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Can we get some points for trying to wiggle free?

More often then not, when the killer picks you up, you’re getting hooked. You rarely break free from their grasp. I’m not complaining, really. That being said, could we get some survival points for trying to break free? Otherwise, we might as well not try to wiggle free, since a hook is going to happen most of the time. Even if it’s a tiny amount of points.


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Yeah that would be nice, post it in the wishlist subforum if you haven't already.
  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
    Vietfox said:
    Yeah that would be nice, post it in the wishlist subforum if you haven't already.
    Will do!
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.
  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
    Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.
    The irony is I am I killer main. I only leveled the survivors to 10 so I could get their adept trophies 
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    I don’t see why not myself personally. 
  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    @Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.

    I am serious, is a good idea, and we got take points :) win win

  • SuperiorityComplex
    SuperiorityComplex Member Posts: 63
    Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.
    Right cuz killers getting blood points too = survivors getting nothing. 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Sandt21 said:
    More often then not, when the killer picks you up, you’re getting hooked. You rarely break free from their grasp. I’m not complaining, really. That being said, could we get some survival points for trying to break free? Otherwise, we might as well not try to wiggle free, since a hook is going to happen most of the time. Even if it’s a tiny amount of points.

    If you need extra points as reward to struggle for your life, that's totally your choice.
    Just dont do it and enjoy the basement.

  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2018
    Oooooh so I could farm killers for bp with boil over, depending on the map of course haha. 
    Post edited by Oblitiry on
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Lowbei said:
    Vietfox said:
    Lowbei said:
    aaaaaand the “most entitled survivormain thread of the day” goes to the OP. do you also want points for dropping pallets, or vaulting windows? you people are ridiculous.

    Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.
    the irony of you whining for killer nerfs in other threads, and begging for extra bp for breathing air, is absolutely hilarious. this is why you peoples biased opinions are tossed in the garbage around here.
    Already explained above why would make sense to get bps for wiggling. No need to repeat myself.
    yeah, please dont, the trash is full already.
    I agree. Btw, next time you fill the trash can don't forget to empty it.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Vietfox said:
    Lowbei said:
    Vietfox said:
    Lowbei said:
    aaaaaand the “most entitled survivormain thread of the day” goes to the OP. do you also want points for dropping pallets, or vaulting windows? you people are ridiculous.

    Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.
    the irony of you whining for killer nerfs in other threads, and begging for extra bp for breathing air, is absolutely hilarious. this is why you peoples biased opinions are tossed in the garbage around here.
    Already explained above why would make sense to get bps for wiggling. No need to repeat myself.
    yeah, please dont, the trash is full already.
    I agree. Btw, next time you fill the trash can don't forget to empty it.
    irony :)

    i guess since they dont give you crybabies extra bp for struggling, that the devs opinions are trash too eh?

    oh snap, i guess the trash pile must be yours. no worries, we scoop your biased opinions into the toilet near daily.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    Yeah, I mean why not. Whenever I actually get someone down, it's not like they actually manage to wiggle out of it (unless they've got DS). And I always go for the nearest hook. More often than not I just think to myself: "Why are you even trying? You know you're getting hooked".

    @Lowbei @Wolf74 Perhaps Killers shouldn't get points for breaking generators? Cause it's totally your choice to do it. You do it anyway because it's part of the game. And it is in fact something you do to actively try and counter what your opponent(s) is doing.

    This would follow the same logic. Trying to wiggle free gives some points, even though more often than not you're going to get hooked anyway.

    It'd be something like up to 500 Survival BP (Based on the meter filled) for escape attempts. (With diminishing returns the more often you get grabbed)

    we dont like to reward players for making mistakes. breaking gens isnt because they made a mistake. needing to wiggle free after being caught was a mistake.

    struggling against the entity on the hook is different because its essentially distraction points to help buy the others time, which is why you cant struggle on the hook as the last survivor.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2018

    Yeah it would be nice. Currently there are very few sources or Survival points, this could be one (and it would make sense).
    B> @Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    Killers get points for hooking survivors. In a certain way they get points for carrying survivors.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Actually I quite like this idea. Give survivability points. 
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Kalec84 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    SuperiorityComplex said:

    Vietfox said:

    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.

    Right cuz killers getting blood points too = survivors getting nothing. 

    1 - Killers get more bps already
    2 - Struggle phase gives you points for smashing a key, why not the same for wiggling?
    3 - It's quite obvious what kalec meant, and it wasn't because of getting more bps as a killer.

