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Pyramid awards campers & tunnelers

BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Like, since he came out i knew people, would have abused his cages to tunnel people and i was 100% right :\

I keep encountering people who intentionally abuses pressure on hooks dropping that S* ** on the floor and going further on the tunnel for the hooked person and this is literally killing the game.

The only thing needed would be make cages worth like hooks and that's it. This game doesn't need a killer "who makes you able to ignore survivor defenses", this game needs more balance on gens ans SWF and nothing comes with these mechanics that pyra has.

And plis, give a little cooldown to his passive attack.... it's so stupid he can just fake forever a RANGED attack :\ (Plis don't compare this to demo, cause are WAY different.)


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Pyramid head doesn't see the aura of cages anymore, so I don't think that's too much of a problem. The only problem I have is that survivors keep their tormented status effect when hooked, meaning the killer can simply tunnel the survivor off a hook and then send him to a cage without having to fear the DS.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    No. The cages are meant to suck to be in. Removing that would make him a worse huntress. I'm sorry but no.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    The issue with the cages is that although they removed the ability for him to see cages, he still gets an alert when someone is removed from the cage and to be fair the cages usually spawn in dead zones most of the time. So if the survivor can’t get healed up by the team he gets there it’s almost an instant tunnel.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    he doesn't see the aura, but he can manage to guess where the cage is (this worked a 100% times for me) You are right for the torment thing, but that is something that goes with the "character lore" You are tormented and you have to "atone for your sins", i understand why they did it and they couldn't possibly change it. The only way to fix it is to make cages work like hooks

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    so what? you reward tunnelers and campers just because you don't wanna make him a less viable character? you are not objective in what you say.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Buff Pyramid Head

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    He would be the most useless killer in the game. No one would play him and the devs would compensate with a broken killer like spirit.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    You just need to do the fix i said and change the torment and cage. You put addons that make tormented people get exhausted/blindness/hindered and so on plus slow down on action speed and maybe some aura addons wouldn't be so bad. It's NOT difficult to balance a character you need OBJECTIVITY and IMAGINATION. Also, you need to know the game... :\ something that devs clearly DON'T

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    "tunneling" is just a term for hunting and killing survivors, which is the killer's one and only objective. he's supposed to be rewarded for that. And they aren't supposed to be immune from being hurt just because they already got hurt.

    as for "camping" PH is specifically designed so that he has trouble camping. he cant see where the cage appears. And as the devs ahve repeatedly stated, camping is an allowed strategy, just one that isn't always very good if the survivors play smart.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Wait, how does him sending people a long distance away to a place he can't see which will move to a different place when he gets too close reward camping and tunneling?

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Tunneling is a form of toxicness and saying it's the only objective for killers is just an excuse to hide behind a finger.

    You have to kill survivors through defending gens, doors and totems. People who hunt like dogs are simply just that: Dogs. Everyone know that devs have no idea on how this game works, the prove is they said that camping is a "strategy" :) It's literally the opposite of a strategy: You have no idea how to find survs or defend gens = you camp and wait for them to come and unhook hoping for a grab and a slug under the hook and so on. Prove me wrong by going for 4ks and 12 hooks as i do without tunneling and camping then we talk :)

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Because he runs right straight to it and then he keeps "the hunt" :)

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    But that wastes tons of time and if he gets too close the cage will teleport somewhere else. Its nowhere near bubbas level of camping.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    I will tell you a secret, the best players agree that you need to focus a survivor to kill him quickly. Usually there are 2 main targets and if you down someone else you just slug them. Even otzdarva said that and thats one of the nicest dbd players.

    Not mentioning that Pyramid Head doesen't really award tunnelers because the truth is... tunnelers will go througth your ds easily and the real tunnelers are the rarity.

    You don't start chasing nea t-bagging you at the very strong loop? You are a tunneler.

    Person who wass just unhooked step into your bear trap or just run into your face without bt? You are a tuneller.

    There is 4 man clone squad and you hook the same guy 2 times in a row without any way of knowing it was him? You are a tuneller.

    A survivor lieterally hookfarms his teammate and down them both? It's killer's fault because now he is tunneling.

    Same thing is genrushing. Survivors are doing gens because you apply no gen pressure? Genrushers.

    And now to the things you are directly wrong about pyramid head.

    His passive attack needs no cooldown:

    1. it's already easier to dodge than deathslinger or the huntress at the same range
    2. Missed ranged attacks are punished more than huntress
    3. Unlike huntress (with addons) or deathslinger it has no additional effect
    4. Pyramid head has zoning ability and chase ability because of this his chase ability must be strong (deathslinger has stall ability (deep wound) and huntress can pressure at much longer distance)

    The only thing i can agree on nerfing, is his ability to m1 from his m2... and that still needs a counter buff.

    Cages must remain in the state that they are because they are simply the only real counter to the ds, which forces people to adapt and thats important for competitive games.

    And lets face it, people are still are rarely complaining about ph only because he is still kinda new. I don't see anymore complains about Legions' tunnel vision (which is still the case), deathslinger low TR with a ranged ability, or freddy ignoring BT.

