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Possible DS rework idea

So I play both sides killer more rank 7 and survivor rank 10 and whilst I do agree with an anti tunnel perk however. I have thought that a rework that might make it more balanced. So the 60 seconds would stay the same however when you get of the hook there is an activation period of 20 seconds for all levels where unless the killer starts a chase with you it won't activate and can be used on the next hook
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Better change only the obsession can use DS unless they are dead or the obsession changes
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It'd help of you gave me a reason or your own idea
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The problem with this is it defeats the purpose of the perk as the killer possibly could tunnel the other surviours
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DS should be a powerful anti-tunnel perk, however it is not being used just as such.
Currently we have survivor god like status for what can be 2 minutes... thats without talking about abusing small / mini / micro pp builds
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Then have it non obsessions it can activate on last hook or after they heal for hook 2 so if there tunnled they have a chance to escape last one if not they can use it to avoid there second hook
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Or other way around and if immediately tunnled it can be used if not it can only be used to avoid last hook
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can we stop with these threads? DS has never been an anti tunnel perk. In its current state, it functions as such secondarily. DS originally was a get out of jail free card. It could be triggered whenever you wanted to use it, either after the first or second hook. Killers had to “dribble” players to a hook and hope they were close enough. All while survivors had instaheal medkits. Try vs’ing an actual 4 man SWF all running DS and all with instaheal medkits.
And you all think this nerfed version of DS is problematic? It’s potentially active for no more than 120 seconds. Imagine it being active always.
DS is fine where it is. It’s in the game for a reason. So if DS gets changed, something else will follow to keep the game balanced (60 sec gens?). Be careful what you complain about. Learn how to play vs DS is my advice
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There isn't really a way to play against ds that's why there are so many threads suggesting nerfs or balance changes it shouldn't be a get out of jail card because just old ruin it does too much that's the problem yeah it's fun dsing the killer but as a killer when you get hit by it when you've downed and hooked a different surviour that's not fair
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"Devs, Nerf DS, can't tunnel dammit!"
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No I just had a game put 3 in basement using demo telport near when first rescue happens get to the basement first hook runs out hit them downed I go to the basement second hook I hit runs out with bt I knock down the 3rd hook and the saviour I pick saviour up put him on the hook I go out of basement pick up 1st hook get hit by ds okay fair she runs down and picks saviour up I knock 1st hook down and hook her then I pick up 2nd hook and put her on then the saviour ds gets someone off the hook I hit her due to the saviour hiding behind the hooked surviour she gets off I hit her bt yes one surviour died but in that situation she shouldn't of gotten out
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60 seconds vs. all match. We all lived with old DS. Nerfed DS is fine. “Not fair” 😴
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That's like saying we lived with old moris nerfed moris are fine that's not the point it can take several nerfs to get a perk to a balanced stage 60 seconds of God tier status only can be countered with 5 stacks of devour or a mori but then the killer is toxic the problem with sixty seconds of God like status is that you can just work on a gen and whilst the killer can knock you they can't pick you up that's the problem especially when combined with unbreakable that's not fair
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So a Wraith could just follow you while cloaked until the 20 seconds is up.
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?? You need to learn how to play killer then? It gets exhausting seeing new players complain to change the game
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DS is balanced as it is when you consider of all the ways you could get around it. More than anything the "tunneling" part itself. As a killer I can pretend like I am not tunneling by going in the complete opposite direction for 20 seconds and come right back to tunnel that freshly unhooked survivor.
I say the "tunneling" part, because DS isn't strictly only an anti-tunnel perk, that's the one thing that people get so hung up on. DS used to work anytime you went down, only condition was you had to fill your wiggle bar to a certain point to use it. Now because you can use it after getting unhooked, people only want to view it as such, even though in reality the perk has always meant to be used anytime you get picked up.
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Dude I've been playing since 2018..... I've seen old ds I've seen broken perks I'm not new I'm rank 6 I'm not bad
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This is a fair point and I didn't think of this thank you it could however work when in close proximity to a killer eg like 10 m coded not by terror radius what do you think about this
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It's not ment to be used like that why do you think they nerfed it and if it is denying a killer their main objective isn't right and if you think I'm a tunnling camping trash look at what ozdarva says about it if a top tier player says its not right then maybe somethings up
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Oh ho.. if it's not designed as just an anti-tunnel perk, then it's having too much benefit for just one perk.
Not to mention killers has to respect it every time when there is an obsession even no one uses it.
One perk should not have this much effect on a game. It's too much currently.
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so killers are allowed to kill, but survivors aren’t allowed to survive? Even in F13 you have pocket knives.
you guys talk like 60 seconds is the end of the world. It’s an issue if you’re planning on tunneling people out of the game. That’s it. You overblow the effect of DS in dramatic fashion
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So you bought the game 2 years ago and play casually. Meaning, you don’t fully get the little ins and outs?
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Do you know who eats DS the most?
1.Clueless non red rank tunnelling killer that don't know DS exist
2. Completely fair killer that snowballs hard, just to get his pressure nullified by DS after chasing, downing and hooking other survivors in between
High rank killers who really want to tunnel don't eat DS. They slug you, and left you on the ground until it expires
And where did you get this survivor aren't allowed to survive from? I simply state that DS is overtuned and has too much benefit for just a perk. It doesn't even need to be used. A mere existence of it in the game has already make killers to respect it.
Imagine ruin and surveillance are bundled as a single perk. It provides gen defend and information with just one perk. This is what DS is currently
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That's the same way Borrowed should work. It should be 32 meters on Borrowed and 24 on DS.
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I play as much as I can but forget about me I will mention this again even ozdarva thinks its overpowered and doing too much
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Thank you and I agree