    Nope, as i just said, i was serious, as i alwais am, i have no problems with survivors getting more points, and i'd like to have more points as killer too.
    What is wrong with that?

    Just ignore vietfox he thinks all killer mains need to GIT GUD and this game is balanced and all killer mains care about is getting 4k. And just like he did here he takes things out of proportion and puts words in your mouth. Or texts whatever. But lol all you said was more points for killer and he freaks out thinking you don't want survivors to get points 
  • Zaije
    Zaije Member Posts: 38
    It's hard to get any survival points without escaping since you usually don't wiggle free  I support this.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited October 2018
    Kalec84 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    SuperiorityComplex said:

    Vietfox said:

    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.

    Right cuz killers getting blood points too = survivors getting nothing. 

    1 - Killers get more bps already
    2 - Struggle phase gives you points for smashing a key, why not the same for wiggling?
    3 - It's quite obvious what kalec meant, and it wasn't because of getting more bps as a killer.

    Nope, as i just said, i was serious, as i alwais am, i have no problems with survivors getting more points, and i'd like to have more points as killer too.
    What is wrong with that?

    Just ignore vietfox he thinks all killer mains need to GIT GUD and this game is balanced and all killer mains care about is getting 4k. And just like he did here he takes things out of proportion and puts words in your mouth. Or texts whatever. But lol all you said was more points for killer and he freaks out thinking you don't want survivors to get points 
    Funny you mention putting words in others mouth.
    I've said that game is more balanced than people think, not that it was.
    Yeah, some people should try to get better before rushing to the forums and cry. Fortunatelly there are some other killer mains who realize about that.
    About the points, it's easy to expect this kind of reaction when u get used to people telling you even what outfits a survivor should use, just lol. And any ok survivor perk is discussed as if it was op, like the Alert perk thread.
    Btw, @me next time.

  • SuperiorityComplex
    SuperiorityComplex Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2018
    Vietfox said:
    Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.
    Right cuz killers getting blood points too = survivors getting nothing. 
    1 - Killers get more bps already
    2 - Struggle phase gives you points for smashing a key, why not the same for wiggling?
    3 - It's quite obvious what kalec meant, and it wasn't because of getting more bps as a killer.
    1. Not really, BP gain is pretty even if the survivor is good and doesn’t die early. 
    2. I don’t care if survivors get points for wiggling or not, my post was just criticizing your logic. 
    3. He wants points for carrying, just like you want points for wiggling, both win. It’s not like he said screw the idea. 
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    SuperiorityComplex said:

    Vietfox said:

    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.

    Right cuz killers getting blood points too = survivors getting nothing. 

    1 - Killers get more bps already
    2 - Struggle phase gives you points for smashing a key, why not the same for wiggling?
    3 - It's quite obvious what kalec meant, and it wasn't because of getting more bps as a killer.

    Nope, as i just said, i was serious, as i alwais am, i have no problems with survivors getting more points, and i'd like to have more points as killer too.
    What is wrong with that?

    Just ignore vietfox he thinks all killer mains need to GIT GUD and this game is balanced and all killer mains care about is getting 4k. And just like he did here he takes things out of proportion and puts words in your mouth. Or texts whatever. But lol all you said was more points for killer and he freaks out thinking you don't want survivors to get points 
    Funny you mention putting words in others mouth.
    I've said that game is more balanced than people think, not that it was.
    Yeah, some people should try to get better before rushing to the forums and cry. Fortunatelly there are some other killer mains who realize about that.
    About the points, it's easy to expect this kind of reaction when u get used to people telling you even what outfits a survivor should use, just lol. And any ok survivor perk is discussed as if it was op, like the Alert perk thread.
    Btw, @me next time.

    It did @ you. You were in the quote...
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Vietfox said:
    Vietfox said:
    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.
    Right cuz killers getting blood points too = survivors getting nothing. 
    1 - Killers get more bps already
    2 - Struggle phase gives you points for smashing a key, why not the same for wiggling?
    3 - It's quite obvious what kalec meant, and it wasn't because of getting more bps as a killer.
    1. Not really, BP gain is pretty even if the survivor is good and doesn’t die early. 
    2. I don’t care if survivors get points for wiggling or not, my post was just criticizing your logic. 
    3. He wants points for carrying, just like you want points for wiggling, both win. It’s not like he said screw the idea. 
    1 - if the survivor is good AND killer is bad.
    2 - my point was the smashing system related to bps, like the struggling phase.
    3 - sure, let the killer have those bps. I play as a killer as well.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Wouldn't be too bad.
    You also get BP if you heal yourself and then stop healing yourself before you complete the heal.

