Let us see the killers profile before match

I played 5 games today, 3 out of them was only camping, tunneling and slugging with the match ending with less than 20k points for the killer and ~10ks for the survivors.
Why on earth are killers able to view the survivors profiles pre match but we survivors have to deal with those kind of killers and can only see the "warnings" written by others about their playstyle after the match?
Either hide profiles for everyone or lets survivors see the killers profile as well. Why are only killers allowed to lobby dodge by being able to see the items survivors bring or watching their steam profiles?
bruh moment
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You guys already can with third party programs. Pipe down.
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Pretty terrible idea, for one it’s pretty OP to know the killer before the match starts, and second you can just set your profile to private or disable comments.
Did you do any critical thinking before suggesting this?
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And while we are at it, put a swf indicator next to survivors so killers can dodge every single one of them to.
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I don't think they mean seeing who the killer is, but the abiity to see the killer's profile. There would be nothing wrong with that and would be a nice QoL change
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Ok and seeing killer's profile help how?
I'd love a BIG RED QUESTIONMARK where swf of 3 is in the lobby so I can take a mori to balance stuff out and somehow it isn't a thing.
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When I play Killer, I view Survivor Profiles to determine if they're SWF's or not so I know who to go after first since in my opinion, cutting off all comms is the most effective way of dealing with an SWF group.
What I don't understand though is your purpose for wanting to view the Killer's profile? You say that three out of the five Killers you encountered were camping, etc. So three different killer's did that? How would viewing their profile benefit you in any way?
One definite issue with allowing Survivor's to see the Killer's profile is streamers. Often times I see streamers use their twitch username or link it in their profile. So you could watch their stream and have a huge advantage.
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I would be fine with that. I am solo queing 90% of the time and only sometimes duo queue.
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The problem is if im like a freddy main and make my profile about him theyd make a very easy guess who id be playing.
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Survivors would add killers to their blocked list, look at the profile and just dodge them forever unless they follow the survivor rule book perfectly
AKA stand in a corner and do nothing or else.
You need to remember. These survivors are so passionate about getting things THEIR WAY that they went out and designed a program MLGA to do exactly this and it caused huge problems with nurse mains not getting games etc.
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So - it's ok for killers to do this, but for survivors it's a big no?
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But you don't get dodged all the time do you?
You must admit that the survivor main side of this community is far more, lets say... passionate. when it comes to holding a grudge for any reason under the ######### sun.
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No - killers usually just tunnel mori someone they don't like, and how do survivors "hold grudges" in game when they don't even know who they're facing, only killers can do this.
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These tools haven't worked for ages by the way.
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bad Idea.
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Already proven back in the day with mlga.
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They got patched like last month idk what you mean ages
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If you can see my profile then you can see my clips and uploads, this can show my killers and the perk builds i run on them which mean you can full on counter certain builds just because. you can also check my time played, overall kills, achievements etc. all of which would show my 3 years of owning the game, all this will do is make people lobby dodge and back out... survivor is already easy, the killer can see the survivors because theyre meant to adjust to the survivors items etc. and the only time killers back out is due to keys, 4man swf or toxic players and i think thats fair reasons, not like lobbies are long.
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I don't care if you look at my profile just as long as you don't see which killer Im playing until it's already too late :)
I just want the ability to switch killers in the lobby turned back on. If I'm trying to play a weaker killer like Wraith or Piggy and I see a known SWF group pop in I want the ability to switch to a stronger killer. And if Im trying to play Bubba or Trapper and I enter a lobby with 4 Blendettes Im gonna want to switch to someone with better tracking. Stop locking me into killer roles, BHVR, or Im likely to stop playing low-tier killers entirely!
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All I want to see is the killers ping. I'm sick of getting matched with people who have bad internet.
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All of this applies to killers being able to see survivor profiles, by the way.
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Agreed. ping is all we need to drive out vpn users.
Killers should also be able to see survivors ping for the same reason.
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It's just the design of the game that the survivors can't see the killer, for many good reasons too.
Lets say the survivor squad knows that the killer they're playing is a ghostface main, they'll all put on spine chill. It applies to all killers.
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Shame most survivor perks counter the killers, besides thats still a 4v1 even if that was the case. if you really need to check profiles theres an issue with you, just play the damn game instead of trying to get extra advantages. if balance has to be that perfect swf would be balanced as well as alot of other things. theres no need to see the killers profile at all. Ping to the server sure, profile NOPE. plus you can just set profiles on private so maybe survivors should do that if theyre so inclined to complaining about things that do not matter in the slightest.
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I agree, the same reasons the username of The Killer is shielded from view are the same reasons why the usernames of Survivors also need to be shielded. The toxicity and problems happen both ways and there's no need for The Killer player to see your username.
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See my profile all you want. My Steam profile is completely private. So what, if any, warnings would you see there? None. Nothing. Nada. Zip. No one can post to it or send me messages in the first place. When I play Survivor, not even the killer can get any info on me. Not even my hours in DbD.
So, on PC at least, seeing a profile solves nothing in a lot of cases.
However, I do agree with other posts that all names should be shielded while in lobby.
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If you’re saying that all profiles should be hidden pre-game, I agree. Nobody needs to see their opponent’s profile before the game even starts.
