Video proof to why you can not counter spirit.
Last post from me here, you guys lost because you were complete garbage. You dont deserve anything, you were the one who doomed your teammates. In one match you just ######### and in one match you act like ypu got slugged the whole match besides the fact that YOU kepts pressing the buttom so your teamates couldnt pick you up. But yea keep complaining.
You are whats wrong with this community.
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We need a whole forum subsection for tru3's ######### hot-takes. I seriously hope that fogwhisperers don't have a say in gamedesign but then again I know that they do which is absolutely sad.
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So what was the counterplay to the spirit in my video?
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Muted it first time through, unmuted it second time to hear how absolutely frantic you were. The very first chase and down, its not that you couldn't mindgame her, its that you didn't. You vaulted, then slow vaulted back, and kept running from there, giving her nice bright scratch marks to follow while she is still much faster than you. This is pretty easy for her to read, and expectedly led to a down. You would honestly have had more luck even if you just vaulted then walked in a random direction: they specifically removed the spirits ability to "bump" into players while phasing to improve survivors odds with that.
The reason I went back and listened to the audio is because you were clearly in a panicked state, which is something that puts the mindgame in the killer's favor: panicked people tend to be more predictable, I.E. they try to go for the most obvious advantage: and again, you were downed right next to the pallet. Whether consciously or subconsciously, you put yourself in one of the most predictable spots you could have been, especially when paired with all the scratch marks there. If you had done something like the double vault you did (which is a valid attempt,) ran back to the pallet, then walked away from it outside the loop, you would have led her to believe you were camping the pallet, making her much less likely to hit you.
2nd chase, again, running while staying at the loop. That is essentially the baseline expectation for the spirit's mindgame: they're not going to respect the possibility you abandoned a loop and snuck away until you at least try to. The direction she came from wasn't even relying on her power, thats the normal direction a killer runs a T/L loop from.
The rest of the video was... kinda completely unrelated to the topic. from your perspective there isn't really any information we can gather from how the other survivors interacted with her, especially in terms of mindgames. But feel free to take what advice you'd like from this post to improve your chances vs her.
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Yeah but she had speed and duration it took her no time to get to me. She would already be close to full power.
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You did some mistake if you play perfectly you should be able to escape her
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Then why do you need to rely on those "better perks"? If your argument for not covering a weakness in your own play is "but they're not op enough," then you really should re-evaluate your general playstyle and look for ways to improve on it.
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Same spirit from last game with ebony buddy not gonna play that match. I was swf we all agreed to kill ourselves on hook we played a spirit before that.
I didnt want to live nor did I enjoy that match instead of insulting how.about inform us about how you would have won because you most definitely weren't.
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Explain her counters then.
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Number one both spirits had mother daughter ring the scratch marks didnt matter. I was never panicked I was kinda mad and suprised as it was my second spirit in a row. The things you are suggesting em are guesses if I doubme vault it's me guessing she committed one way.
It's all guesses.
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Definitely I made some mistakes but she had stridor and a good headset not much to do and the same good spirit who understands the stridor audio ranges.
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Welcome to killer gameplay during jungle-gyms. it's mostly guesses and TRYING to throw off a person who has the advantage of third person cameras.
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No my argument is that you need a specific perks to counter one killer and they're better perks in general. Like meta build sb, iw, ds, ub is better in generally but only has iron will which is countered by stridor you want me to dedicate my entire build on mediocre perks for one killer yeah no.
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Not guesses it's a mindgame you have info like where they ran last time a window to show their location or if they ran one way moonwalk the other.
Its completely different from spirit.
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You knew they had mother daughter before the first chase vs them? thats the kind of thing you can't know until at least subsequent chases, and even then, you still would have had better chances being less predictable. The reason why its important to make the distinction that there IS counterplay, and that you are unhappy with how weak it is, is because it boils down to you are placed in a situation that is uncertain, and you are unhappy you cannot force the situation to your favor. Think of it like the way you played, the spirit had a 80% chance of guessing where you were and downing you. Instead of doing what you can to lower that chance, your argument is that you should be able to remove that chance entirely somehow.
What you need to do is learn how to improve your chances in that situation. They still won't be 100% chance of a juke, but if you take each L and focus on what you could have done differently, you will become much more successful in similar scenarios in the future. Thats just how you improve as a player in general.
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stridor spirit definitely has no counter play
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As I explained, those perks are all great vs nearly every single killer, making them very versatile picks.
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I also agree that this video does not proof anything, but honestly, which move could he possible have done there to "counter" her? It was not really in his hand if he got caught or not.
