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If you 1st hook mori you’re bad.



  • Member Posts: 3,742

    You play fair-ish, you get hooks.

    You play fair, you get hatch.

    You play a**hole, you get mori.

    You play dorky, i get pallet, i show you totems, you get door.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    lol it's even a challenge turning my pc on...if i can land hit survivors in my current state...potatoes

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Idiot killer today playing as GF. Hooked 1, camped the area, mori. Hooked me, escaped into corner after unhooked, GF returns and Mori's me. Ffs, we had 3 gens still to do and it was a very even game until he decided spoil it.

    I can see the need to take an Ebony mori into a match as SWF insurance, but to use them on first hooked survivors early game is just ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 444

    I definitely agree. Matches like those are so annoying as well.

  • Member Posts: 332
    edited August 2020

    Who cares.

    DBD dosen't reward you playing well at the game with the exception of a couple more thousand BP. Which offerings -and events- will offset anyway. I tried being good at DBD and getting to rank 1 and even done it.

    All I got was alot of stress and being paired up constantly with swf-the worst experience a killer can get besides a comm team- same with MMR. I'd rather let people go and have crappy MMR and keep my games casual than have to sweat against some cocky swf gen rush brigade because I had the audacity to try and play decently for 3 rounds.

    You don't get any cosmetics for reaching top ranks. You don't get extra points or shard or a free item or access to some form of prestige perk or whatever. All you get is stress and people Tbagging at you the gate and saying you shouldn't be at rank one because you couldn't out play an unavoidable, chest high unmindgamable loop for 20 seconds while 3 gens pops at the same time.

    I'd rather be a bad killer than have such bad games.

    Post edited by Flatskull on
  • Member Posts: 1,505

    You're acting like there's a mori every game. This may be the case at green ranks where you play - but at red ranks, it's not.

    But okay - insult me.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    using a mori on a blendette is like donating to charity thank you for your service

  • Member Posts: 40

    I like the term 'inexperienced'. Although, others are right. It doesn't necessarily mean they're 'inexperienced', it just means they're ######### or insecure. I definitely wouldn't mori one group off first hook just because of something the last group did. The best thing to do in that situation (if a particular group are being little a-holes) is be one in return. There are plenty of ways to make the responsible survivors miserable.

  • Member Posts: 444

    I did not mean the insult but first and foremost I’m in the red ranks and have been in the red ranks for over year,(other than rank reset) so the majority of the killers I get with an ebony are red ranks. I know rank does not mean skill as so the devs have confirmed themselves, but you’d be suprised on how often red rank killers bring moris. I still think no group of survivors should be 1st hook mori’d unless you personally have had problems with them in the past or there is at least a key in the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Until I watched this video, I had no idea why people hated Blendettes so much. Now I understand. 1 gen left and she literally hides the whole time he's being chased.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited August 2020

    It's late at night on a Friday, so understand that I'm writing this while Inebriated from having some fun with my friends, so I don't intend this to be a personal assault on you or your viewpoint.

    That said, after over 1.5k hours as killer, TBH I learned the hard way that survivors NEVER hold back when it comes to builds, items, add-ons, and offerings, so why should killers? This becomes especially apparent in the high ranks wherein everyone, killer or survivor, is out to "Win" because this is where the game becomes the most competitive. At these ranks the gloves come off, and nobody can truly fault anybody for whatever they bring into the match, as doing so would only amount to hypocrisy. As a Killer, If I want to get out of the ranks where this kind of play is the strongest so I can enjoy the game more, why should I not use the tools provided by the game developers when survivors do so predominantly?

    It's in the nature of the game as coded, and because of this I feel no remorse, pity, or reason to avoid creating builds that don't ensure the maximum effect of "screwing over the survivors" in kind. If they don't hold back, why should I? This has become my creed, but not because I'm a bully, or toxic... It's because I want to meet them on even ground, even if I don't intend to stay there.

