook with a Mori? Like what did they do wrong?
Edit: Wording
Sometimes it's just because you have to get someone out of the game to have an even ground. It depends on what level you're playing at.
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Red/Purple Ranks, I got tunneled out of basement, killer was Doctor, I 360ed twice and ran him long enough for a gen to be popped, wasn't being toxic, even gave him a 'gg' after I died. I wasn't salty that he killed me (not implying you called me salty, I swear) just wondering, he didn't tunnel the Claudette either when I unhooked her from basement. It was just me.
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Nothing. Killers kill. So why bring a mori and possibly miss out on a kill or multiple kills to be nice to survivors? Also, could be an archive challenge. Could be the killer is in a rush. Could be the killer is in a bad mood.
Better question would be: why you are upset with killers, who's job is to kill you and why you think you're entitled to a second hook before they kill you.๐ฎ
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Nice bait, never was acting salty nor entitled, gave the killer a 'gg' after I died and went about my gaming. Just a genuine question. Killers ask the same questions about survivors like "why didn't I get a 4k" I was just genuinely curious. Just the killer didn't do it to the Claudette, only me. So I thought I would ask, wasn't being toxic, just playing the game normally.
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Maybe the Doctor player had a crush on Claudette?
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I mean, I ship it (jk jk)
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Doc is a relatively weak killer.
If survivors play smart and can loop half decently doc already lost unless he gets upper hand by downing few survivors close to each other or getting someone out of the game quickly.
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Ah so don't get annoyed when survivors bring keys and genrush with DS/Unbreakable because it's their job to survive.
Or remember other people play this game and we should, ya know, be decent human beings to them.
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If I have a Daily Ritual to kill a survivor by my hand, whoever I first hook is usually the one getting the Mori. Nothing against them, I was want the 60k BP bonus guaranteed and out of the way. I typically won't use the Mori the rest of the match after that if it's an ebony, but I try to use the green one if I have any (I seem to get more ebonies than green Moris).
Right now I am on the hit 5 exposed survivors challenge, which means NOED builds. Something else I dislike doing. But I just don't feel like wasting the time on Ghostface's stalk and hope I don't get exposed first, or T3 Myers build-up and timing. Probably not going to make survivors happy with NOED, but I didn't make the challenges.
After that is the kill four survivors by any means in a single trial challenge to complete the Level II tome on my killer path. That's going to probably be a combination of hooks, slugging, and Moris. Again, not my preferred play style.
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The Bill, Jake, and I could loop the Doc for one gen or longer, Claudette went down instantly, so he probably thought we posed a threat and wasn't worried about Claudette. So he probably wanted to take out the bigger fish and move to the smaller ones
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As I mentioned before (not being aggressive, promise) the Claudette was first hook, I got her off, she was whacked BT activated then he starts going for me. I get knocked, after a gen gets popped, hooked in basement, and when Bill unhooks me, he knocks me and moris after Bill took a hit.
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I can't excuse or explain his play thoughts. No idea why he targeted you like that unless he just felt you were too strong a looper for him and wanted you gone.
I was just posting my own since I am openly a Killer main. I mean, I play survivor, I just play Killer a lot more since I bought DbD for the horror icon DLCs that I grew-up on back in the day.
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Sounds like it's not that they did something wrong, but that they just want to secure their use of the Offering.
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Only time i ever bring a mori is when i expect the gens are going to fly, swf, or I have a daily challenge that forces me to. I usually don't use it until after 2nd hook, 2+ gens pop quickly, or someone tries to be toxic. It's kinda funny when you bring one vs a swf, and they pretty much give you the game trying to "prevent" you from using it on their friend.... Then you just hook them all and never use it. :)
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Lmao I don't get annoyed when survivors bring's part of the game. I just have to adjust my game plan.
Also, what is gen rushing? Is that like when survivors try to finish gens as fast as possible so they can escape? So like, they try to win by doing their objectives? I am truly shocked. All of my games the survivors just sit around a cooler and drink beer while I cook bbq on the grill.
Ds/unbreakable....I can't imagine that the majority of survivors would use 2 of their 4 perk slots on those. Just think if there was a way to get around those meta perks all those survivors would be wasting 2 perk slots! Oh wait...maybe don't slug or tunnel. Dang that was hard thinking.
When I play killer I play how I want and I don't worry about the survivors feelings. When I play survivor I don't worry about the killers feelings, I try to escape. At the end it's gg whether I got a 4k or I got camped and tunneled. It's a game...
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If you tunnel off hook your playing killer wrong. Unless your running an endgame build with Noed/Bloodwarden you should spend your time pressuring gens while someone is on the hook, as this maximizes the number of people off gens at a given time. Tunnelling off hook means if you were actually applying gen pressure you must then run back to the hook in the hopes of picking up their trail, or you were patrolling too closely the entire time not applying gen pressure at all. Mechanically speaking guarding hooks is the bane of any killer and should be avoided at all costs for maximum gen pressure. (It also makes the game more fun for survivors and yourself.)