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Oh, also having rechecked your loadouts, you had WGLF and adrenaline, meaning you only had 2 perks for most of the game, and a third if all the gens got powered. Can't tell which icon the left one is but its not kindred, and youre in swf so that would barely matter anyway. dark sense maybe? either way, definitely not helping you in any chases.
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Entirely? no. But again, he could have influenced either exchange vastly more than he did. simply walking in a random direction from the loops would have improved his chances significantly, throwing the pallet in the first chase randomly later during the phase duration would have forced an unfavorable chance to be a 50/50, misdirection and using grass to hide blood could have confused her/wasted time and given distance while her power recharged, etc.
Its not that nothing could be done to make the situation infallible, its that nothing WAS done to make the situation less predictable.
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No but within the first hit it was evident with how fast and how she didnt unphase when she transverse the map that's called scouting and it was a correct assumption. I'm unhappy because nothing I did would have changed my fate. There was nothing there I could have done to lose the chance she can hear me and has insanely high movement speed and very long duration.
Let's say I throw the pallet with her addons whether I vaultwd or not she was getting me. I'd like to see you outplay that. That's good advice but the killer has a glaring flaw in her power and for some odd reason you refuse to admit that. She has no telegraph no information and yet she holds so much power and is so easy to play.
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Well they arent great they are good and are much better choices to be made. They can work but are easy to catch on to.
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So if you were in there you would not have been able to d ok much either so it does prove something good spirits have no counterplay and I'd say everyone commenting in this thread would not be able to do much in my situation.
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Sometimes you have to change your mind games up in a chase. Get them thinking your gonna do one thing and do something else. With a team that bad you can't blame spirit. Taking those chances early on with the 4% doesn't make me think you have played as much as posted. I see survivor perks as a want to make up for your own weaknesses. Maybe you need to change your perks.
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I was killing myself on hook not playing that game lol
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You mean the first hit thats not included in the video? it starts when you get tagged, so we have no information before that. That said, if you were able to recognize that so clearly in the heat of the moment, why did you fall for her "stand still" trick in the second game? no addons could have had her ability recharge that fast, and you would have gained plenty of distance if you called her bluff.
"Let's say I throw the pallet with her addons whether I vaultwd or not she was getting me." By throwing the pallet, she can no longer go through that bottleneck, and has to go around. Not only that, she could be mindgaming herself if she was already on the same side as you to begin with. You're trying to think in absolutes instead of turning an unfair scenario into a fair one. Again, 50/50 is much better chances than something like 80/20 if you're the 20.
You're also misrepresenting my position: Just because I'm pointing out what you could have done better, doesn't mean I think the killer is perfect. Very, very, very few things in this game are balanced properly, and unfortunately, the hyperbolic vitrol that people cling to when they get outplayed is a big hurdle for the devs to properly process feedback, and hinders the process. As I said in another topic, the argument should be that "the counterplay is not as good as it should be," not that "it doesn't exist." All we can do in the meantime is adapt as best we can, just like how us colorblind players will never get a colorblind mode to help with the blatant disadvantage we play at, so we need to do what we can with everything else at our disposal for as long as the devs continue to ignore our issues.
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You.... had WGLF. The perk literally does nothing but give you more BP for making (often) questionable altruistic plays. Just take the advice and try them.
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makes her job easier. I know I love it when my friend hook suicides when im right there seconds away and the killer is far away. Last time I got the same killer twice in a row I was the only one that didn't quit both times. It don't happen often but it hurts when it does and they are good at their job.
Sometimes you have to accept you aren't geared to deal with who your facing and the only way to help is dragging things on. If you can drop the pallet and go back over it OR just run away fake the run and turn around.
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Dropping pallet early instead of trying to play around it.
Certain builds (Dance With Me/Quick & Quiet is fantastic against her, I've found)
There are certain tiles she's weaker at than others, such as Twalls
NOT crawling back over a pallet she's just standing at.
Like most killers, it comes down to personal skill. I've had matches where they only used her power to chase, not to mindgame. Easy to counter. I've had others where she just stomped me into the floor with Stridor. Yet still, like all killers, she can be countered. It's simply with Stridor that makes things incredibly difficult.
Personally, I LIKE going against Spirit, minus Stridor, because it's a nice break from the normal looping. That's stale.
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I'm not saying I'm the perfect player, I'm simply offering you coaching advice to improve your game when you inevitibly end up in a similar situation in the future. You always learn more from an L from a W if you take the time to reflect on it. I lose chases plenty, spirit or no. But I like to think I'm a lot better at them now than I was 2 years ago, just by learning from my losses. I tend to last a long longer in chases as a result too (including vs spirit), so I guess I've learned some things.