    Yes, I use Mori's to drop in rank so that I won't have to constantly go up against Sweaty, Try-hard, and SWF teams, but considering what THEY bring in? I honestly don't see how my choice is "toxic" comparatively. I don't really respect Scott Jund, but admit he has a point in that video, with one exception: In the first minutes of the video he mentions having a bad match and taking out your frustrations on the next team who happen to be a bunch of noobs... Currently this is hardly ever the case. If you are high rank, 80% of the time you will go up against survivors on your level, and not a bunch of noobs. Granted, the possibility of being high rank and going up against noobs is still possible, it's also very rare; I stand by the rules I follow, and part of them is to never begrudge someone for using any and all of the game mechanics that are allowed: "Hate the Game, Not the Player."

    Here's a Link to those Unbiased rules I follow if you want to give it a look:

    Overall, This game gives us all the tools to play how we want and enjoy the game. There's no reason to hold back, and If you find an advantage, you should be encouraged to seize it because your opposition will do so regardless of if you do or not. It just so happens that I use Mori's to purposely "lose" the game as far as ranking is concerned, and honestly... against Red Rankers and what they bring in... why should that mentality be considered "toxic" while they get a free pass?

  • Member Posts: 3,219
    edited August 2020

    No, i wont, because i think you are right. Btu the problem is, if they can´t win against that decent team, they should not be playing against them, because they are out of their skill range.

    Thats why moris are used after the first hook, because the game still matches players vs. opponents way above their skill level, whatever thats because of individual skill or swf-skill-bonus.

    And its not like the killer has go get good, there are plenty survivors on every skill level to go against.

    But that would increase waiting times for red rank swf, because killers that can keep up on that skill level are more rare than on other skill ranges.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Gotta love it when replies get more up-votes than the post itself to show how Killer sided this forum is.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    Yet you took the bait and replied anyway. Hilarious. You still remain too easy.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    I always love it when survivors call a killer bad AFTER DYING TO THEM

  • Member Posts: 641

    I find it funnier when people get upset about getting Mori'd or survivors hatching out or better yet when NOED or DS goes off. It's literally the unbalanced casual game we're all playing... this isn't an esports you're playing professionally for money (because you definitely wouldn't be on theese forums in that case) so relax and just have fun.

    The only time I get mad is getting sandbagged by teammates which is basically griefing just because they feel like ruining other players' experiences - getting unhook spammed but not actually pulled off while you're in stage 2 until you die or repeatedly slamming a locker or vaulting a window next to me while i'm breaking a hex totem etc (also include hacking on either side to this since it just sucks the fun right out for the other 4 players in the match).

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You're still dead, though, so...

  • Member Posts: 130


    1.who said you had tonplay nice as killer

    2.nothing wrong with eliminating a survivor or a toxic player

    3.quit crying

  • Member Posts: 130

    Actually kind smart imo because kikler will waste time patroing it

  • Member Posts: 130

    Or are like me and just wanna make people salty....sometines i just wanna be random with the window of oppurtunity

  • Member Posts: 130

    If you get mori'ed take it as a badge of honor

  • Member Posts: 879

    Then the killer who use a mori is smart because he bypass DS and unbreakable

  • Member Posts: 130
    edited August 2020

    Gottem,very smart there

    Ds me 1 time then shame on you,ds me 2nd time then shame on me

  • Member Posts: 985

    Getting a player out of the game as fast as possible is the best way for Killers to apply this thing Survivors call "pressure".

    Killers don't have to play fair to survivors because survivors would never play fair to Killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I often take a Mori into a game and never use it. To me they are just a tool, i.e. for when I run into SWF that are doing crushing Gen-Rush with perfect coordination. I will absolutely kill immediately to slow things down and even the odds. Sometimes I use the Tombstone Piece as Myers for the same thing. I'm happy to say I don't have to do it all the time, because it costs me points and makes it harder to earn a Pip. But sometimes you just have to adapt to the META (which is SWF) and do what you gotta do.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    edited August 2020

    nobody gonna change your mind, i rarely ever use a mori.

    but when I do, i just counter ds. cheers


    I usually just use it for really annoying forum users :D :*

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    No. Some of us like her because she was our first character. Not all of us are toxic. Be nice to the non-neon colored clicky clicky Claudettes. Obliterate the ones who are clicky clicky.

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Nah, some good players that can 4k without a single sweat drop just use mori and kill everyone as dast as they can just cause they wanted to feel "the entity".

    Oh, and how about if we see it the other way? "If you can't escape without being hooked a single time you're bad", do you see the mistake?