As for Moris... well its better to hook all 4 survivors before popping an ebony mori, and for a green mori thats... well the correct way to play which is why moris need a rework cause thats not really fun for anyone. There shouldnt be an offering that encourages such a method of play. Yellow mori is fine as always and should probably be base kit TBH.
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So like, they try to win by doing their objectives?
It's when survivors refuse to unhook until the last possible moment to focus on nothing but generators.
It's a game...
You're right it is, and clearly you're incredibly selfish.
I play in a way to not tunnel/camp so as to ensure everyone who played had a fun game. Also means I won't try and do gens ASAP and I'll save my teamamtes.
Clearly you, on the other hand, play in a way to ensure you had a fun game at the cost of everyone else.
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The killer has had a bad day? The killer feels like he/she needs to punish the unhooker for unhooking with BT in the killer's face before the killer even left?
idk, there are a number of reasons, I guess.
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I've had that happen a bunch. Also had the killer face camp at start of the match. Figure the killer had bad match and decided to take it out on next group of survivors. Had facecamp/tunnel happen the other day, Wraith just banging bell in my face. Two randoms decided to ignore gens and hang out waiting to save me when I hit struggle. He immediately tunneled me and I was out. Did the same to the other players. Guessing he had really bad previous match and didn't have any ebony moris.
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As to gen rushing I'd more describe it as a scenario where the killer doesn't apply the proper amount of gen pressure for the set of survivors they are facing. Its generally a good idea to start off the match with maximum gen pressure in mind, while most lower rank survivors make the mistake of immediately getting off their gens to go save if your facing a coordinated or higher ranked set of survivors generally only 1-2 will get off gens to save so you need to push the remaining 2 off gens asap while one player is hooked. After they get pushed off they will generally go for the save rather than go back to their gen.
As for the typical example of gen rushing, the key is to down your first survivor as efficiently as possible, so you can go back to applying gen pressure. In an ideal survivor game all 4 survivors are working on 4 different gens when you find 1 survivor. You then need to down this survivor hook them, and go search for gens before the other 3 can pop their 3 gens. This is made far worse if you patrol the hook or guard it assuming you can catch someone going for a save as skilled survivors will pop their gens before going for a save (or wait until the last possible moment of course, at which... technically you can punish them by chasing them away from hook and forcing phase 2, which is a legitimate move but its punishing the one you caught for their teammates mistakes which really isnt fun for that player IMO).
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He had NOED and Bloodwarden lol, you called it
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Nah, I mean genrushing as in, when survivors will literally let teammates go into second stage and almost die on first hook to do gens ASAP.
In 1.8k hours I've faced it twice and both times the match was torture.
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I unhooked 30 seconds after the killer left, they just proxy camped
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*puffs cheeks* well, I didn't say there were good reasons for every scenario :P
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Wow man, I understand the tactic. You do understand as killer if that happens you can adjust accordingly right?
Hopefully, I get you as a killer because I would seriously enjoy a more thoughtful, caring killer.
I don't tunnel, slug, or camp. (Hence my ds/unbreakable comment. You must have accidentally glossed over that when you were quoting me.)
Lastly, when I play survivor I only play with friends because I get tired of crappy randoms and I don't care whether I escape or die. (Mostly I die because I'm a much better killer than survivor. Plus I don't run any exhaustion perks or ds/unbreakable. Just perks to help my team win)
Anyway, my feelings are hurt mr friendly killer that you would imply that I'm selfish. Without ever playing with me just because you didn't like what I said. That wasn't very "decent" of you now was it?
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Maybe you're just unlucky as #########. Sometimes when people get unhooked against me, the unhooker hides and the unhooked comes running out into the open and it's like... yeah... tough luck little dude, you're going down again.
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Sorry, didn't mean for it to come off as angy, I was just stating in general, my bad
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Probably lol, first I find out I need surgery now this, man I got the best luck ever, what do you mean?
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Late Game pressure is the only reason I can think of. Or maybe there just a dick.
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Had NOED and Bloodwarden, so most likely late game pressure
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np, all good ๐
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Hey, my bad thinking you were salty. Read too fast and didn't realize you were just curious. Short answer to your ?: who knows. Could literally be anything and everything. The only time I play sweaty as killer is for archive challenges(less matches to get challenge the better) or adept achievements. But every killer is different man. Anyway, I apologize for my original tone.
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When you mori someone, you don't need to mori people that's behaving in a toxic way.
You just mori whoever you want in that moment.
If you were the one to get moried well, bad luck I guess.