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You know I consider myself a fairly decent player in most areas of this game but I never considered myself top tier and yet all these "Spirit OP" posts make me wonder if I really am just god tier in my gameplay because I NEVER struggle vs a spirit, even a good one I escape most of the time.
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######### lol. And this dude kills himself on hooks too.
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No i dont really think thats the case here. Its just a different approach you suggest. It is also not said that your playstyle would actually be worse then his try.
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I didnt want to play thats why I ran into her in was planning on letting her kill me because A she has stridor and a good headset so she could pinpoint my location and B 3rd spirit game in a row.
It still broke a 75/35 she has speed and duration and only started her phase about 3-5 seconds ago. She wouldnt be at disadvantage at a dropped pallet. But yeah a better chance overall. Also at that point I still didnt care because I was dividing anyways 2nd spirit game in a row and she has broken addons.
I like that you are optimistic about adapting being a color blind person must suck but we cant let the devs not know just like a colorblind setting it's nots ggood to let that go.
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I wanted points trying to max out my other 10 p3 50s I was planning on changing my build up from my usual meta that's why. If you watch my other videos it's usually ds,ub,sb,iw
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Yeah i understand where you are coming from but the fact she is allowed as a killer is gross and why she hasnt been reworked has me left scratching my head my team was doing the same.
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Nahi learn form chases against killers who have actual counterplay not some anime girl stand still mindgamer.
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No counterplay does not equal op.
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I mean judge all you want but as long as she doesnt have counter play I will do what I want.
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1) If you're playing SWF, you kinda forfeit the right to call anything on the killer side "unfair." Comms and organization have far less counterplay than anything any individual killer has in the game. You're welcome to disagree all you'd like, but its something you need to get over if you want to get a proper perspective on balance.
2)Yet you were actively playing at a self imposed perk disadvantage, when again, any one of those perks would have helped vs ANY killer. You even have Iron Will as one of the perks you generally run, which does help even WITH stridor (just not as much as without.) Also, if you normally run DS and Unbreakable together, you really should play more without them to help you get better in general (there's a reason its called the small pp build, its arguably the biggest crutch perk combo in the game.) Adapting strategy could be exactly the thing to help you rely on them less. Not only that, but If you die early with WGLF, you're not really getting any BP anyway.
3 and 4) You're pretty determined to not improve from the analysis I've put into the video (as you requested) and the alternatives you can try in the future to help improve your game. If you refuse to learn anything from your losses, you will never improve your chances of victories.
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Love these you can't [BLANK] because [VIDEO/STREAMER] said so posts.
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Actually, you can't counter her "strictly", because her power is ahead of survivor's defenses. Just like Nurse, you counter Spirit working on her mistake. If the Spirit doesn't make mistakes, you can't counter her. All you have to do is to accept your deadly fate.
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1. My swf and I were chilling we werennot planning in sweating or calling out every killer move. Spirits flaws doesnt get cancelled out because I want to enjoy sbd with my friends. Nobody is tryharding nor are we aiming to bully killers. Sure comms gives you an advantage but it only matters if the swf is playing optimally which we werent.
2. I was trying to take a break from a stale meta choice ad I wanted to spice up my game and have a bit more fun. As much as you like to say it's a crutch DS/UB dont help with chases I can handle a chase just fine with or without all it does it make sure you arent deleted in a minute of the match starting because of being tunneled or slugged to never be picked up again. Yes I understand dying early makes you lose bo but I rather que for another game that to have fun people rather play braindead easy killers that take no skill that's why old dbd will always be better fun wise. Again on DS/UB I've played without them for weeks and I was tunneled vigorously and slugged. Playing without them doesnt make you better at chases all it does is gives the killer free range to delete you.
Your analysis is while I can say you are 100% correct about trying to tilt the odds more preferable it doesnt change the fact that A) you are still massively at a disadvantage and B) any stridor spirit that knows audio will still pinpoint your location and with bugged audio you cant really hear her footsteps. Alot of it comes down to guessing what shes doing and doing something odd of that. that's not healthy. I would try ot improve from a loss but there is nothing to take away but guess better and move on spirit is poorly designed and a terrible killer for dbd.
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The person is me in the video how about watch it clown.
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I mean might as well get comfy with those L's then. I tried.
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Against spirit I will other killers nah I can run things that have counter.
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Nah man, dont you know every game of chess is just a series of random guesses until someone ######### up? Mindgames arent a real thing.
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Are you deadass I wouldnt say mindgames arent real but the chess thing holy.
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Azame is THE BEST console player I have EVER encountered. He loops efficiently and does thing most survivors do. Unless You're a great killer azame usually doesnt go down. Or if you are a killer with a useful power.
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Nice to see you here komodo16 and appreciate the compliment but hey I'm just a bad survivor lol.