  • SuperiorityComplex
    SuperiorityComplex Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2018
    Remove post
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited October 2018
    Kalec84 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    SuperiorityComplex said:

    Vietfox said:

    Kalec84 said:

    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    @Kalec84 lol some killer mains want nothing at all for survivors.

    Right cuz killers getting blood points too = survivors getting nothing. 

    1 - Killers get more bps already
    2 - Struggle phase gives you points for smashing a key, why not the same for wiggling?
    3 - It's quite obvious what kalec meant, and it wasn't because of getting more bps as a killer.

    Nope, as i just said, i was serious, as i alwais am, i have no problems with survivors getting more points, and i'd like to have more points as killer too.
    What is wrong with that?

    Just ignore vietfox he thinks all killer mains need to GIT GUD and this game is balanced and all killer mains care about is getting 4k. And just like he did here he takes things out of proportion and puts words in your mouth. Or texts whatever. But lol all you said was more points for killer and he freaks out thinking you don't want survivors to get points 
    Meh.  Never read anyone’s comments with a Fang Min picture. I swear they all act the exact same. 

    He’s still part of the community though. So we should tolerate one another as best we can instead of arguing.  
  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
    edited October 2018
    Survivors get 500 points in Survival for a successful grasp escape, but if the Killer intentionally drops them (R key) and they escape by that, they do not receive any points.
    I agree - Survivors should gain points for wiggling out.
    As it stands, Survival points can only be gained by escaping the trial, escaping the Killer’s grasp, and self-healing, as well as struggling on hook and Kobe-ing
    At the very least, also make losing the Killer in a chase grant Survival points.
    Survivors need more ways to gain Survival points, and points by wiggling is a good step in the right direction.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    Personally, I think there is a large discrepancy in blood points earned between survivors and killers. Anything that helps balance the scales for survivors is something I will get behind. Good idea.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    Personally, I think there is a large discrepancy in blood points earned between survivors and killers. Anything that helps balance the scales for survivors is something I will get behind. Good idea.

    Until survivors are dependent on addons and items, they don’t need anymore bloodpoints. 
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    How often have you had a survivor wiggle-free from you (not using DS, which wouldn't contribute any points)? I can certainly say that that percentage for me is quite low.

    Sure, in theory I do agree on that part. However in practice, given hook spawns and the duration needed to wiggle-free (as it's mainly an anti-perma basement hooking tool), the survivor rarely wiggles-free, vs. the Killer almost always hooking.

    And if your experience with the killer is the survivor usually wiggling free, that also says a lot about YOU. Cause for me, they rarely wiggle-free in time (Only doing so if the other survivors actively body-block me).

    Thinking on it more though, successfully wiggling-free should grant significantly more Survival points than just wiggling, as just pressing ADAD a few times isn't really difficult gameplay.

    To invert the Hook Bonus, I'd then suggest that up to 200 Survival BP can be acquired from a 0-99% wiggle, with a successful wiggle granting 500 BP.

    By the way, your blatant disregard for other points of view is kinda telling that you've got a very narrow view of the game, and those who play it. More content with dismissing arguments, than to try and deconstruct, and reconstruct them in another positive manner.

    sorry not reading any more of your nonsense after your obvious survivormain bias. keep begging for bonus ap for breathing air.

    ironic that you call my view narrow.

    opinion disregarded.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    It could be go with struggle points
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    “it could be go with struggle points”
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont see any problem with that.
    it'd be nice to get some more BP as Survivor.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    The point caps in each category is too small, why should I get no more objective points after 2 gen. If I'm carrying then whats to earn.
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Kalec84 said:
    Can i also get point for carrying you wile you are wiggling?

    That way, it benefits both parties. Wiggling points could go towards Survival for Survivors, and Sacrifice for Killers (or some other thing).

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    Lowbei said:
    Mister_xD said:

    i dont see any problem with that.
    it'd be nice to get some more BP as Survivor.

    yeah and for breathing too right? play well and you wont need extra bp for nonsense.
    You seem really negative
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    One thing is what if the killer say Billy since we've all had this happen just happens to charge in your area and tunnels you till he downs you.