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I apologize as well for calling your comment a bait comment
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Most likely bad luck, just got booted from a game for no reason, killer didn't D/C I got my bloodpoints, said I escaped, then I get to lobby and there's the D/C penalty
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No worries lol
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daily ritual
previous team pissed them off
might as well
3 pretty good reasons IMO
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Sometimes it's the fault of the last team. If I get crapped on by the lat team, I will be toxic to the next team to calm down.
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To give a simple answer, it's usually just one of two reasons: Either the person is a douchebag or they had a really terrible game before yours. The long answer is that some people are just naturally toxic people and want to ruin your day, but most people are taking out their frustration of being bullied from the previous game on the survivors of their current game. On rare occasion it is just the fact that they want to ensure they get to use the mori before people kill themselves on hook or disconnect.
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When I bring a Red Mori I use it any chance I get, why would I bring it and not use it? It's nothing personal though, I'm not thinking "Man I hate people with TTV in their name, I'll bring the Mori just to kill them!" No, if I'm bringing it then it's either because I have a mission that requires me to kill people or I've got a bunch of spares and I just feel like using one since the animations are cool. ๐ Normally though I don't bother bringing them since they interfere with certain missions and since you typically get slightly less bloodpoints in a match when you Mori survivors so I'd just as soon bring a Bloodpoint offering instead usually. (Or if I'm using Red or Purple add-ons I might use the Purple offering that lets me keep them after the match.)
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I don't do this
unless they are a Blendette
Also I hate it when survivors call it tunneling when you go after the person who got unhooked. It's not for no reason. It's because you are-
-a one hit
-closer to death than the other kid
-more time efficient to go after you, especially since you can heal if i go after an uninjured unhooker
and if you are in an swf, your teammate is more likely to take a hit, giving me a free down. But i won't go for unhooked if unhooker is uninjured or I have bbq and unhooker hasn't been hooked yet.
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The question in the OP is too broad. It doesn't cover any scenario.
Example - If I run into a group that I know is a 4 stack SWF, and I KNOW they are good players, I may run an Ebony. Not with the intention of using it, but as an insurance policy in case 3 gens gen done before the first chase is over with and I need some hard pressure. A lot of killers do this. I've even seen @ScottJund do it. We don't want to use it, but it's there if we need to pressure. Or if a survivor jumps into a locker because they have DS, or they try to take a hit with BT (aka saying "Tunnel me!"). Then they'll pay. With their lives. :D
Without a mori? Say I'm on Mother's Dwelling as any killer without mobility. It's very easy to lose 2 gens very quickly because of how big the map is. You can't be everywhere at once with most killers. So in a case like this, to apply hard pressure, I may tunnel someone out of the game. Nothing personal about it, really. It's a strategy to regain pressure.
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A killer may resort to camping and tunneling because of a challenge they're doing to just make it easier for them to finish. That's what I do if I'm just trying to finish a challenge. It's not always personal. Killers have challenges also just like survivors who would go into a match and not do anything else but their challenge. Killers arent NPCs so it wont always be the same every match.
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Scenario That Was Happening In My Game - All solo queue, no one doing SWF only one offering is brought, a Mori. Killer finds me and Jake, goes after Jake, loses him. Goes for me and loses me. Goes for Claudette, hooks her and I have a gen halfway done, and another gen gets finished after I unhook her. Killer whacks her my BT activates. His attention goes for me, I get knocked and hooked cuz I was trapped. Bill unhooks me, takes a hit, runs away and I run out as well, killer makes a bee line for me. As they chase me, the second gen gets popped. Killer knocks me and moris. End game comes, killer has NOED and Bloodwarden
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Feeling powerful is fun.
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What killer? What map?
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I know this seems like whattabouting, but bear with me.
That mentality is the exact same as the BMing survivor mentality. We're talking the spam vaults next to hatch, key+blacklock tracker, 4BNP and some exit gate BM... Just like facecamp into BM, bleed-out into BM, all the little things like that, it's all just people wanting to exert dominance. Some people do whatever gives them a power trip.
And not all of them are necessarily inherently toxic - clearly BMing someone that was nothing but respectful is, but maybe the Mori tunneller or key/map buddies just had a rough AF match and aren't thinking super clearly. Maybe they're going to get to the endgame screen and feel like absolute idiots. It's a genuine symptom of having BS in a trial - sometimes you just get fed up with it being used against you and want to hurt someone like you got hurt.
Not a justification, just a potential explanation.
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Doctor, cornfield (don't know the name)
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People are not mad with survivors that uses those items and perks.
There's nothing wrong with the player who uses the best thing in the game. We are blaming the game.
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Then it goes to both ways killers complain about keys right? Survivors job is to survive gen rush? Survivors job is to survive. I'm not trying to say whatabout but if you think like this you cant complain about the other side.