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I mean if i load into a game with a toxic 4 man ill just have to quit at game start, i avoid people that bad manner and send rude messages for 0 reason. i play my games for fun, i play them fair without tunneling or slugging all 4 people. i dont care for the 4k, i hardly use anything above yellow addons so forgive me if i dont wish to verse the horrible side of the community when im just down to play and have a normal game
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But how does a profile let you know that they’ll be toxic and send hateful messages, especially if they make it private like you suggest?
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If you play games for fun, turn off messages and endgame chat, and just play the game then?
If it's a toxic team or not. If YOURE there for fun, do that. Ignore them, block messages, and play the damned game.
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Marking someone who always tunnel mories you out of a game because THEY can see who you are... lmao.
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So you think in a 60 second timer people will load up your twitch, look through your clips, and change their build based on a killer you may or may not be playing? I think that's a bit of a reach.
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This is how I see it, you either show the profiles of everyone or not at all - it stops certain streamers being targetted if they hide it, and allows everyone to dodge people they don't enjoy playing against that person if they show it.
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Survivors are all shells with same counters while killers are different and have different counters that of done can be more devastating to the other player (ex flashlights on wraith or hag) being able to know oh hey it’s a wraith would make the squads run 4 flashlights causing killer to lobby dodge more frequently
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Killers should receive titles for their playstyle that you could view before match.
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They are talking about the killers steam profile, not the killer.
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Didnt they patch that? Even if they didn't, people shouldn't have to hack to avoid an #########. I don't want to show the killers name Thh but I do want to hide the survivors.
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I mean on demo and pig(maybe also others) Brown and yellow are the best add-ons.
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Oh ok I guess I misread the post my bad lol then on that people would private it like they already do to avoid not so polite messages 😬
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because you can remember names and profiles of those people that do it, so if i see a bunch of people i know to be rude and horrible whether thats bad manners, racist, sexist etc. ill just dodge that lobby. im not playing a gme with people like that
im on console, you can only turn off messages completely and i shouldnt be forced to do that due to one game, i should have to ruin and cause more hassle for all my other games because people cant be respectful. so ill back out and find a new lobby in a min, no issue to me and then i cant play the game. i love how people moan at players that avoid horrible people like wut, why would anyone want to play with people like that, its a damn game they need to grow up a little.
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Then shouldn’t survivors also have the option to avoid killers that are rude and horrible?
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id agree thatd be acceptable, but then good killers would also be punished, or people that main spirit etc. which is an issue. cant say i run into many killers that go out their way to be rude and toxic or send racist and sexist remarks, usually theyre reacting to survivors being toic or was toxic pregame. i get why youd want to avoid face camping bubbas etc. but you cant without hurting so many good killers etc.
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It's only fair considering killers can view the survivor's profile. There's a lot of times I've ran into self proclaimed killer trolls/campers/tunnelers (either name or profile summary) that I would have loved to dodge.
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There’s EVERY reason for this to be implemented in DBD.
When I play killer, I do often check out who’s who amongst survivors. Likewise, as a survivor I sometimes check out profiles, especially to see what music, if any, players are into.
I’ve dodged lobby’s before on both sides, not frequently, but I’ve done it.
I know for a fact that Killers have OnlineID and profile dodged matches. I know people who do it regularly.
It could be considered a prime example of unbalance.
That a killer can see all 4 survivor players, yet survivors can’t see who’s playing killer gives the killer an advantage. Even if it’s only a comfortable feeling knowing they’ve played against certain players before and what their play style is, or what builds they usually use, it aids in preparation for a match, maybe switching perks, adding a mori, possibly providing a slight edge. Or, if a killer sees they are facing off with a person, people or group they don’t like, then they dodge.
Kinda does seem to be a killer sided advantage.
Some people want their cake all to themselves and don’t want to share... then they want everyone else’s cake too.
Interesting to see anyone not willing to accept the extending of the same courtesy to survivors.
I believe it’s only fair...
especially as balance is the prime objective.
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They stopped working when they introduced dedicated servers lmao
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Right..... because in 55 seconds, I can watch get to your profile, watch your videos, figure out what killer you typically run and what perks you generally use, and then get back to the game and switch up my items and perks to counter that......
Seems legit
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You shouldn't forget that it is a 4 vs 1 game and not a 1 vs 1. Survivors being able to see the killers profile and therefore his latest archievements which can give them a clue about what kind of killer they might face, will give them a very unfair advantage.
Post edited by Chechia on0 -
We are also forgetting that killers can get the same survivors multiple times a day. I don't know about you, but i don't change my perks (devour) and / or killer every game...
Survivors would remember you and instantly take out devour hope or counter your other perks like bamboozle without having to find out the hard way that you have it.
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I would say "yes" to: hide names and profiles. It's only a game, no need to comment and make black lists, lol. But I will say no to: show who killer is, because many killers would have useless powers. For example Calm Spirit + Doc = No more Doc in queue. Another example, Flashlight + Hag = No more Hag in queue. :^)
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As much as the are face campers / tunneled or 4 man swf death squads there aren't as many as ppl make it out to be, yet everyone would get labeled as one. Plus they could private their profiles or turn off the ability to comment.