    When new killer is going to be introduced people will start complaining about his ability to just run accros the map and down you with make your choice and perks that makes hexes OP.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    It does waste time only if you are dumb and you can't down someone who just got unhooked without ds and borrowed, but if you achieve to down him you did a lot. The cage teleports away after 5 seconds he stayed near it but with near it means literally on top of it and also he will just wait for you to free him from the cage, clearly not gonna stay near it . Dunno why you name bubba since he is just another kiddo camper char and nothing else

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Spending time guessing where the cage is without pressuring anything is a waste of time. If you notice someone camping don't go for the unhook, start gen rushing. Thats what I do when I face a PH who tries to camp, they might secure a kill but they've lost 4 gens in the process. The cages guarantee face camping is off the table. I mentioned Bubba because he is actually good at camping.

    Also, heres the benefits of camping with a cage as opposed to hooking.

    Hooking: You don't need to guess where the hook is. You don't need to book it halfway across the map. You don't need to play a specific character. You can Face camp.

    Caging: You don't need to worry about DS and BT.

    See the difference?

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Ofc they say you have to tunnel them, in a game where gens are unbalanced and SWF is a thing, but that's not the point. Tunneling and camping is TOXIC because you DON'T allow people to have FUN. You forget that this is a VIDEO GAME. So gettin rid of this kind of BHVR should be their priority instead of saying "camping and tunnely is a viable strategy". You are right if you say that people will always find his way to be toxic, but you have to give the right example :\

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    "guessing where the cage is" Dude, it's literally on ur opposite position, it's easier then you think. Everyone who says "just gen rush him" literally makes me laughs so hard. You understand that NOT ALL know how to or where are gens? even red ranks are very clueless on the most specific places where gens or totems spawn. Also "gen rush him" is not a freaking thing, it's a cancer way to say "this character is op, but if you just end the game quickly he will have nothing to do against it" like #########? for every killer you just gen rush and that's it? And where is the fun then :\

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Yes, Halfway across the map can be multiple places, I've seen it happen. And gen Rushing is the way to say ending the game quickly, thats what it means. And any survivor paying attention will either know where at least 1 gen is or where 1 gen is likely to be. I've faced many campers in my years playing the game, and I am almost always able to rush those scumbags into a 1 or 2k. You also seem to have completely brushed over the cages vs hook comparison, why is that?

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I'm guessing that "brushing over it" means "ignored"? In that case, if they wanted to implement a mechanic to avoid all the hook perks they only had to add that to every killer. I really don't see the reason why ph should have this power to ignore everything that can come with hooks

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I don't see the reason either tbh. It just makes some killer and survivor perks worse against him. The devs could have avoided this entirely had they activated hook perks on cages.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    another one these thread.🙄

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    if perks work on cage like bbq I be ok with it

    this also like the 10 to 20th thread on PH and camping just say.

  • Bledderlok
    Bledderlok Member Posts: 3

    Pyramid Head main here. I really don't understand the camping part. ANY killer can camp. As ANY killer can tunnel...

    But the punishment for both of those is the same. Gens will & SHOULD pop off like crazy for doing it and handing a short game & ugly loss to the killer. So...PH is no different than the rest other than having an opportunity to avoid common survivor crutch perks by caging...which is balanced, because he can't use any nice hook perks by caging. I don't feel at all overpowered as PH as I do with nurse and sometimes spirit. He's fine.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    The problem is he is completely impossible to counter with perks if he keeps tunneling the caged person :\ And since people knows it they start bodyblocking him as best as you can, Ergo no people working on gens. It's always the same talk here, you can't allow the killer to abuse of one person's fun, it's ridiculous. You have to put the things on the right way, this is why they reworked decisive and now it's time to fix this thing too.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Clearly not awarding tunnelers :) CLEARLY NOT! XD

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited September 2020

    Why in the world nobody receives benefits from saving someone from the cage or sending it on the cage and the killer can still see CLEARLY where the players gets the unhook IT'S INSANE

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Pyramid head matches have been pretty positive and fun for me since the cage change. You will occasionally get hooked twice and than tunneled if tormented but you can play around torment and even remove it by freeing someone else from a cage.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    No offense but it hes truly tunneling... gens. Do gens.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    With every killer the answer is always the same "Just do gens". This is just a PATCH on the problem, not a solution. Gens are unbalanced and unfair and what will it be when gens will be fixed and no more this unbalanced? You will still say "Just do gens"???? You have to STOP saying that IT'S NOT a solution!! You are just AVOIDING the problem!! There is people that has having NO FUN just because you prefer to ABUSE lack of fairness and balance in the game instead of fixing it for your OWN PLEASURE.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Devs have said again and again that if the killer wants to tunnel then its perfectly fine. Heck Mclean said there was nothing wrong with tunneling on stream yesterday after being tunneled by a pyramid head most of the game. At the end of the day, if a killer tunnels a half decent survivor they may as well be throwing the whole game away.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    "devs said.." Devs have NO IDEA on how this game works. Literally none at all. Every one knows that their image of this game is HUGELY distorted from what this game really is for a normal person. And that is because they DON'T play their game. And you know why i know that? Because just an insane person would ever say that "tunneling and camping someone is OK". It's NOT a tech. It's JUST cancer. They Clearly have never been in such a situation where you literally get tunneled the entire game and then get hooked with the killer staring at you and nodding with the only guilt to be better in looping then him without EVER t-bagging or else. So EXCUSE ME if i don't care of what devs says. And whoever says the opposite it's CLEARLY killer sided. And if you only play one side = your opinion is NOT VALID. Because you will always JUST see your side of the story and you will NEVER care about the other one. Pyramid head is trash and awards campers and tunnelers and this is wrong and must be changed.