since everyone keeps saying this here is my simple change to noed

only trigger the insta down aspect once the egc begins
Only if gates regress and it's not a hex perk any more.
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makes little sense i mean people are just annoyed it takes them by suprise if it only triggers onece the gates open or hatch shuts then they take the risk of going down and then being hooked
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If the gates don't regress, the survivors will just 99 the gates and it will never come into play.
No, the reason people are annoyed by noed is because they think it takes skill to blast through the gens in 5 minutes, only to have noed bite them in the butt. So clearly it's a free pressure perk that requires no skill to use, and we shouldn't have to do bones.
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1/10 bait.
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that makes more sense and sure they 99 a gen lets just smack it abd play tag your it with warden
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Just make it so that it only applies exposed to the survivors that you've already hooked at least once, and for each survivor hooked you get 1% extra speed when the gens are powered. It keeps its same effect but it will never reward you again for being completely useless throughout the match. It would even reward you for going after multiple people.
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This is like a worse Devour Hope. NOED is fine. If the killer gets a wipe with NOED, it's because of extreme altruism. Think of NOED as an insurance policy. Killers would rather not have to resort to it, but if the need arises it's there to at least help get them a safety pip.
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I feel very targeted right now :(
I just made a post about that.
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Hence why all I'm saying is once the egc starts it activates so people have a chance to still counter it but the killer can also control it against them
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Well yer how else do you tenderise horsemeat without beating it a bit
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You brine it salt water for 4 hours and roast in the oven at 200° for 50 minutes and then you quickly fry each side in a hot cast iron pan for about 4 minutes each.
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See that actually sounds nice
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Beat me too it
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You can’t do that as egc doesn’t activate until doors are open and at that point aren’t survivors out of the game now?
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My simple change to NOED is to keep it as it is, so bad killers continue to only run 3 perks and play to rely on NOED, when they desperately need another actual useful perk to help them win their matches before the endgame even starts.
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Well, i do this with my chicken breasts. It comes out very moist and delicious. You can add some herbs to the brine if you'd like, just google what would work.
For my ribeye steaks, I don't brine, I just salt and pepper both sides of the meat, and let it sit out until it hits room temperature. Then I roast in the oven according to the directions I provided, and then fry both sides in a cast iron pan with butter to get a nice crust. Comes out delicious.
Google reverse searing- I think that's what the method was called.
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The perk is fine...
it has an easy counter during the game as well as when it is active and it has no effect for 90% of the game. It needs to be strong for how little impact it can have. I'd say Pop has a higher chance of turning a 1k into a 4k, you just can't see the difference that clearly, as the impact spreads over the whole trial
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Look, EGC doesn't start unless a gate is open or hatch has been shut. The counterplay is doing bones. NOED is fine as is.
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What exactly would the killer control about it? NOED is rn useless enough in at least 50% of the matches. Either cleansed during the trial already or you just get a single down with it. The other 50% is just as said before because of altruism, mostly. A typical scene is one guy hooked benath the NOED totem. I'd say, poor guy, leave him and 3 escape. But narp, 9/10 games people just try and grant the 4k
And that is not the fault of the OP perk, sometimes people just need to learn. But expect "I should be able to get the 4 escape in any case!" and sacrifice the team for it, rather than a single person...
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lets see you can open a gate trigger it have blood warden so even though its open you already stacked a min against them to kill
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Just seems like a lot of work when there are better options to change the perk or better yet I hate to say it but do bones?
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lol i love doing bones and sometimes i do it to troll others i mean spirit and theres a lit totem obvious haunted grounds throw in a unhook challenge and trolling time
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the only nerf i could get behind was to only activate once the last gen is repaired.
there isnt really any need for NOED to pop when the hatch is closed, lets be honest.
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It is a free pressure perk. No ones on gens if theyre doing totems, and if they don't, you get more speed and a free insta down.
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So what? Ds is a free pressure perk too. One person has it, and all three get the benefit if the killer respects it. Not every perk needs a prerequisite to actually work.
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I know that. I have no problem with noed or ds. I was just pointing out that it is a free pressure perk.