    You didn't make a mistake since he just randomly charged into where you were near nothing objective wise. But because you got found 1st you either have to loop him forever till he gives up which you killers hate or eventually get caught.

    So it's not your fault in that sense that he found you 1st like that so why not give wiggle points but make them similar to struggle points.

    But as someone else said you get diminishing returns and it should never be more than what the total would be for end game struggle.

    So say max 250 1st time and max 150 the second time with 3rd time if you get that far 50 and nothing after that.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Lowbei said:
    powerbats said:

    One thing is what if the killer say Billy since we've all had this happen just happens to charge in your area and tunnels you till he downs you.

    You didn't make a mistake since he just randomly charged into where you were near nothing objective wise. But because you got found 1st you either have to loop him forever till he gives up which you killers hate or eventually get caught.

    So it's not your fault in that sense that he found you 1st like that so why not give wiggle points but make them similar to struggle points.

    But as someone else said you get diminishing returns and it should never be more than what the total would be for end game struggle.

    So say max 250 1st time and max 150 the second time with 3rd time if you get that far 50 and nothing after that.

    as long as its balanced sure, but then imo the killer should also get some points for carrying them. i take issue with the above posters saying they want extra pts for being carried after messing up, while saying the killer shouldnt also get pts for doing his objective by carrying them to a hook.

    The usual doublestandards.
    Survivor get a reward if the struggle free, but want a reward for trying.
    Killer get a reward for hooking, but I have never heard them asking to get a reward for losing the guy on the way to the hook.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Lowbei said:
    Milo said:

    Lowbei said:

    Mister_xD said:

    i dont see any problem with that.

    it'd be nice to get some more BP as Survivor.

    yeah and for breathing too right? play well and you wont need extra bp for nonsense.

    You seem really negative

    the truth often makes people salty. its common. youll get over it.

    oh wait you think i'm salty?

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Wolf74 said:

    @Lowbei said:
    powerbats said:

    One thing is what if the killer say Billy since we've all had this happen just happens to charge in your area and tunnels you till he downs you.

    You didn't make a mistake since he just randomly charged into where you were near nothing objective wise. But because you got found 1st you either have to loop him forever till he gives up which you killers hate or eventually get caught.

    So it's not your fault in that sense that he found you 1st like that so why not give wiggle points but make them similar to struggle points.

    But as someone else said you get diminishing returns and it should never be more than what the total would be for end game struggle.

    So say max 250 1st time and max 150 the second time with 3rd time if you get that far 50 and nothing after that.

    as long as its balanced sure, but then imo the killer should also get some points for carrying them. i take issue with the above posters saying they want extra pts for being carried after messing up, while saying the killer shouldnt also get pts for doing his objective by carrying them to a hook.

    The usual doublestandards.
    Survivor get a reward if the struggle free, but want a reward for trying.
    Killer get a reward for hooking, but I have never heard them asking to get a reward for losing the guy on the way to the hook.

    what are you even talking about? 

    survivors get a reward if they struggle free after a carry, and killers get a reward if they hook after a carry.

    this isnt rocket science timmy.

    if you want extra bp for being carried (after messing up by being downed) then you have to also give the killer extra bp for carrying (being successful).

    its your lack of balanced perspective that makes us discard your opinions into the trash. dont worry, you arent alone, the trash is always full around here.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    Milo said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Milo said:

    Lowbei said:

    Mister_xD said:

    i dont see any problem with that.

    it'd be nice to get some more BP as Survivor.

    yeah and for breathing too right? play well and you wont need extra bp for nonsense.

    You seem really negative

    the truth often makes people salty. its common. youll get over it.

    oh wait you think i'm salty?

    oh wait you think im negative? tee hee :)

    my opinions are balanced. those who catch feelings about my opinions are usually salty, but not always.

    i will judge you by your opinions, and dont worry, i dont catch feelings. i dont have those.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    The point system is good as is. If you want more points per round ask for secondary objectives to be added to the game to slow down how quickly games end.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei Just a question: in which cathegory killers should earn carry points? I don't know you, but most of the time I reach the cap in most of the cathegories, except Sacrifice if I can't kill everyone. I can understand you point of view of giving to all or to no one, but personally I think on killers those points would be "wasted" and would just help reaching the cap sooner, while on survivors they would allow to go beyond the current limit of 5-6k on an 8k cap in survival points which I find a bit unfair.