  • Member Posts: 1,118

    Or... and bear with me on this... a Mori is being used because of a ritual/challenge. Shocker I know.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    dealing with camping is hard because it part of the game just like genrushing.

  • Member Posts: 144

    No. I had too many instances of Blendettes taking game hostage Im just tired of it. If I see anyone playing as Claudette and not wearing bright colour pants or jacket, I am not taking any chances.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    What if I slowly crawl up to you, with my face pointed up at you, in order to admire your raw sexiness? Would you show mercy then?

    As a Blendette, I can’t loop (I’m bad, yes, I just cannot look behind me while running) and have to rely on stealth. But I do objectives! I rescue, heal, do gens, and will body block or even run right in front of the Killer in order to take the pressure off of someone whose already been hooked.

    But yea, if I see a mori after 1st hook I become one with the shadows. I can see how annoying it is.

    Would you at least do a sexy dance before you kill me? Let me have some entertainment.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    I can't even begin to tell you how many times I was tunneled off hook and morid during the event because the killers were trash in chase.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    You do realize they dont have to use the mori asap right? They could go all game and NOT use it, and have it equipped JUST for toxic kiddies. Right?

  • Member Posts: 158

    I had a Ghostface apologize after a game where he mori’d everyone saying he had a few bad games before that one. He didn’t do it like an asshat off first hook though which was nice. We were all cordial back to him. Pays off sometimes being nice.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    I understand what you're saying and agree to a certain extent, but not all cases where somebody would 1st hook mori means they're automatically bad.

    For example, I've been saving up my moris to use as "insurance" against people that play like a jerk with DS. So if somebody tries to get me to chase them all game and clicks their flashlight at me and jumps into a locker when they clearly have DS, I'm definitely going to mori them off 1st hook and take them out the game to teach them a lesson. I also keep track (roughly, not like a keep a list or something) of people who are extremely toxic/just unpleasant people and if I recognize one of them I'm definitely bringing a mori and facecamping them, just to mori them off 1st hook if they get off the hook.

    Neither of these things make me a bad killer, I just see doing it as a way to smack down somebody who's a scumbag. I've brought in moris before and not even used them because I was having too much fun playing against the survivors. It's just nice to have one on hand and be able to do that if needed.

  • Member Posts: 427

    Its kind of hard not use DS and UB when you have the chance of getting face camped and slugged

  • Member Posts: 82

    Playing the game and using offerings that's not breaking any rules makes you bad. Yeah Ok. Another survivor main that complains about everything

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    Pretty much. I got first hook Mori'ed three out of six games yesterday. Know what I did? Moved on the next match.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Need more survivors like you buddy, with the same mind set.

  • Member Posts: 251

    If you play suvivor in a good swf with survivors that flashlight save, use DS, Borrow, unbreakable and dead hard, bodyblockng the killer to prevent hook etc, you are bad.

    It's frustrating but everything in this game is.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Guess i'm bad then. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 251

    If you play to win, you have to play dirty, either as a killer, either as a survivor.

    Let's take some exemples.

    Survivor wanna win ? What do they do ?

    • gen rush
    • use meta perks (spine chill, unbreakable, DS, Dead Hard, sprint burst, Borrow)
    • they bodyblock at key moments to avoid a hook
    • they abuse pallet loop (which is a key aspect of the gameplay mechanic)

    Is killer able to get 2k if he plays fair ? Let's calculate it.

    • killer is looking for the first victim 10 seconds
    • killer is chasing the 1st victim 30 seconds (it's low)
    • killer hooks the 1st victim 10 seconds
    • let's admit he has BBQ, he then goes to the 2nd prey, cross the map 15 seconds
    • repeat the 3 above points (1st one is only at the start) 11 more times (3 hooks for each survivors without tunneling)

    Total = 655 seconds, almost 11 minutes.

    If all survivors do gen when they are not in chase, a gen is 80 seconds, let's admit they need 15 seconds between gens.

    All gens need 80 x 5 + 15x5 = 475 seconds to be complete if they just do one gen at a time. As you know the game, survivors do multiple gens at the same time. We can then say that a game against good survivors is over in 8 minutes.

    No need to explain more than this, when survivors know what they are doing, the only way for the killer to get 3k is to play dirty.

    There is a big balance problem.

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